Tag: tips

  • Reading the tea leaves of changing relationships

    Reading the tea leaves of changing relationships

    Let’s face it, our relationships with other people constantly go through changes.

    Our lives are an ocean of unknowns and with each passing day, waves of opportunities, triumphs and failures wash over us. Through our relationships we are compelled to weather any storm and find safe harbour as needed. However there are times when the relationships we build are tested by undercurrents of change and strife or just, gravity.

    If the changing tides of relationships are not quite as apparent as you would want, here are some of the signs to look for that may indicate what is afoot or has already happened.

    You may consider these red flags, warning signs or simply clear indicators that your deep suspicion is now true and it’s either over, or has change indelibly.

    Here in no particular order are some possible things to look for.



    Communication decreases

    This may seem obvious but not in the way you might think. The key differentiator however is a decrease in meaningful and deliberate communication which otherwise would’ve been a normal occurrence. The pandemic has changed the way many of us have chosen to communicate and engage with those in our lives. This may mean that you are a bit more sensitive about who and how you communicate. Therefore, it should become palpable fairly easily when communication has truly changed.

    Invites dry up

    Over time you may also realize that you are no longer granted invitations to activities that once were seemingly a consistent part of your life. Exclusion may seem more drastic and an overt way to signal that ‘you’re not one of us’ but again, it can also be explained away as reasonable. After all, no one is attached by the hips to another person unless they are conjoined and people do have other relationships. Regardless when the invites become few and far between, clinically specific and relegated to certain activities or just don’t happen at all, you can be certain that you’ve turned a page.

    Connecting feels awkward

    When you do connect, after wading through all of the “shoulda, woulda, coulda’s” you realize that there is an empty awkwardness that exists where easy friendship once resided. Sadly, there are many people who may not know how to give voice to this because, so many of us have been taught not to proactively interrogate the ‘why’ of some of our relationships.

    They have changed

    We have been led to believe that we have the right to ‘outgrow others’ and we do, but sometimes, it may not be us who are doing the growing but the other person. Doesn’t make you a bad person, just means that the currents of your lives are moving in different directions and what used to fit, no longer does, for them at least.

    You have changed

    And sometimes the problem is you. The big blind spot that is our own role in the enrichment or demise of our personal relationships are often understated or simply ignored. Whether you are on a journey of self-discovered/improvement/actualization or destruction, these phases can generate fractures in existing relationships. They may also cause your own needs from or for these relationships to shift. Be real about where you are and how you fit in your relationships.


    You finally identify the category

    It is truly freeing when you are in sync with the intentions and motives of those in your life, but there can be those weird moments you are awakened to the category that your relationship with someone else falls.

    These awakenings are often times unspoken but become very clear through actions and supersede everything else shared here. Consider it therefore just a realization, that the ‘category’ that you have placed people in may not be the same as they have, therefore the expectations of reciprocity, are going to be underwhelming and in all likelihood painfully obvious.

    While categories may change, sometimes we live within the illusion of where we were from the get go until of course, time reveals it all.

    Closing thought

    In all of this we must also be clear that not everybody in our lives are meant to fulfil the same roles, all at the same time. In fact these functions can evolve and devolve. So someone who you would’ve probably had as your maid of honour one year could be just a bridesmaid the next. And that is ok! In fact, those two people may never ever be the same person.

    Living is complicated, life can be hard therefore, enjoy the relationships you have, set your boundaries and do what is ultimately best for you. It is up to us to protect ourselves and ensure that we are treated the way we deserve.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Making Space by Clearing Space

    Making Space by Clearing Space

    Happy 2023!

    Did you miss me? Because I sure missed you guys.

    I don’t intend to do a recap of 2022, needless to say, it was a good year mixed with learnings and changes that are seeds for my future.

    It’s because of the 2022 experience that I can confidently say that I have a number of things brewing and my excitement is uncontainable. 2023 for me is the year to do many things, while afraid.

    Now due to some changing circumstances in my life, I’ve had to pay keener attention to maximizing my physical space and declutter, even more than usual. The result, I got rid of a lot of my past in the form of papers, random items, clothes, memorabilia and other things I thought I would never be able to part with.

    This has all coincided with a major move I made in 2021 from one living space to another, so during the year I slowly settled in and sought to find new dimensions within the space. The process is just about complete and along the way, I’ve found some simple products that have helped me to better utilize space around my home in the most surprising ways.

    Unpacking the baggage before the stuff

    Before I get to the products, however I just want to say something more about the process of truly decluttering and beginning to appreciate the fullness and clarity that comes with starting over and creating space. It has been empowering to untether myself from physical items and connections that I previously thought I could not live without. And while the ultimate manifestation and change is physical, there has been a mental and emotional emancipation, that turns out to be the biggest blessing.

    I can live without anything that I choose as long as I remain, because in the end, none of it matters, it’s just ‘stuff’. After everything that the pandemic revealed, it all makes sense and I am the better for it.

    With that said, let’s go to the list of ‘stuff’ I am hoping will help you, better organize around the home.

    As is customary, the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

    Bamboo Mug Holder Tree


    As simple as the concept may seem, this nifty mug holder tree made of bamboo helps you to save lot of space. I figured it would be a good idea to get it when I realized that my cups were taking up space that could be used otherwise. It’s small enough to not take up too much counter space and holds 6 cups of varying sizes, ensuring that they are always readily at hand.

    Flat plugs

    These are items I never thought I would need. If like me you have ever had to worry about a large piece of furniture crushing or bending a power chord in an outlet, then these flat plugs will solve that. I notice that some electronic items now come with these style of plugs but for the items you already own, these will help you to move your furniture all the way to the wall to create even more space.

    Under-bed Storage Containers


    There are numerous solutions available for under bed storage but these containers proved to be just what I needed. They have ample internal storage space, have a clear top and have handles that make moving them around easy. They are also quite durable and come with a solid inner lining to keep them sturdy.

    Clear plastic organizer drawers

    Before I moved I thought I had a good plan for my bathroom countertop but I gradually realized that I didn’t and stuff were simply everywhere. So when I saw this clear plastic drawer setup I decided that I found my solution. Not only is it neat and fits easily in a small space, but it protects items from dust build up. Good aesthetics, streamlined storage and space saving, it checks all the boxes, literally.

