Tag: live and learn

  • Reading the tea leaves of changing relationships

    Reading the tea leaves of changing relationships

    Let’s face it, our relationships with other people constantly go through changes.

    Our lives are an ocean of unknowns and with each passing day, waves of opportunities, triumphs and failures wash over us. Through our relationships we are compelled to weather any storm and find safe harbour as needed. However there are times when the relationships we build are tested by undercurrents of change and strife or just, gravity.

    If the changing tides of relationships are not quite as apparent as you would want, here are some of the signs to look for that may indicate what is afoot or has already happened.

    You may consider these red flags, warning signs or simply clear indicators that your deep suspicion is now true and it’s either over, or has change indelibly.

    Here in no particular order are some possible things to look for.



    Communication decreases

    This may seem obvious but not in the way you might think. The key differentiator however is a decrease in meaningful and deliberate communication which otherwise would’ve been a normal occurrence. The pandemic has changed the way many of us have chosen to communicate and engage with those in our lives. This may mean that you are a bit more sensitive about who and how you communicate. Therefore, it should become palpable fairly easily when communication has truly changed.

    Invites dry up

    Over time you may also realize that you are no longer granted invitations to activities that once were seemingly a consistent part of your life. Exclusion may seem more drastic and an overt way to signal that ‘you’re not one of us’ but again, it can also be explained away as reasonable. After all, no one is attached by the hips to another person unless they are conjoined and people do have other relationships. Regardless when the invites become few and far between, clinically specific and relegated to certain activities or just don’t happen at all, you can be certain that you’ve turned a page.

    Connecting feels awkward

    When you do connect, after wading through all of the “shoulda, woulda, coulda’s” you realize that there is an empty awkwardness that exists where easy friendship once resided. Sadly, there are many people who may not know how to give voice to this because, so many of us have been taught not to proactively interrogate the ‘why’ of some of our relationships.

    They have changed

    We have been led to believe that we have the right to ‘outgrow others’ and we do, but sometimes, it may not be us who are doing the growing but the other person. Doesn’t make you a bad person, just means that the currents of your lives are moving in different directions and what used to fit, no longer does, for them at least.

    You have changed

    And sometimes the problem is you. The big blind spot that is our own role in the enrichment or demise of our personal relationships are often understated or simply ignored. Whether you are on a journey of self-discovered/improvement/actualization or destruction, these phases can generate fractures in existing relationships. They may also cause your own needs from or for these relationships to shift. Be real about where you are and how you fit in your relationships.


    You finally identify the category

    It is truly freeing when you are in sync with the intentions and motives of those in your life, but there can be those weird moments you are awakened to the category that your relationship with someone else falls.

    These awakenings are often times unspoken but become very clear through actions and supersede everything else shared here. Consider it therefore just a realization, that the ‘category’ that you have placed people in may not be the same as they have, therefore the expectations of reciprocity, are going to be underwhelming and in all likelihood painfully obvious.

    While categories may change, sometimes we live within the illusion of where we were from the get go until of course, time reveals it all.

    Closing thought

    In all of this we must also be clear that not everybody in our lives are meant to fulfil the same roles, all at the same time. In fact these functions can evolve and devolve. So someone who you would’ve probably had as your maid of honour one year could be just a bridesmaid the next. And that is ok! In fact, those two people may never ever be the same person.

    Living is complicated, life can be hard therefore, enjoy the relationships you have, set your boundaries and do what is ultimately best for you. It is up to us to protect ourselves and ensure that we are treated the way we deserve.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Making Space by Clearing Space

    Making Space by Clearing Space

    Happy 2023!

    Did you miss me? Because I sure missed you guys.

    I don’t intend to do a recap of 2022, needless to say, it was a good year mixed with learnings and changes that are seeds for my future.

    It’s because of the 2022 experience that I can confidently say that I have a number of things brewing and my excitement is uncontainable. 2023 for me is the year to do many things, while afraid.

    Now due to some changing circumstances in my life, I’ve had to pay keener attention to maximizing my physical space and declutter, even more than usual. The result, I got rid of a lot of my past in the form of papers, random items, clothes, memorabilia and other things I thought I would never be able to part with.

