Tag: to do list

  • Six surefire tips to help you to read more!

    Six surefire tips to help you to read more!

    We are just over half way through 2019 and what a year it’s been. Time has gone by pretty fast and I’m realising that I have fallen slightly behind on my reading. As you may recall, in January I highlighted my Must Read Books for 2019 which consists of personal selections that I believe will help make my year better for reading them.

    Life has gotten in the way and while there are delays, I’m still pressing on, one book at a time and having fun!

    A recent speech I delivered at my Toastmasters club inspired me to consider those of you who are so caught up with life, your new year’s resolution to ‘read more’ is slipping through your fingers.

    I shared some tips to an enthusiastic audience of club members and guests who appeared to concur with my ideas about how best we can incorporate more reading into our daily lives.

    Reading maketh the …

    Lifehack.org says reading everyday can help with stress reduction, mental stimulation, memory improvement among other benefits. So beyond the idea of just reading to be considered astute, it’s actually good for our health.

    It sure helps me to escape whenever I need a fresh perspective or just to get some new information on something I didn’t know before, so imagine the wonders it can do for you!

    I remember years ago I used to see posters for the get caught reading campaign that was launched in 1999 by the Association of American Publishers. The ads usually featured a celebrity or otherwise notable person, reading a book. It was iconic and let me know that reading, just for fun, was cool (I was that guy who got genuinely excited when I heard that a book fair was being organised).

    Without further ado, here are six ways you can discover or rediscover your love for reading books or content, that is not work or school related.

    Start Simple

    The easiest way to start anything is to just begin and for many of us, consuming information online is as simple as it gets. Do you have a blog that you like to read or a magazine or newspaper website that you read on occasion?

    You may be reading more than you realize right now, if you’re like me and you read just about any interesting article you come across online.

    If your answer is yes then congrats because that reading counts as a small step toward reading even more! The key is to start where you are, so it may mean reading that free food magazine that you pick up at your favourite café or the newspaper. No need to feel ashamed because you are not yet ready to complete a 300 page novel.

    Before you know it, you will want to read more than just the information available in articles and magazines.

    Re-read a personal favourite

    People who have not read for pleasure consistently, beyond their school days, can often tell you with little asking the name of the first book they ever read cover to cover.

    If you can recall that literature book that you remember reading cover to cover and enjoying to the max, then maybe rereading it is the perfect way to get you back into the game.

    A good book is always worth rereading and what better way to ease your way into reading longer form content than by reading something familiar.

    Try out a short story collection

    Short story collections are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get and that’s the great thing! If you keep a short story anthology by your bed, you can go on a different adventure every night.

    These stories can span as little as two pages or as much as 20 and the great thing about a short story collection is you can read them in any order you wish. As the stories are not connected you don’t have to commit to reading a particular story just because it’s next in the book.

    Read books on subjects that you actually LIKE!

    There are thousands of ‘self-help’ books published each year on topics ranging from how to be your best self to building wealth. As a broad category, I don’t like self-help books, in fact, I don’t like reading them and guess what, I don’t feel any way about that and neither should you!

    I think many of us have been lead to believe that there are some books that you must read and unfortunately, more often than not, they fall in the category of self-help or motivational. I am amenable to reading books within this niche, but a very narrow segment that provides guidance through story telling or acts like a textbook.

    That’s just me however, because maybe that’s all you will be able to read and love, and that’s ok too. My point is, when you are ready to read a book of 200 pages or more, make it something that you love and truly want to read, not something you think you should, just because.

    Choosing books because of reasons other than love is one of the biggest blockers to people reading, and for the most part, we don’t even realise it. But it makes sense, if the book can’t hold your attention, then why read it?

    Get close to other readers

    If you have a friend who loves to read and is always reading, then stick close to that energy and not only will your interest in reading probably grow but you may also be inspired to model some of their behaviour. For example, a friend who always finds time to read is bound to have some useful tips to share on how you can carve out time from your busy schedule to do the same.