    Plate holders


    Sometimes all you need is a change of perspective to make a difference in your storage and space saving. I was always storing my dishes in the cupboard flat, then I saw these plate holders, made some measurements and realized how much more space I would have, by storing them vertically. Even better, they are made of metal with added rubber to protect the plates and come in a pair.

    Over Door hooks

    Whenever you run out of space, always go up and use vertical space where ever it’s available. I wanted some special over door hooks but couldn’t find a solution that fit my needs, then I saw these hooks . They are perfect and can hang multiple items, easily.

    Dish Drying Rack

    You know you’re grown when buying a dish drainer is exciting. So I went searching for a dish drying rack and when I found this one, I was sold! It had everything I wanted and honestly, I have never seen one like it before and aside from the drying mat that’s include, it has a drainer spout that’s adjustable.

    These are just a few of the items that have helped me maximize my space, physically and helped with my mental equilibrium. They might help you do the same.

    Let me know in the comments some of your space saving hacks!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.



  • 8 Travel essentials you will want to Own

    8 Travel essentials you will want to Own

    If you’ve seen the news or just general information available online, you would know that travelling in the summer of 2022 is an extreme sport, just read this. With all the chaos, you would assume that the thought of travel would be the farthest thing from the minds of anyone with sense. However the pent up need to just ‘be outside’ due to the panorama, means that folk are rearing and ready to catch flights.

    With this new spotlight on travel and all the things that could possibly go wrong, I recalled a post I made close to five years ago with some general tips on how to make your trips smoother.  I stand by those recommendations but thought that half a decade on, there was need for an updated list of must-have items for travel, think vacay vibes but also practical and essential.

    These are items I have either used previously or they are updates to stuff I already own. Some are completely new but worthy and useful additions that I believe will be beneficial in many situations.

    As a side bar, I do hope you love my choices and will choose to grab some of these items for your next big outing. Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

    Luggage Tags


    I have cycled through many different types of luggage tags over the years, so when it came time to take stock of the ones I already owned, I realized that they were a bit too muted for my liking. And with people having their luggage delayed or lost due to everything that’s now happening with global travel, I want my luggage to standout.

    I found these BlueCosto luggage tags that come in two sizes, on Amazon and they are perfect. The colours are bright the tags are hefty, inconspicuous and even have a neat privacy cover to protect your address. I also like the metal wire attachment as it seems quite sturdy and durable.

    Passport holder


    I can recall the moment a border control officer in a foreign country, ripped the plastic covering from my passport, unprovoked. It was not sticking out, or inhibiting his ability to check the passport, but I assume he just felt like it was a nuisance.

    Since then, I’ve decided to keep my passport pretty free of any covering that encloses it but I want a holder to store it in that protect it from the sweat of my hand or just general handling. I went looking and landed on this passport holder –  that looks cute and also comes with RFID protection. This basically means that unscrupulous persons can’t use devices to pull the embedded data from my passport. I have recommended this item previously here so if you haven’t gotten it already, do it now.



    I love wearing sandals, the more comfortable the better, so when I realized that there was a series of Birkenstocks (that I could actually afford) I decided to grab one in black. Best purchase ever!!

    The Birkenstock Unisex Arizona Essentials EVA Sandal is comfortable, breathable and just an all -around good option if like me, you hate that other popular footwear ‘staple’ that rhymes with pots.

    They are unisex, come in some pretty interesting colours and as I stated before are very wearable. I’ve have even received a few compliments when I wear mine on the street.

    Cellphone Tripod


    If you’re travelling, then at some point you will probably want to get photos. I shivered when I discovered this tripod, selfie stick combination. It’s made of aluminum, has a max length of 60 inches and comes with a bluetooth enabled remote. It is sleek, lightweight yet sturdy and feels like a baton when all the components are together. What’s even better it comes with a storage bag and is easy to use.

    Portable Door Lock

    Planning on staying in a hotel anytime soon? Then you may want to consider getting this portable door lock. I’ve seen this version recommended over the years and also saw demonstrations in video. So to be on the safe side, it may be useful to get one of these, or two. It is easy to use and is adjustable to more than one door lock size.

    Mini refillable perfume atomizer

    I’ve known folks who have had the following nightmare scenario happen to them – they travelled and had an expensive bottle of cologne in their luggage. They happen to leave it in their hotel room only to return and that bottle of cologne is missing. Also, it seems cologne sometimes goes missing from checked luggage in airports during transit. Let me introduce the mini refillable perfume atomizer that can help you to travel with your favourite colognes in small batches without the risk of misplacing the entire bottle. They are light weight, easy to fill and fit just about anywhere.

    Credit Card RFID Sleeve

    New credit and debit cards that use tap technology for transactions are also at risk for access by unscrupulous persons with RFID readers. Thankfully these nifty Samsonite RFID blocking sleeves  can help you to protect your cards. These are good for travel or just for normal use so add them to your cyber security arsenal.

    Waterproof Cellphone holder

    This is a vacation must have if you a) plan to take lots of photos with your cellphone and b) may end up near large bodies of water. The waterproof phone holder pouch fits a wide variety of cellphones and is guaranteed air tight, water proof and comes with a convenient lanyard which makes for easy transport.

    I’m hoping these items will add some brightness to your travel plans. Let me know in the comments some of your essential travel items.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Stay Ready so you Never have to get Ready!

    Stay Ready so you Never have to get Ready!

    This is the final in my New Year refresh series and as I continue, I’m at the point where after all the decluttering, I’m now ready for the ‘fix up’ after the ‘clean up’. It’s February so there’s still time to make those moves and get your 2021 plans underway.


    Just think, in this very moment you are sitting on a goldmine, even as all seems desperate and scarcity appears all that is in our future (probably a bit overly dramatic after the year we’ve had).

    The gold is in everything that you know, everything that you have ever experienced and everything that you take for granted about yourself. All of this knowledge and perspective is a gift that should be shared with the world.

    And now with the way the world is set up it is a bit easier for us to share that knowledge, with the pent up need so many people have to learn new things and the ease of access created by communications technology.