    This has all coincided with a major move I made in 2021 from one living space to another, so during the year I slowly settled in and sought to find new dimensions within the space. The process is just about complete and along the way, I’ve found some simple products that have helped me to better utilize space around my home in the most surprising ways.

    Unpacking the baggage before the stuff

    Before I get to the products, however I just want to say something more about the process of truly decluttering and beginning to appreciate the fullness and clarity that comes with starting over and creating space. It has been empowering to untether myself from physical items and connections that I previously thought I could not live without. And while the ultimate manifestation and change is physical, there has been a mental and emotional emancipation, that turns out to be the biggest blessing.

    I can live without anything that I choose as long as I remain, because in the end, none of it matters, it’s just ‘stuff’. After everything that the pandemic revealed, it all makes sense and I am the better for it.

    With that said, let’s go to the list of ‘stuff’ I am hoping will help you, better organize around the home.

    As is customary, the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

    Bamboo Mug Holder Tree


    As simple as the concept may seem, this nifty mug holder tree made of bamboo helps you to save lot of space. I figured it would be a good idea to get it when I realized that my cups were taking up space that could be used otherwise. It’s small enough to not take up too much counter space and holds 6 cups of varying sizes, ensuring that they are always readily at hand.

    Flat plugs

    These are items I never thought I would need. If like me you have ever had to worry about a large piece of furniture crushing or bending a power chord in an outlet, then these flat plugs will solve that. I notice that some electronic items now come with these style of plugs but for the items you already own, these will help you to move your furniture all the way to the wall to create even more space.

    Under-bed Storage Containers


    There are numerous solutions available for under bed storage but these containers proved to be just what I needed. They have ample internal storage space, have a clear top and have handles that make moving them around easy. They are also quite durable and come with a solid inner lining to keep them sturdy.

    Clear plastic organizer drawers

    Before I moved I thought I had a good plan for my bathroom countertop but I gradually realized that I didn’t and stuff were simply everywhere. So when I saw this clear plastic drawer setup I decided that I found my solution. Not only is it neat and fits easily in a small space, but it protects items from dust build up. Good aesthetics, streamlined storage and space saving, it checks all the boxes, literally.

    Plate holders


    Sometimes all you need is a change of perspective to make a difference in your storage and space saving. I was always storing my dishes in the cupboard flat, then I saw these plate holders, made some measurements and realized how much more space I would have, by storing them vertically. Even better, they are made of metal with added rubber to protect the plates and come in a pair.

    Over Door hooks

    Whenever you run out of space, always go up and use vertical space where ever it’s available. I wanted some special over door hooks but couldn’t find a solution that fit my needs, then I saw these hooks . They are perfect and can hang multiple items, easily.

    Dish Drying Rack

    You know you’re grown when buying a dish drainer is exciting. So I went searching for a dish drying rack and when I found this one, I was sold! It had everything I wanted and honestly, I have never seen one like it before and aside from the drying mat that’s include, it has a drainer spout that’s adjustable.

    These are just a few of the items that have helped me maximize my space, physically and helped with my mental equilibrium. They might help you do the same.

    Let me know in the comments some of your space saving hacks!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.



  • Why I’ve added this new tool to my self-care kit

    Why I’ve added this new tool to my self-care kit

    Adulting isn’t easy and it seems that for some of us, the older we get the more the challenges might grow or they may just become more complicated.

    I’m no different and it has taken becoming a grown man for me to begin to get a grip of my mental health. I have tried to be very proactive when it comes to my overall ‘health’ in terms of getting the annual check-up, running the tests when necessary and even doing exercise.

    However, the mental health part has always been left to sort itself out or hopefully get resolved when I relaxed. But the maintenance and the check-in as opposed to ‘check-up’ never really happened because, how exactly is that done anyway?

    And while having deep and meaningful conversations with loved ones can be helpful, and for sure, helps to release some built up pressure, ultimately, it’s not usually enough. Why? Because, sometimes, those who know us, bring their own biases, misconceptions and own perception of you to the table and therefore may not be able to truly ‘see you’ in a moment.