    Go a step further and join or form a book club, with friends, or other associates or even with new friends (strangers). Book clubs are a great way to not just hold yourself accountable when it comes to reading but they also engender camaraderie around books and the act of reading that is bound to keep you engaged and your eye on the prize. Imagine a group of people as excited about chapter 2 of a book you are reading, as you. You all you just can’t wait to have that conversation and relive the moment. Book clubs can do that and so much more. The African proverb says “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” and a book club exemplifies this perfectly.

    Set a realistic personal reading goal and smash it!

    Making a personal reading commitment shouldn’t be a stressful undertaking. It is something fun that you want to do, at a pace that is realistic but also pushing you out of your comfort zone a little at a time.

    I set a goal of reading one book a month for 2019, even though I’m aware that I can read much more than that. Setting this goal gives me breathing room, while allowing me to focus on a core set of books.

    It’s also realistic and nothing excites me more than ticking off a personal goal once achieved.

    Here’s hoping that these tips can help you on this journey to reading more and having fun.

    Let me know some of the ways you ensure that you get your reading done!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • My Year of Reading

    My Year of Reading

    After the rush of Christmas and all things festive to ring out 2017, I took the first two weeks of 2018 as a time to reflect, observe and feel out the pace of this very momentous year.

    I am being patient with myself and also mindful of the excitement that these first weeks bring.

    After all they are loaded with so much care, so much anticipation and hope. But I am aware that we have 12 months so I need to make my steps strategic

    That said, during this time, I made some very interesting observations, some new and others, necessary reminders.

    Here they are:

    1. Keep a “To-Don’t” List
    2. Don’t fight over things that are behind you
    3. Perfection a.k.a. procrastination is the enemy of progress
    4. Life comes at you quick
    5. Life is fragile
    6. You’re only a single decision away from changing your life forever, at any given moment

    While doing all this ‘observing’, I realized that with all the excitement of 2017, I hadn’t taken a proper vacation!

    It was an exciting year for me: got a mini promotion, then a mega promotion all while starting this blog, being voted my club’s Toastmaster of the year and becoming an adjunct lecturer at my alma mater.

    But all that means nothing if I’m not taking enough time for self-care. Therefore I am making an effort to schedule and take my hold-over vacation days. This means more time for one of my favourite things to do, reading!

    Reading Maketh the Man

    I’m declaring this the year of reading because I really will be reading a lot more than usual. I currently have a bevy of books on my list and I plan to read as many as I can.

    My love of historic and contemporary literature, means that I am trying to balance between the works of Marlon James and Yaa Gyasi as well as historical non-fiction, and some notable self help books.

    Reading is important to me because I believe that being able to get lost in a book is always a good thing. I don’t discriminate either.

    Many people feel that reading self empowerment books are all we need to make our lives better. Who doesn’t want to learn how to win Friends and influence people or the Power of Intention?

    I too would love the benefits of these deep, thought provoking meditations on how to live a better life and be a fully self actualized person. But I also think it’s beneficial to enjoy the stories, real or imagined, that fill our lives and allows us all to think.

    One of the most interesting books I read in 2017 came quite by surprise (Thank you Amazon). I happened upon this book while scrolling through twitter, via an article.

    The article chronicled the story of Gail Lukasik who discovered that her mother was actually part black but chose to pass for white and abandoned her African-American origins.

    She wrote about her experience and her journey to discovering a whole new family in a book titled White Like Her: My Family’s Story of Race and Racial Passing.

    I learned so much reading that book and it was an immense pleasure, because it touched on topics I am very fond of – history, family and race, especially the idea of passing.

    Equally interesting was Kei Miller’s August Town, which was such a rich story set in Jamaica and filled with history.


    2018 is exciting! I have some interesting things planned for the blog in terms of content.

    I’m ready!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog in the comments sections to get notified with each new post and share your content suggestions here.

  • Speaking Life: My Toastmasters Journey… so far

    Speaking Life: My Toastmasters Journey… so far

    People say the darndest things.