    But if you’re wondering about the how, I have a few insights. You have most if not all the resources you need to be able to make a significant change.

    Start with what you know

    You know something that is very valuable to someone else and you may not even know it. Whether it is something that you spent years of your life studying in school, a hobby or simply something that you have always been deeply interested in stop taking it for granted. You never know what it is that other people don’t know and there is so much.  One of the good things the pandemic has done is opened the appetites of all of us to learn something new.

    Your knowledge and insight into a particular area may be just what someone else desires to learn about right now and all that’s missing is your willingness to connect and share. Maybe it’s your interest in cooking or marketing or even crafting. Believe that there are people who want to learn what you know and will be willing to engage.

    Never stop learning

    After assessing what you actually know, is there anything else that you could brush up on? Learning never ends so there’s nothing to lose in either learning new skills or refreshing those that you already know. Internet connectivity has democratized learning for many of us, who can now simply enroll into free courses online.

    It’s now easier than ever to acquire news skills and apply them to your life immediately, even if you already believe you are an expert in a particular area. I’ve been fortunate to access a number of marketing and communications related courses over the past year that have proven to be career enhancing. They both reinforced stuff I already knew, while teaching new concepts that are benefitting me now.

    Whatever your interest, it is almost certain that there is a resource that exists to help you refine and increase our knowledge such as Coursera and Udemy.

    Find your Tribe

    Yes, there are communities of people who share your interests and now with this invention called the internet, it is easier than ever to connect with these like minds. Regardless of your interests, you can find thriving even niche, online communities that can help to nurture and help you to engage with persons from across the globe. It can be as simple as searching through hashtags on Twitter to find your tribe or discovering the perfect groups on Facebook or LinkedIn. Either way, adding your voice to ongoing conversations will not only help you to share your perspective, but learn from others.

    via GIPHY

    If the online space is not your ideal landing strip to discover your tribe, then maybe a service club or even a professional organisation such as Toastmasters would be ideal options. If all else fails then begin the process of building your own community, create meaning and purpose around what you are interested in. An immediate inspiration is my friend who decided to start a book club with other friends who wanted to work on their reading habit, a few years down the road and it is now a thriving community of earnest readers.

    Get you some headshots

    Now for the pièce de résistance, the look and feel that will add the perfect finishing touch. Get you some headshots! If you have never had any taken, now is the perfect time to have some taken, because opportunities may be coming your way and you will need to be ready.

    Over the past year, I have either organised or been part of several forums where a headshot is absolutely necessary and having one is the best way to be ready. Why you may ask?

    Well, the growing need for persons, like you, to share their expertise and knowledge in multiple virtual spaces, means that pretty soon you may be asked to share your headshot for one of those forums.

    You should never be asked for a headshot and all you have to share is a selfie from either the passenger or driver seat (no shade).

    You can follow this video for some tips on taking headshots on your own using a good cell phone but if you want, there are photographers available who will be more than happy to take them for you at a cost. They will act as a snapshot of your personality even before people are introduced to you and they can saw so much about your brand values and the overall energy that you are sending out into the world.

    Be Prepared

    The successes we will experience this year will be based on the preparations we make beginning today. Arthur Ashe  said “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Get ready to benefit from the opportunities that will come your way this year, just because of who you are and what you already know.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Digital Declutter: How to cleanup your email inbox for good!

    Digital Declutter: How to cleanup your email inbox for good!

     We are at the start of a new year and it’s as good a time as any to declutter different areas of our lives. For the month of January, I will be sharing a few insights on how we can all refresh our outlooks and spaces. I will begin this process with a digital decluttering exercise for email.


    cleanup mail

    Do you dread opening your primary email app because of the amount of unread messages that are there? Have you simply turned off your notifications because you’ve lost control of all the messages that have flooded your inbox and you never got around to checking them?


    Don’t despair there’s hope and with simple proactive steps you can get your email lives under control. It is overwhelming enough dealing with work emails, so it is understandable if your personal email inbox is a mess.

    I got smart about email management a few years ago when after having my Gmail account for just over 13 years (early adopter) I realized that I was almost out of space. This surprised me for a number of reasons as one of the primary draws for Gmail back in the day was the fact that their storage was almost infinite (jokes).

    email cleanup

    One advantage I’ve had is that every time gmail added a new feature, I did my best to understand what it was, how it worked and how it could impact how I used the service. So if I realized that it worked against my typical email behaviour, I would just ignore it.

    Disclaimer, most of my specific email decluttering tips are applicable to gmail users, which may actually not matter much seeing that when gmail entered the market in 2005, most other providers gradually started to emulate its functionalities and even layout.

    And for those of you who might ask, why not just buy additional email storage space if I run out? Well if you are a power user and that’s something you want to do, go ahead. But as for me and my house, we declutter and use what we have, for free!


    Check notifications

    This first tip has nothing to do with your inbox at all and is one of the more proactive steps you can take in dealing with email clutter. When you join any new social network or app, first thing you should do is check the notifications settings. Most services allow you to determine the type and frequency of correspondence they send you.

    For example, Facebook allows you to send push notifications to their app or on the website itself for most things. Otherwise you can choose to only receive emails for specific things relating to your account. This also applies to other platforms like Twitter, so you can basically set it up so that you only receive important emails from these platforms that have to do with your account security and nothing else. This is convenient and prevents some of that unnecessary email clutter to begin with.


    Remove Email Categories

    In 2013 google introduced the promotions tab to gmail as part of a set of automatic categories that would organise incoming email into different segments/tabs. It was their attempt to help us all make our email inboxes feel a bit lighter. The automatically generated promotions and social tabs have since become a standard part of any new gmail account created and typically siphons off emails from social networks or subscription emails from mass mailers etc.

    As soon as the feature was introduced I ditched it by going into my inbox settings and removing it. I have done the same for every other gmail account I have created since. See how to remove them here.


    Because, if important emails come in and go into these tabs, I’ll probably not take the time to click and sort through them. Secondly, I prefer to see and know what I am getting in my email all in one place. So instead of going through, basically three different inboxes, created with the use of these tabs, I simply check one. A lot less work and a more streamlined way of dealing with message organisation.

    Ditch the tabs!