    There is also the weariness of managing other people’s emotion around your own issue that can itself become a burden. In fact, it’s tiring sometimes just having certain conversations and disclosing some things, so why bother?


    The Silence

    The other part of adulting that coalesces with mental health is the silence of it all. Yes, you can have friends and a million things to take up your time, but eventually, you are left with the silence and in those moments you have to deal with the real stuff – the bills, the plans, the future, the outcomes the expectations, etc.

    Nobody else can address that silence but you and honestly, it can be an extremely isolating place. Imagine, dealing with the turmoil of your burgeoning adulthood, observing everyone else handling their own ‘growth’ but there you are with your own silence trying to figure out the reality that is the rest of your life?

    Better description: imagine screaming at the top of your lungs and knocking on a glass door looking out at the world go by, hoping that someone sees or hears or even notices, only to realize that they can’t see you and you still have to be present, while screaming in silence, still…

    A Solution

    Thankfully there’s therapy, which to me is a form of maintenance that I wish we could all access easily. Unfortunately, aside from some the negative perceptions around mental health care and even therapy, the cost for access, can be prohibitive to most.

    I’ve decided to add therapy to my health maintenance schedule and I begin soon. I am looking forward to what the experience will be like and also the tools I’ll hopefully receive to address my silence and the turmoil, because a LOT is unfolding.


    There’s always a lot of talk about self-care but I’ve come to learn that it means different things to different people and for me therapy is the ultimate upkeep and self-care activity.

    I don’t have to be in crisis to check-in, I just need to get a sense of where I am and where I will be going. Also the potential of getting centred and focused on the various issues I am navigating provide some amount of comfort that I appreciate.

    I am hopeful.

    As always…

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Why People who fail are super Heroes!

    Why People who fail are super Heroes!

    We are taught to hate and fear FAILURE. It is so ingrained in our psyche to a certain degree that often times our futures and destiny are tied to our performance in major exams and other tests of skill. Just don’t fail!

    I remember the pressure placed on me when I sat the common entrance in primary school, not quite as dramatic as what followed for the next generation that sat the GSAT exam but its results were pivotal enough. This catalytic examination would help to determine if the first decade of my parent’s efforts to raise and educate me was a bust or in the event that I passed, augured well for my future.

    Sadly, on the day those results became public, many students had red eyes, weary from crying because they either didn’t hear their names announced or they were sent to schools which were considered an equivalent to failure.

    So entrenched is our ideas around failure and the avoidance of it, that the announcement of any list touting which high school in Jamaica is ‘the best’ can cause a melt down across social media, as was recently the case when this report  by the Jamaica Education Transformation Commission was released.

    Any association with it in our society and even across different cultures, basically assigns you a Scarlett letter that tells the world that you are to be avoided and rejected.

    The Results

    This rejection of failure, though noble has had some unintended consequences for an entire generation of people, some of whom have mastered the idea that they must go through life celebrating (rightfully so their wins) and behave as if they have never failed. Or worse still, act as if failure is impossible, making them infallible.

    These people are our relatives, our lovers, our co-workers, bosses and cut across every possible line of individual you interact with on a daily basis.

    I have had a difficult time dealing with colleagues who because of their rejection of the possibility that their ideas can fail or have failed, absolutely refuse to accept feedback in a meaningful and constructive way. Then there are others so gun-shy about appearing to, or actually failing, they rather cycle through ideas and concepts without doing something because they are looking for the big hit, sans failures.

    It is an impossible race to a bottomless pit dealing with individuals like this who think that failure defines them forever or worse yet, that they are perfect and beyond failure.

    Failure is an option

    We don’t usually set out to fail when we start something new or with any endeavour we undertake. Reality is, failure can cost us a lot, both in tangible and even intangible ways that over time can take a toll.

    But what if we flip the script maybe, failure should be one of the options that we pre-bake into our endeavours to sign post our journey; that jolt of reality to both re-direct and re-energise us on our journey to success.