    So there I was, in Vancouver, Canada stepping into a taxi, as I headed to a session of the 2017 Toastmasters International Convention.

    When I sat down and got settled, the affable driver asked: “What brings you to Vancouver, brother?”

    I replied: “I’m here for the Toastmasters International Convention” to which he responds…

    “Toastmasters? Are you guys like, cooks who are really good at making toast or something?

    I had a hearty laugh and so should you. I never fail to be surprised by the number of people who simply have no idea what Toastmasters is.

    Ya gonna learn today!

    I Got Skills…

    I always thought I was a good communicator and I always figured I was quite articulate. That was, until I was introduced to and later became a Toastmaster.

    Now, when I heard about Toastmasters Clubs, I was weary as I had already spent some years as a member of a service club.

    Nevertheless, as my department at work was the epi-centre of Toastmasters activities I decided to join.

    That was 5 years ago and today I am truly grateful for the experience and opportunities that have blossomed from me becoming a member of this international organisation.

    The Programme

    Toastmasters International was founded in the United States in 1924 by Ralph Smedley and has since grown into a global community of professionals.

    public speaking

    The Toastmasters Educational programme is based on projects that help members to practice and sharpen their public speaking and leadership competencies.

    I’ve done just over 30 prepared speeches in my Toastmasters journey so far, ranging from the basics of introducing myself to full interpretive readings of plays.

    And the further I go, the more latitude I get to choose projects that are tailored to my personal and professional needs.

    Probably the greatest aspect of Toastmasters is the evaluation process which sees, fellow members providing friendly and pointed evaluations of my presentations. These evaluations are guided by outlines that accompany each speech project. Each evaluation is usually delivered in the sandwich technique where positive feedback is given, followed by suggestions, then with positive feedback.

    Aside from prepared speeches, I have also benefitted from impromptu speaking opportunities through Table Topics. These sessions are a formal part of all toastmasters meetings and allows any member to complete a two minute speech on the fly.

    On the leadership track I have blossomed tremendously over the years. I have served in many different roles within my club and at the District level. Those stints have enabled me to put my teambuilding and leadership skills to the test. Today, the experiences are bearing fruit in my professional life.

    Unique Value Proposition

    Toastmaster International has probably one of the greatest unique value propositions of any programme you will encounter.

    Imagine, leadership and public speaking training that is set at your own pace and at a fraction of the cost of more formalized instruction. Thankfully, Jamaica has a network of Toastmasters clubs, most of which are community based and meet almost every day of the week.

    One of the most exciting aspects of the Toastmasters experience is the speech contests, which are held twice a year, at every level. The international speech contest, extends from club competitions, all the way to the global level. The semi-final and final rounds are held at the annual Toastmasters International Convention.

    Public speakinh
    Here I am sharing a moment with Ryan Avery, the 2012 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking at the 2013 TI Convention in Cincinnati.

    Speech contests are an opportunity to either participate or just watch competitive speakers, battle it out on the stage.

    This past summer was my second time attending a Toastmasters International Convention, having  attended the 2013 edition, held in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Canada Place in Downtown Vancouver, British Columbia

    As always, the convention floor is a melting pot of members from all over the world! I have networked with numerous people from various regions across the world. Through our common interests and the shared Toastmasters programme there were never ending conversations.

    public speaking
    Had the pleasure of meeting with the team of Toastmasters from Sri Lanka.

    The cosmopolitan city of Vancouver, provided the perfect backdrop to this year’s event. The city matched the eclectic mix of people and cultures present at the event.

    Speak Easy

    Today, I credit my improved speech flow, recall and vocal dexterity to my time as a Toastmaster!

    When I speak, I am clear that I will be heard and I know how to command an audience’s attention. I can confidently say that I have no fear of public speaking. My ability to articulate off the cuff, has also gotten better.

    public speaking

    As a lifelong learner, every toastmasters meeting and project I prepare for, teaches me something new.