    Unsubscribe from unwanted emails

    A few years ago I started to receive random emails from companies I never subscribed to. For a while it weirded me out because I honestly thought someone was deliberately adding me to different company email lists (probably). As I painstakingly unsubscribed from every new company welcoming me to their service, I also started to take a closer look at the other subscriptions that I had actually signed up for.

    When it came time to clear space I realized that while these emails may not count for much in terms of storage space, they were still clutter that added up, overtime.

    So I started looking at the pattern of company emails I was receiving to get a better sense of the volume of messages and it was shocking!

    During peak shopping seasons for example, there were companies who would send me up to two emails per day for two weeks straight.

    It was ridiculous, so those subscriptions had to go!

    I started to take an even closer look at email behaviour from companies I wanted to receive emails from and adjusted my subscriptions where possible or unsubscribed completely. Some company emails allow you to select the frequency at which you receive them such as once monthly or every now and then.

    Unsubscribe to your heart’s content and stop some of those incessant and probably unread messages. The reality is, we are constantly changing and sometimes, the need you had for subscribing to some of these services has passed and let’s be real, as much as you would want to, you are not going to go back and read through all those past emails.

    The ‘unsubscribe link’ can usually be found at the bottom of most emails you receive from companies and is a pretty standard feature. In fact, if you are regularly receiving emails from a company that does not contain an unsubscribe link, that should be cause for concern.

    Delete old messages and conversations

    This tip is a follow on to the previous about your subscriptions and also takes it a step further with how to deal with other messages.

    So you have identified emails that you want to unsubscribe from and you have gone ahead and unsubscribed, now is your chance to remove all that old stuff. A quick and easy way to get rid of these messages is to temporarily create a filter. The email filters are a neat way to choose what happens to emails when they come into your inbox and allows you to choose the specific parameters which can be either an email address, a name or specific words and/or phrases.

    Once you choose the identifier and you create the filter you then choose what happens to messages that match the criteria. Gmail provides a number of options (shown below) that you can choose which include, forwarding the messages, labelling it, sending it to categories, or deleting it.

    email cleanup

    See how to create an email filter in gmail here.

    In this case, the option would be to delete the messages. However there is an additional option that allows you to apply the filter to matching conversations that are already within your inbox. In one fell swoop, you will instantly remove years of subscription emails, instead of painstakingly going through and deleting in batches of 100 which is the maximum you would be able to manually select on the gmail desktop using search.

    When you are done, delete the filter then go into your trash and permanently remove the messages.

    An additional pro tip, make this an annual thing by routinely removing these subscription emails at the end of each year.

    Removing other Messages and Conversations

    Now using the process I just outlined you can go ahead and remove entire histories from your email inbox. So emails from those old relationships, friendships or pesky work related items that you may have sent to yourself or had sent to your email, just because? Create filters by name or email, and remove them all!

     email cleanup

    I briefly relived some very painful moments when I went through long past emails and removed entire conversations, but it was the right thing to do.

    It was also surprising the amount of space decade old chain messages took up in my mailbox.

    To get rid of these, create a filter that picks up on emails based on their size that will bring up all messages that contain attachments over a certain size and delete them instantly to free up space.


    Delete old sent messages

    Here’s a revelation: We are usually the ones who create the junk that we carry around. The baggage and the waste that we hang on to, was indeed, of our own making. So what can we do?


    Go through your sent messages and remove those emails with attachments that you sent. The sent message search box in gmail is marvelous and allows you to search emails for different periods or one set by you. In addition you can search specifically for emails with attachments and also the type of attachments.

    You would be surprised how many emails with large attachments you have sent that are clogging your inbox right now. Go through it and remove all that junk.

    Setup auto forwards

    Finally, another way to reduce and even prevent unnecessary email is by using filters to forward messages to other email accounts. I have a primary email account but I also have other email accounts that I use. There are times when based on commitments such as clubs or other activities I participate in, there’s need for large quantities of emails to be sent.

    For example, as a Toastmaster I have played various roles which often times require the use of high volumes of emails that are regularly sent. I use my main email for membership purposes but sometimes this address is also shared with local and regional Toastmasters teams.

    Instead of attempting to go through the confusion of notifying all these teams of the new email, I simply create a filter and have all emails coming from the team forwarded to a designated Toastmasters gmail account that I created separately. In addition, I also create a rule to delete all forwarded emails from my main inbox.

    Visit here to see how to automatically forward gmail messages to another account.

    Final word

    I hope this information will assist you in decluttering your email and digital life. Let me know if you find any of this useful!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • When Life Gives you Limes…

    When Life Gives you Limes…

    By a certain age we all eventually realize that life is a cycle of actions, reactions and consequences. It also becomes crystal clear that there will be moments when we are on top of a mountain, taking in the fresh air and enjoying the fantastic view. Other times, we’re stuck deep inside a ravine, strapped inside the badly damaged SUV we call our lives.

    It isn’t always cute or pain-free but we soldier through because, it’s worth it!

    Thankfully, through these repeated hills and valleys, high and lows, we humans have developed effective and sometimes unhealthy coping mechanisms that help us to deal with trauma and general shocks.

    Corona Time

    The world is collectively going through one of those shocks at this very moment of my writing this piece. COVID-19  is ravaging sections of the world and has caused levels of upheaval in normal, modern life, only seen during the worst natural disasters and in the previous century, during a World War.

    Through it all one of the most consistent elements of the unfolding crisis has been the flow of information from every possible source. From the constant stream of consciousness that is Twitter, to cable news channels, press conferences, and just people generally spreading misinformation and conspiracies via whatsapp (never gets old!).

    I have been particularly intrigued by the dual role authorities have to play in dealing with such a crisis. Sharing pertinent information to citizens of the country while remaining calm, and reassuring everyone that everything will be, ok?

    Crisis Best Practice

    I want to believe that every student of public relations or communications, such as myself have at least come across the seminal case of the Tylenol Poisoning spree of 1982. The unsolved case, which unfolded with the death of 7 people, saw bottles of Tylenol pain killer being laced with cyanide, placed on store shelves and sold to unsuspecting customers. In it’s aftermath, major changes were made to how over-the-counter drugs were packaged, labelled and handled.