    The famous line from Game of Thrones comes to mind: “Chaos is a Ladder” and for many of us Failure is the ladder because it often pushes beyond wherever we were, to usually better circumstances or new horizons.

    There are a number of reasons why I consider failure essential to eventual success and simply a crucial part of life, that try as we might, shouldn’t be feared.

    Failure signifies movement

    Anyone who is failing at something is also actively attempting to accomplish something and hopefully they will fail, learn, try again, maybe fail again and start over or have success based on what they have learned and applied.

    Failure is never the end

    Failures are deeply personal however they can serve such a powerful purpose for others. The cautionary tale has done so much for persons who while never experiencing them, have been able to make better decisions from the misadventures of others. Failing at something is never wasted, even if you are not the one to benefit from it.

    Your failure is as great as its inverse success

    I always take comfort in knowing that as bad as a moment of failure or rejection is, the opposite will be just as overwhelming but without the dread.

    Failure is part of the progress

    I say ‘the progress’ because there is no rule that states to have progress you must fail, though it could be argued. However within any effort that seeks to gain a state of perfection, there will be a bar of failure that must be overcome. The feeling of never being ‘just right’ has to be satisfied. Working through that feeling, toward the eventual goal will therefore encounter and overcome failures.


    Final word

    It has taken me years to work through and overcome the hold that failure has had on my psyche. Not the failure itself but the dread, embarrassment and feeling of uselessness. But interestingly enough, it was a big failure that taught me how to work through and overcome the helplessness.

    In the valley of a major failing, where my life appeared to lay in ruins before me, and I was overcome with regret and shame, I was able to begin the rebuilding process. With determination and the new found realization that I was on the other side of my worst fear, nothing could stop me.

    I entered the next phase of my life with a renewed sense of purpose and achieved my greatest success, up to that point, even surprising myself. To do that, I had to do things I had never done before and take on new habits and prove to myself that I could do it.

    Of course, other failures happened in my life, but for the most part I could sometimes predict them based on my own self-limiting behaviour. I never gave up though, and you shouldn’t either.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

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  • Navigating the new normal: Burnout at work

    Navigating the new normal: Burnout at work

    The best time of year for me, other than vacation, is the last week of December and the first week of January. It’s normal for me to work during these two weeks because they are a gift in disguise.

    This is usually a sweet spot in the work year, when because of the holiday period, vacations and the general transition from old year projects to new year projects, it’s typically a quieter time. This slower pace allows me to get previously forsaken projects done, paperwork sorted and honestly, gives me a moment to simply refocus and recalibrate as I get ready for the upcoming year of activities.

    The flip side to this sweet spot is literally every other day of the year when it is go, go, GO!

    Let me begin by saying that I do not have the unrealistic expectation for the pace to always be slow, because work is nuanced. There will be busy periods, with some busier than most, however an insidious aspect of this new, pandemic driven world is the need for us to be operating at 110%, all the time, non-stop.

     The Great Resignation: New normal?

    If you’ve been paying any attention to current affairs over the past 4 months at least, you would’ve probably heard about the Great Resignation which describes the large swathes of workers in the US who are resigning their jobs for various reasons, foremost of which is a need to recalibrate their lives for the post pandemic future.

    Workers are leaving their jobs because some have come to the realization that they can get new jobs with better pay, better working conditions, and most importantly, more control over how they balance their work and life.

    This article actually explores in even more detail some of the considerations driving persons to leave, formerly ‘ok’ occupations.

    They are trading jobs and work place cultures that tell them ‘you have to work yourself to the point of burnout as a matter of course’ and that that is normal, for more favourable opportunities. In 2022 and beyond, people will be seeking jobs that allow them the dignity of making an honest living but also occupations that allow them to have a full life that prioritizes other things, except work.

    Free to BE

    And guess what? Employees do not what to be made to feel selfish or guilty because they choose their mental health and wellbeing over the constant strain of sometimes, thankless jobs.

    It is normal and OK to want a job that pays a decent salary with a fair amount of work as opposed to an all-consuming grind that is perpetually in emergency mode and that you are expected to be ‘grateful’ for, just because it exists.