    Probably the greatest transformations I have seen are in some of my fellow toastmasters. Members who have joined clubs and blossomed into confident speakers and leaders. Persons, who before joining were afraid to address a small group of people, have gone on to enter speech contests.

    The Toastmasters experience really works and watching others grow and flourish with their personal goals is truly inspiring.

    public speaking

    Leave a comment and let me know more about the outlets you use to fulfill your life-long learning needs.

    And remember, if you have post suggestions, let me know here

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


  • Just do It: How I finally became a Blogger

    Just do It: How I finally became a Blogger

    What’s it about?

    The first question most people ask when you tell them that you’re planning to develop a blog usually:

    “What is it about?”

    Still fresh to the blogosphere, I’ve already started to field this question from persons when I share that I have a blog.

    For a while, I was challenged to find an answer to the question as I attempted to identify a focus or subject to cover.

    “When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.”― Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man

    But after three years of planning, ruminating and procrastinating, I decided that this space would be an extension and expression of the multi-faceted person that I am.

    So, why be limited to just one area of focus?

    That being said, I still have to answer that question — “What is it about?”

    Kevin O’Bryan is a personal-lifestyle blog.

    Personal, because it allows me to open up like never before, to the whole, wide world.

    Lifestyle, because it will reflect so many aspects of my own life as well as the aspirational and inspirational areas of my interests.

    Accepting the challenge

    It took me a while to fully grasp this concept and it took even longer for me to admit that it was an obstacle. One that I had to jump over to achieve the goal of becoming a blogger.

    Along the way, I had great help getting my thoughts and actions aligned, in order to create what exists today.

    The first person to come to my aid was a friend from college, Quame.

    He saw my plea for help on Facebook for a graphic designer who could create a logo and volunteered his services.

    Unbeknownst to me, he had established a choice agency – Q3 Studio  that specialises in photography and graphic design.

    Considering that Quame resides in Ottawa, Canada, it was incredible that he was as attentive and willing to take the time to work with me to realize a vision, I was still fleshing out, way back in 2014.

    Early on, he let me know, that based on my posts on social media, he would be very interested to see what I would produce as a blogger and that is the reason why he was willing to help.

    I received top class service and was able to review and give feedback on the various iterations of what would eventually become my logo.

    And then it sat, unused but still valuable, for over 3 years.

    Forget the Excuses!

    During that period, I took the time to work on my Master’s Degree, which provided a good excuse, not to pursue my vision, for two years.

    But once I completed my studies at the end of 2015, I was out of excuses and as 2016 drew to a close, I knew it was time to get the ball rolling once again.

    Often times, it’s not the huge hurdles or obstacles in our way that prevent us from finishing what we start. Instead, it’s just tiny pebbles in our path that we percieve to be dream killers.

    One such pebble for me was the task of selecting a look and feel for the blog. So I asked a co-worker to select 10 themes, five free and five that come at a cost.

    From this list I found the perfect theme, which you now experience and once I selected that, I truly had no more excuses.

    The Full Picture

    The next big thing was deciding which photographer I would shoot with to make this whole dream pop, just the way I envisioned.

    My friend Racheal recommended a photographer she knows very well, Jik Reuben and after procrastinating for about a month or more, I finally gave him a call and set up a meeting.

    He was a joy to work with!

    Not only did he understand my vision, he embraced wholeheartedly the spirit of what I was aiming to achieve. He showed me samples of his impressive portfolio and outlined everything in detail.

    Roll around to shoot day and with the help of my fave chica, Nakeeta, who did my makeup, I was all set and ready to be a star for two hours.

    It took some music and laughs to get me relaxed and after a while, it was almost as if I was one with the camera (in my head).

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    Helping Hands

    The whole experience taught me some valuable lessons about myself and achieving goals. The most important being this – It is ok to ask for help!

    If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. – African Proverb But no matter how much help you ask for and receive, it will be worth nothing, if you do nothing!

    So, whenever the urge comes over me to pull back from a goal, or fear tells me it’s not possible, I have learned to put on a brave face and just do the damn thing anyway!

    It’s gotten me this far.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!