    The case became a masterclass in best practice for Public Relations however, due to the immediacy and forthrightness of the response from the leadership of Johnson & Johnson, the parent company of the brand.

    I immediately saw the hallmarks of that case and juxtaposed them with how the current pandemic is being handled.

    Fact is some officials/countries have been doing well and others… not so much. Somewhere in the middle of it all I have been able to see how even these big decisions can be useful to my own life. When it comes to crisis management, dealing with it is no different when you are a country, a large company or a person.

    My insights…

    Be honest … the first time


    Your life is a mess, you are in too much debt, your relationship isn’t working out and even worse, you hate your job. One way to deal with these crises is to completely ignore them or choose to be consoled by false facts. Whatever the excuse, if it prevents you from reaching the correct conclusion about your life and circumstance, it won’t help you.

    The moment you start telling the truth about your crises to yourself (and probably your therapist) you will be closer to your breakthrough. The resolution to every major crisis begins with openness and honesty, the first time. Everything else is a non-starter. It’s also important to ensure that your stakeholder(s) are  aware of the crisis. Those closest to you, who you consider dearer than just family may be those important parts of your support system who will be there for you during that crisis. Their support and confidence can be lifesaving.

    Know the problem


    Struggles come in all shapes and sizes, it helps if you can identify the one that is affecting your life so that you can address it with urgency. At the level of a large organisation, it will be necessary to ascertain what the crisis is, its root cause and gather as much details as possible about its depth and ramifications. Only by fully understanding the issue, can you be able to even begin to address it.

     Think Solutions


    If you’re focusing on the solutions, then maybe, just maybe, you will have less attention to spare for the crisis at hand. Attention a.k.a. ‘worry’ saps your energy and is not useful. Being solution-oriented during a crisis is pivotal, especially as it helps to refocus your energies towards identifying a positive outcome.  Finding a solution to the main problem, putting it into action and arriving at a resolution in the quickest possible time can be the difference between a short term hiccup and long term, permanent damage to reputation and bottom line.

    Chaos is a Ladder


    It may seem rather Machiavellian, but consider this – there are people living through this troubled time in history and even now, they are finding opportunities that will serve their lives well, when it is over. In fact it was Machiavelli who said “Never waste the opportunity offered by a good crisis.”

    As scary as the crisis and emergency may be, steal yourself a moment to consider and identify new avenues for exploration. It could be directly related to the problem at hand, or another solution that emerges. At the more granular and personal level, there are  things we ignore in the normal cut and thrust of life, that we should pay more attention to, during a crisis. For example, it was during the Great Plague of London between 1665 and 1666 that Sir Isaac Newton was able to produce the foundation of some of his greatest work.

     Lessons Learned


    Finally, know that the reckoning for every crisis will come and during that period it will be necessary to consider the lessons learned. One of the greatest failures we make from crises of all kind is to ignore the important lessons. Noting things that went wrong and how these could’ve been prevented, helps greatly. The old adage about learning from mistakes in order to not repeat them is true. Note them, write them down, record them and take corrective actions for the future. This is the only fool proof way of moving on from a crisis for the better, otherwise it would have all been for naught. The world will learn a lot from the current global crisis and the changes to come will likely alter the course of human existence for a long time.

    We are currently in crisis mode but that will end, eventually and if we’re lucky enough to make it out un-phased we will have stories to tell and lessons to learn. In the meantime, make that lemonade and have your fill.


    Let me know in the comments how you handle crises.
    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Six surefire tips to help you to read more!

    Six surefire tips to help you to read more!

    We are just over half way through 2019 and what a year it’s been. Time has gone by pretty fast and I’m realising that I have fallen slightly behind on my reading. As you may recall, in January I highlighted my Must Read Books for 2019 which consists of personal selections that I believe will help make my year better for reading them.

    Life has gotten in the way and while there are delays, I’m still pressing on, one book at a time and having fun!

    A recent speech I delivered at my Toastmasters club inspired me to consider those of you who are so caught up with life, your new year’s resolution to ‘read more’ is slipping through your fingers.

    I shared some tips to an enthusiastic audience of club members and guests who appeared to concur with my ideas about how best we can incorporate more reading into our daily lives.

    Reading maketh the …

    Lifehack.org says reading everyday can help with stress reduction, mental stimulation, memory improvement among other benefits. So beyond the idea of just reading to be considered astute, it’s actually good for our health.

    It sure helps me to escape whenever I need a fresh perspective or just to get some new information on something I didn’t know before, so imagine the wonders it can do for you!

    I remember years ago I used to see posters for the get caught reading campaign that was launched in 1999 by the Association of American Publishers. The ads usually featured a celebrity or otherwise notable person, reading a book. It was iconic and let me know that reading, just for fun, was cool (I was that guy who got genuinely excited when I heard that a book fair was being organised).

    Without further ado, here are six ways you can discover or rediscover your love for reading books or content, that is not work or school related.

    Start Simple

    The easiest way to start anything is to just begin and for many of us, consuming information online is as simple as it gets. Do you have a blog that you like to read or a magazine or newspaper website that you read on occasion?

    You may be reading more than you realize right now, if you’re like me and you read just about any interesting article you come across online.

    If your answer is yes then congrats because that reading counts as a small step toward reading even more! The key is to start where you are, so it may mean reading that free food magazine that you pick up at your favourite café or the newspaper. No need to feel ashamed because you are not yet ready to complete a 300 page novel.

    Before you know it, you will want to read more than just the information available in articles and magazines.

    Re-read a personal favourite

    People who have not read for pleasure consistently, beyond their school days, can often tell you with little asking the name of the first book they ever read cover to cover.

    If you can recall that literature book that you remember reading cover to cover and enjoying to the max, then maybe rereading it is the perfect way to get you back into the game.

    A good book is always worth rereading and what better way to ease your way into reading longer form content than by reading something familiar.

    Try out a short story collection

    Short story collections are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get and that’s the great thing! If you keep a short story anthology by your bed, you can go on a different adventure every night.

    These stories can span as little as two pages or as much as 20 and the great thing about a short story collection is you can read them in any order you wish. As the stories are not connected you don’t have to commit to reading a particular story just because it’s next in the book.