    While some people have chosen to leave, there are millions of others who are still plodding along and being productive in their current roles. They continue to weather the changing ebbs and flow of hard deadlines and evolving challenges to their work life, brought on by the pandemic and other emerging factors

    There is in fact a mentality that would rather people shut up, work and be thankful for a job, regardless of the conditions. Now, with more options and a plethora of opportunities, people will be more willing to walk away. Meanwhile, the disengagement and attrition will continue.

    Hard work, More work


    The unfortunate and oft used statement that the “reward for good work is more work” is coming back to bite many who previously uttered both as a compliment and warning. Workers now see it for what it truly is: the makings of an unhealthy cycle that traps some of the best employees into a never-ending loop of overwork that can seldom be assuaged by monetary reward.

    And to be clear, persons who choose not to work to the point of burnout are no less dedicated, efficient or ambitious than anyone else and therefore shouldn’t be demonized because of it.

    Not everyone will choose to become entrepreneurs so there will always be a segment of our population that is willing to be employed. It’s therefore only fair that this work life provides adequate space for life beyond but also life within the job.

     At a Cross Roadsnormal

    The pandemic has forced many of us to reconsider what is important and the time may come in the not too distant future for us to assess the toll being taken on our minds and bodies, in order to make a living.

    While we ponder, we need to identify cycles and triggers in our work life which could be contributing to potential burnout.

    Knowing is half the battle, addressing it head on will help to make a difference.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Ok… Let’s try this again – New Year, New Lesson!!!

    Ok… Let’s try this again – New Year, New Lesson!!!


    Lesson learned

    One of the biggest lessons I learned coming out of this past year was the importance of not watering dead plants. I mean this both literally and figuratively, as for a bit, I spent time nurturing plants that simply would not grow (black thumb gardeners can relate).

    But to the point, the lesson symbolizes so many things that I pushed energy into that were not feeding my soul in 2021.

    Namely, there were alleged friendships and connections that simply were not viable, goals that I just didn’t have the heart to go after, thought processes that held me back and comfort zones that were held in place by fear which served no purpose.

    Those Relationships

    Sometimes you mean well when it comes to certain people in your life? And even though they show you time and time again that they do not hold you in equal regard, you keep giving them the benefit of the doubt?

    I have done that, for a while.

    With the toll the pandemic has taken, you get a bit more sensitive to things that make you feel less than and compromised. So if someone is not showing up in your life, it becomes noticeable real quick.

    Funny thing also is that even relationships and connections that have been around for a long time tend to show wear and tear with neglect and unreciprocated care.

    I haven’t beaten myself up about it, it isn’t a failure just an acknowledgement that those connections are not ‘real’ and that we are not in sync.

    And honestly, I am tired.

    Message and lesson received.

    Dem Goals

    There were goals placed on the table well before their time and I held on to a few for longer than I should’ve. Even worse, when I realized they were not going to be realized, I lamented the failing and stressed over it.

    For example, I had set some admirable goals in terms of this blog and even reading, as well as others related to certain areas of my life.

    So many neat things that I could’ve worked on and get done and in the big mix of a year that was filled with other ‘stuff’, they just didn’t happen.

    But delayed doesn’t mean discarded and even in the midst of upheaval that caused shifts in some areas of my life, I still held on to the idea of achieving certain things.

    I just have to know when to say: “Maybe next time!”

    Breaking Chains

    If I thought I was assertive before, this past year taught me that there are levels to standing up for yourself and you will only experience some of these levels when you let go of the fears of propriety and ‘manners’ and just be bold!

    Closed mouths don’t get fed and neither are they able to defend you or vocalize what ails you if you remain silent.

    Developing the gumption to truly say “this is not for me” and letting go of the fear of repercussions has truly changed my outlook and approach to life.


    The Truth

    What I have instead come to terms with is something that I recognized about myself as I pondered on 2021.

    I am not a failure.

    In fact I achieved a number of things I had previously only tentatively considered and I executed these things exactly as I hoped. And all it took was looking back at the year and the areas of my life that I gave focus, to realize.