    Read books on subjects that you actually LIKE!

    There are thousands of ‘self-help’ books published each year on topics ranging from how to be your best self to building wealth. As a broad category, I don’t like self-help books, in fact, I don’t like reading them and guess what, I don’t feel any way about that and neither should you!

    I think many of us have been lead to believe that there are some books that you must read and unfortunately, more often than not, they fall in the category of self-help or motivational. I am amenable to reading books within this niche, but a very narrow segment that provides guidance through story telling or acts like a textbook.

    That’s just me however, because maybe that’s all you will be able to read and love, and that’s ok too. My point is, when you are ready to read a book of 200 pages or more, make it something that you love and truly want to read, not something you think you should, just because.

    Choosing books because of reasons other than love is one of the biggest blockers to people reading, and for the most part, we don’t even realise it. But it makes sense, if the book can’t hold your attention, then why read it?

    Get close to other readers

    If you have a friend who loves to read and is always reading, then stick close to that energy and not only will your interest in reading probably grow but you may also be inspired to model some of their behaviour. For example, a friend who always finds time to read is bound to have some useful tips to share on how you can carve out time from your busy schedule to do the same.

    Go a step further and join or form a book club, with friends, or other associates or even with new friends (strangers). Book clubs are a great way to not just hold yourself accountable when it comes to reading but they also engender camaraderie around books and the act of reading that is bound to keep you engaged and your eye on the prize. Imagine a group of people as excited about chapter 2 of a book you are reading, as you. You all you just can’t wait to have that conversation and relive the moment. Book clubs can do that and so much more. The African proverb says “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” and a book club exemplifies this perfectly.

    Set a realistic personal reading goal and smash it!

    Making a personal reading commitment shouldn’t be a stressful undertaking. It is something fun that you want to do, at a pace that is realistic but also pushing you out of your comfort zone a little at a time.

    I set a goal of reading one book a month for 2019, even though I’m aware that I can read much more than that. Setting this goal gives me breathing room, while allowing me to focus on a core set of books.

    It’s also realistic and nothing excites me more than ticking off a personal goal once achieved.

    Here’s hoping that these tips can help you on this journey to reading more and having fun.

    Let me know some of the ways you ensure that you get your reading done!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Corporate work life: How to Thrive and Survive

    Corporate work life: How to Thrive and Survive

    Corporate Russian Roulette

    There are days when I go to work and before 10 am, I am fully ready to hand in my resignation and just say ‘Screw it All!’

    Yes, this is real life.

    It’s the life some of us live.

    We are not supposed to verbalise these feelings, in fact, you’re not supposed to talk about how much you hate certain aspects of corporate work life until you become one of those stories of people who have quit and hopefully able to brag that you’re ‘living your best life’

    So, what do you do instead?

    You remain, grateful, continue to do your best work, take care of your mental health and survive. There are a slew of things that we can all do to ensure that we survive and make the most of what working in a large organisation has to offer.

    After all, it’s not all doom and gloom and in fairness, the good days far outweigh the dark clouds of a bad day.

    There are some strategies that I have learned to employ to help me make the best of every moment and keep focused on being productive, accountable, alive and thriving.

    Walk with me.

     Reading is a gift that will keep on giving


    If you are a reader, know that it is a gift that will serve you well in the corporate world, why? Because many people, working at whatever level of the corporate ladder, simply refuse to contend with anything that requires reading. They simply consider it bothersome and you see the results of this in email arguments that take place daily in companies everywhere. Now, with everyone else not reading, being able to spot details is something that adds value, because with less people reading, it means, more folks missing nuance and important details.

    Email follow-ups are key

    Sometime ago I wrote about email etiquette for the workplace here and it was an opportunity for me to delve into email habits that can serve us well.

    If it’s one thing James Comey’s book –  taught me, it was the importance of contemporaneous notes following meetings. What Comey did was brilliant. As a practice, he would routinely prepare memos following meetings to ensure a record of whatever the exchange was, existed. If you are familiar with his story, you know how well those memos served him, when it became necessary to sharing his story.

    In the corporate world, it’s no different, just a bit less intense. What I have found to work is preparing an email immediately following any meeting and sharing it with all participants, documenting the specific discussions and action points. I refuse to call this email meeting minutes, as I have learned that ‘meeting minutes’ – imbued with all the formality and need to record every small detail – often takes at least two days to be prepared and dispatched. This is the heights of inefficiency and is simply a time waster.

    The key thing about this practice is that it prevents others from changing the narrative of the meeting to fit what they need. Plus it keeps you and everybody else in the meeting accountable and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Reality is, some of your co-workers don’t respond well to tasks that aren’t written down, even if you’ve met about it.

    Observe patterns of behaviour

    We all have that co-worker who is so caught up doing their ‘work’ and they have no clue what is going on around them. Don’t be that guy.

    Make it your business to know how every move adds up, or not.

    While this is not a call for you to become the village voice for your place of work, it does you no good if you are unaware of what is happening in your company. Observing the corporate culture is key to helping you order your own steps.

    Then there is the just being aware of how your fellow employees relate to you and each other. It helps if you are able to mentally profile your team members in order to better navigate the working relationship. Not only does it prevent crossed wires, but in general it allows you to focus on being productive and getting the job done.

    This is why unpredictability upsets the apple cart so much. When people either take things personally or people get too personal with what they say and how they say it, it throws the workplace into chaos.

    The more you know.

    Choose your Battles

    It takes a certain level of mental fortitude to withstand the temptation of email warriors in the workplace who are always ready to tempt you into a back and forth. Worse still, are the potentially messy phone calls that can devolve into an argument.

    I remember the first and last time I got angry enough to shout at and hang up the phone on a colleague, primarily because I felt that the person in question was being extremely rude and disrespectful. The fact that I had to apologise, wholeheartedly afterwards, annoyed me to the core. It was a waste of time getting into a tiff, over work, in the first place. I vowed to never again get so that angry that I felt the need to lose my cool and behave like that.

    Restraint is the name of the game and I have learned that the long game is the best game when it comes to certain work relationships.

    It may be cute to recount your behaviour on Twitter, but in real life, it isn’t cute or quite as fulfilling.

    Smile, wave, breath, vent as needed and carry on, because you never know who wants you to lose your cool and jump off a cliff.

    When you do have to fight, use all the tools the corporate world provides: Well worded emails and no BS telephone conversations that can call out colleagues while still keeping it 100% respectful.

    Never share your childhood nickname with your co workers

    Learn from my mistake.

    A term of endearment needn’t be scandalized by people you work with.

    So caught up was in a moment of vulnerability (read food… I was eating food) during one of those team building gatherings, to get us to open up to each other.

    I was relaxed, enjoying my meal and ready to endear myself to my team members by sharing something they didn’t know. Never occurred to me that, them not knowing was the gift, but alas.

    I revealed my childhood nickname.

    Who would’ve thought that the revelation would come back to haunt me? I felt a dread previously unknown, when co-workers started parroting this name as if it was appropriate or their place.

    How dare you so casually throw a name about that was my dearly beloved, Great Grandma’s favourite name to call me by?

    You don’t know the history, you don’t know what it means? But you think it’s cool?


    It get’s worse

    To add insult to injury, a particular individual, who I wasn’t fond of decided that it was their prerogative to drop my nickname in at the most inappropriate and unnecessary times, At WORK.

    A term of endearment needn’t be scandalized by people you work with. It’s one thing if my co-worker, who I’m close with, uses it. I’m good with that. What pisses me is the assumed kinship some people have by referring to me by a name that’s not for their use.

    So, aside from my own sensitivity to being called by anything but my given name, it is clear that some ‘co-workers’ have no boundaries.

    Take my advice and don’t give them a chance to ‘Run wid it’.

    What are some of things that you are doing to make it in this Corporate Life? Let me know in the comments.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • My Must Read Books for 2019

    My Must Read Books for 2019

    I declared 2018 my #YearofReading and what a year it turned out to be!

    In total I read about 14 books for pleasure, thanks in no small part to the book club I was invited to join by my friend Nakeeta. It help fuel my need to read, as well as kept me accountable and gave me new found ‘appreciation’ for Memoirs.

    On a normal day, I consume reams of information from the internet, be it news stories, feature stories, long reads, technical information for work, contracts, academic literature and everything in between. Because of this non-stop reading I treasure the opportunity to read whatever else I want and therefore make it an important point of duty to consume reading material that truly brings me joy.

    I read a lot of books in 2018 but the one that I am most fond of was Brother Man by Roger Mais probably because it was the book that accompanied me on the beach while I was on vacation and the story was so well told.

    Reading as an exercise is something I consider a privilege that many of us continue to ignore because of ‘busy-ness’. It takes a high level of deliberate action on our part to do it and do it well.

    Many people I know are aspirational readers, you know, the people who become readers when they see a book that you own. You dare make the mistake and lend them your book and you’ll either never see it again, or it will take a year for it to be returned.

    Year of Reading 2.0


    2018 was also bountiful in terms of the number of new books I acquired, thanks to the seemingly never ending sale held by Novelty Trading Co. from their location move exercise. A few trips and many heavily discounted books later, my collection has grown considerably. So much so that I have decided to take a four month sabbatical from my book club.

    In so doing, I’ve created a MUST READ list of books for the year. This list is a must read, as opposed to just a reading list, because, while I will be reading other books throughout the year, I endeavour to read one book from my list each month.

    Here is my list of #MustReadBooks2019

    2019 Must Read Books



    Becoming by Michelle Obama




    The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

    Since reading Homegoing last year, I’ve been looking forward to this book, almost as a continuation of that journey. So many stories and journeys my people endured because of slavery.



    The Power of Intention by Dr Wayne W. Dyer

    My older brother Pete recommended this book to me some time ago and I think it’s about time I give it a read. I’m being intentional about it this year and I will read it.


    The Same Earth by Kei Miller

    I can boast here that I know Kei in real life and have always been impressed by his talent. I’ve read Fear of Stones and Augustown therefore this book is catch up.


    Management Cases by Peter F. Drucker

    I was drawn to this book because, my life changed in a major way when people started calling me ‘Boss’ and actually meant it. Management teaches you lessons and the quicker you learn the better for you.  I’m also aware of Peter Drucker because he is so often quoted for his pronouncements on management.


    Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

    This book seems to be on every list of books that all black people should read. It is well regarded and considered a classic of African American literature and at just over 500 pages it’s a compact tome that I am looking forward to diving into. Quick Fact: It was the only book ever published by Ellison in his lifetime.


    Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

    I’ve read The Outliers, his topics and writing style continue to fascinate me, plus he’s Jamaican, easy choice.


    The Book of Night Women by Marlon James

    I’m reading Marlon James’ books in the order he’s written them. John Crow’s Devil was a revelation so I am looking forward to finally reading this masterpiece before turning to A Brief History.


    High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

    This was a well-timed gift from Nakeeta for Christmas 2017 and I’m looking forward to internalizing the central message of this book and applying it to my life.


    Patsy: A Novel by Nicole Dennis-Benn

    This book won’t be released until June 2019 but considering that Here Comes the Sun was such an eye opener I want to cop this book real quick. It’s already on several most anticipated book lists for the year.

    November book

    King Leopold’s Ghost by Adam Hochschild

    The history of Africa’s ruin is told by many and this book came highly recommended. King Leopold is famous enough for his atrocities in the Congo, and this book is a definitive retelling of that tale. I’m bracing myself for it.


    Dreams from my Father by Barack Obama

    Barack Obama is many things that inspires me and reading this exploration of his life and the intersection of race and culture is in line with other reading I’ve done on the topic.

    Follow along and help keep me accountable. Each of these books was chosen because they offer something that I expect will help me along my life’s journey. Dare I say, there’s something for everyone as it’s important for me to mix compelling storytelling with something to learn.

    Let’s make it a great year for reading together and share in the comments some of your #MustReadBooks2019 .

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Make 2019 Great with these must haves!

    Make 2019 Great with these must haves!

    One of Oprah Winfrey’s greatest gifts to the modern world was her special Oprah Winfrey Show episode that she usually dedicated to her favourite things! It was always around Christmas time and for the lucky souls who were members of the audience they would often walk away with a treasure trove of these items. Nowadays, Oprah still keeps up with her favourite things through amazon.com making access to the finer things within arms length of pretty much everyone.