    They were all things that I nurtured and paid attention to, which lets me understand that any goal that I bring to fruition will require my full attention. It will not become reality simply by being on a wishlist.

    The true lesson is, what you nurture is what grows. So moving into 2022, I’m going to be focusing heavily on the wins I actually want to accomplish.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Are you ever enough?

    Are you ever enough?

    I am fond of the phrase “I am enough.” because it represents a powerful statement of intent and acceptance. That simple phrase lets me know that whatever journey I am on and whatever goals I am working towards, where I stand in THIS moment is right where I need to be and all that I am is enough.

    It’s funny how the world forces us to enrich our souls with these mantras because life has a way of literally picking away at our confidence and belief in self. Just look at it, our salaries and job titles can give us some insight into where we think we are in life. Our possessions apparently should clue us in to our ‘progress’ and our relationships should say something about who we are as people.

    But when is any of that enough or just right? Is it ever perfect?

    I have come to the conclusion that perfect is what you have chosen to live with and also, what may make you happy, in that exact moment. But I’ve also come to realize that perfect, or at least, what any of us may consider perfect is evolving and changes with our perspectives.



    Recently, while completing appraisals for my team at work, I came upon a very common point of information that I shared with a few people. It is this: the metrics used for the appraisal, are not meant to define who we are, forever and ever. In fact, as most appraisals are a retrospective, look back, metrics only measure who you were over a period of time. Therefore they can change and will continue to change as we learn more and grow.

    It’s always tempting to use the yard sticks provided to us by jobs or resumes or any process that requires us to self-reflect, to determine who we are, in a very definitive way.  When really, all they ever do is check our temperature, in the moment and provide insight into where we are at that point. They do little to determine our future outcome and in reality, they shouldn’t.

    When it Matters

    In my most vulnerable moments I will ask myself  “have I done enough?” and invariably the answer will be a resounding ‘not quite!’.  That pressure is compounded by the weight of other people’s expectations and assumptions of who and where you should be, at a particular time and stage in your life.

    I’m at that juncture where people now have those expectations, but looking back, I realize that it was always that way. We call it different things: ambition, aspiration, dreams, encouragement. But you come to realize that those ambitions don’t seem to end with a singular accomplishment, or new phase of life. Basically, what is considered enough by everyone outside of your self is a moving target and it’s always about what’s next.

    By following this ‘dictate’, sometimes I can’t seem to reside in an accomplishment or new phase, because, even within a moment of exuberance, it’s just never enough. Yet I know now, more than ever the value of enjoying and living within those moments of accomplishments.


    Slippery Slope

    The temporary and transient nature of satiety, at least, relating to that feeling of what I will call ‘enoughness’ is so fickle. It can last as long as it takes for an order from amazon.com to land on your doorstep and the euphoria you felt discovering it wanes immediately after the unboxing.

    What drives us to acquire is sometimes summing ourselves up and deciding that maybe that one item will make it complete, or better. Maybe after this purchase, I will be enough, even for a short period. Like most drug induced highs, it simply doesn’t last and can never be recaptured, no matter how hard we may try.

    The best we can do therefore is to walk in the knowledge that even if we aren’t quite right, we are exactly what we need to be, right now. And until the perfect equilibrium moment arrives, hold on.

    I’m holding on.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Yes, I’m single… What of it?

    Yes, I’m single… What of it?

    I feel ‘safe’ writing about this now that V-Day has come and gone. After all couldn’t risk being called bitter because I’m not ‘celebrating’ the day of Love. I honestly am neither here nor there when it comes to the observance though my protestations and meme use on social media around that time of year is always top notch.

    Just look at these?


    And while, thankfully, the question of my own ‘singleness’ doesn’t come up as much nowadays, when it does, it is with a certain level of questioning and wonderment. People often approach the topic with a number of preconceived notions about who I am and why I may or may not be single.

    It’s an easy way to get into your business but some people also immediately behave as if you’re a leper because you are single. What’s that about?