    I’m no Oprah but I LOVE to shop or just browse, in fact, just the idea of shopping usually excites me. Nothing beats finding a great deal on something that you actually need, or something that’s just too good to pass up.

    I have been fully bought into online shopping since 2003, when I made my very first purchase on Amazon and paid for it with a money order (those were the days).

    We are at the crossroad of celebrating everything that the festive season has to offer and our expectations for the new year.  It had me thinking, what are some of the tangible items I want to share in this in-between time?

    So consider this curated list of items my favourite things but with a much more forward leaning intent that goes beyond Christmas.

    Disclaimer: These items are based solely on my own idiosyncratic shopping habits and legit, things that I’ve used and found incredibly helpful or intend to get ASAP!


    Here we go!

    For your lips

    I’m all about putting my best lip forward, especially in 2019 and this product is going to help me keep them looking not only plump but healthy and vibrant, throughout. The Jack Black intense therapy lip balm will do just that.

    Whenever I’m purchasing lip balm, there is usually one ingredient that must be present, Lanolin, because it prevents my lips from stripping. Jack Black also comes loaded with SPF 25, so my lips are protected from UV rays. It comes in some pretty nice flavours too: Natural Mint and Shea Butter; Grapefruit and Ginger; Black Tea and Blackberry; Shea Butter and vitamin E; and lemon and Shea butter.

    Based on the flavours these will work great for both men and women, however don’t expect a high gloss, which is the other reason why I love this lip balm, it isn’t shiny.

    I’m aware of the unit price for each, and while I’m about living that life, I also have an alternative that I’m recommending  – Burts Bees – just in case.

    For your teeth

    I have a storied history with my teeth as I spent most of my younger years with misaligned, spaced out double rows, before getting braces. So the idea of whitening is something I’ve started acknowledging in adulthood. In the past I’ve tried whitening kits with a hydrogen peroxide solution and they worked. However, I’m concerned about the effects of dental sensitivity after prolonged use of hydrogen peroxide, so the effective alternative I’ve found is Active Wow Teeth Whitening Charcoal Powder.

    The main ingredient is organic coconut charcoal which is very finely ground, so it gently works to remove built up stains from your teeth over time and also is good for your gums. It can get a little messy but it works!

    Packing Cubes

    I mentioned packing cubes here before because they were a godsend for travelling and still are. I’ve even gifted these to friends who now swear by them! Packing cubes like these  simply make travel easier, especially when you want keep all your stuff together without losing anything. They come in a variety of colours and brands and are reasonably priced, so choices abound. To be clear, you may not need to use all of them on one trip, but for those that you do use, it will be worth it.

    Passport Holder Cover Case

    And while we are on the travel segment, because that’s one of the subjects that will appear on vision boards every new year, this nifty passport cover is also a great gift for you and your travel companions.

    Not only is it cute, with little pockets to store a host of extra items like credit cards and the like, but this cover also has RFID blocking technology built in. What does that mean?

    Well, RFID is an acronym for “Radio-Frequency Identification” and refers to a technology whereby digital data encoded in tags or smart labels are captured by a reader via radio waves. The RFID blocker prevents unscrupulous people from copying your credit and debit card information with special devices.

    Bluetooth Radio

    Talk about a throwback! Who listens to the radio anymore you might ask? I do and thankfully, with this cute InstaBox multi-functional speaker (radio included) I found one my most used electronic devices for 2018. It makes the perfect bedside clock radio and even has a programmable alarm function for that needed wake up call. What’s even better about it is the remote control. If all that wasn’t enough, it has usb, micro SD and bluetooth connectivity. Handy, inexpensive and cute, it’s a gift that keeps on giving.

    Reusable Bags

    Starting January 1, 2019, Jamaica will ban single use plastic bags, straws and styrofoam containers. So the question on many people’s lips of late has been – “what will I take to the supermarket to get my groceries?”

    Well I was casually browsing amazon and found this great item, which I think, over time will become fairly common in Jamaica. It’s the BagPodz reusable bag and storage system which comes in packs of 5 or 10 and 4 different colours. They’re made of nylon, can hold up to 50 pounds and the best part is, they come with a carry bag.

    The only ‘con’ so far is the size, as they are not the same as some of the tote bags we are used to. However with 10 in total, I’m not that worried.

    I will be getting my own set for the new year and I anticipate that a local producer will make some of these soon, or maybe I should? 

    Sport Towels

    I had made a decision to seriously get back into the gym and get back into the best shape ever. To help myself actualize that process I started preparing by getting things in order and the first item I purchased was a set of towels. In fact these Fit Spirit towels to be exact because, while it would be easy to go and buy some other bath towels, these are micro fiber, stretchy and just a bit more durable than the heavier, cotton based ones.

    Wool Dryer Balls

    A few years ago, through reading I discovered a new way to save money that has changed my whole life. I decided to stop using fabric softener as, not only was it getting more and more expensive, but it was also damaging my clothes. The thing is, fabric softener adds a layer of film over clothing, especially towels. This makes them less effective for drying. I also stopped using dryer sheets for the same reason, so instead, I purchased wool dryer balls. Now these are obviously for persons who use a dryer regularly for their laundry, but they are so useful! If you have a large load, you can use all six, or less for smaller loads. The more you use the less time you have to keep the clothes in the dryer and they help to fluff your clothing, while they dry.

    Laura Alexis Candles

    I could not close this list without adding something made in Jamaica and what a product find it is. Basically, I’m in love with anything made by Laura Alexis Candles. Think artisanal products, all Jamaican made of the highest quality and with cute branding that keeps you guessing. The first thing that struck me about Laura Alexis products was the naming. A candle called “Duppy Conqueror” has quite a ring to it and the fact that it’s made of frankincense and myrrh, is just stupendous! I love the candles, the linen spritzers and the occasional soap that the company makes. Their signature lavender linen spritz smells incredible and actually helps me to sleep. These products have changed my life and thankfully they are available right here in Jamaica.

    There’s my list, they are things I love and they have helped to improve one aspect of my life in some way. I hope that you will find ways to incorporate them into your own life as well.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.