    Relatives have gone as far as to patronizingly tell me that “everybody needs somebody” which is funny because to the best of my knowledge, very few people I know are connected to just a ‘somebody’ (but that’s another story). The reality is some folks feel invested in figuring you out and one of the ways they believe they can do that is through who you are connected with intimately.

    I can see how it could be a bit odd, considering that there are people I am close enough with who have never known me while I was in a relationship. Oh well…

    Upon deeper consideration I have arrived at the following conclusions/insights about being and living single that I believe would be useful to share as a reminder and an FYI to those who may otherwise behave as if it is an abstraction.

    Being single did not happen to me – it’s a decision I made and continue to make

    Unlike bad days and being hit by a bus, being single did not ‘happen’ to me. Yes, of course, at some point I was in a relationship (or two) that ended but the state of being single remains.

    That state is a conscious decision I have made and continue to make, for myself. No explanation needed really. It is what it is and until someone or circumstances change (it), it will probably be ok and I will survive.

    What being single is not, is an immutable state that remains for eternity.

    I don’t need your help

    Yeah, no.

    Perish the thought that I need your assistance, your suggestions or recommendations. This actually applies to most people, who sometimes think it’s a great idea to find someone ‘for’ me. Surprisingly, recommendations typically come from people I am not even close with and who know nothing about my dating life and habits. I’m more willing to trust suggestions from close friends (if they even want to do that).

    A superficial understanding of who I am and whom I may be interested in will prove to be a disaster. Also, I am not open to matchmaking experiments by intrepid dating experts   because based on past experience, they are usually way off (your friend or acquaintance is probably not my type).

    And what a violation it is for folks to be sharing information about you to people who you do not know, for them to critique and assess, as if you are a slab of meat.


    See your single friends and leave them alone, believe that they know what they want and unless they inform you otherwise, they probably don’t want to be introduced to your well-intentioned but typically inappropriate pitches.

    Platonic relationships are a thing

    One of the starkest realizations I came to at the end of a previous relationship was the importance of having meaningful platonic relationships. Friendships are important and the right ones can help you to thrive while living single.

    I choose to add more value to platonic relationships at this moment and that is important to me. Doesn’t take long for you to realize that some people may not understand or appreciate that, which is ok.

    Obviously, not everyone will want to be your friend or even an acquaintance but even as a first step before something else, it can provide so much clarity. I mean, if I can’t be friends with someone, comfortably, then we probably can’t be anything beyond that, basically.

    Being single is not a scarlet letter  

    Seriously, I’m not broken and last time I checked, I’m not somehow inadequate because I am single.

    Weird to sometimes consider this because people feel like you are missing a kidney or a rib when you have no romantic partner. With all the dysfunction many relationships have, better peeps pray for my good health.

    Yes, people are living and thriving, while single and no they are not dysfunctional because of it. In fact I can recall being told by a suitor years ago that I was selfish because I basically was so comfortable with ‘myself’ – people will gaslight you for the weirdest things. Make of that what you will.

    Additionally, I’m neither asexual nor anti-relationship. Now, there’s nothing wrong with being Asexual or even anti-relationship, it’s just not who I am. What’s more I’m not jaded enough to say that I am absolutely turned off from relationships, far from it actually.

    Final thoughts

    Living single is as simple as breathing and no one deserves to feel like something is wrong with them because they are. Live and let live, in this great big world that we are all part of.

     Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Stay Ready so you Never have to get Ready!

    Stay Ready so you Never have to get Ready!

    This is the final in my New Year refresh series and as I continue, I’m at the point where after all the decluttering, I’m now ready for the ‘fix up’ after the ‘clean up’. It’s February so there’s still time to make those moves and get your 2021 plans underway.


    Just think, in this very moment you are sitting on a goldmine, even as all seems desperate and scarcity appears all that is in our future (probably a bit overly dramatic after the year we’ve had).

    The gold is in everything that you know, everything that you have ever experienced and everything that you take for granted about yourself. All of this knowledge and perspective is a gift that should be shared with the world.

    And now with the way the world is set up it is a bit easier for us to share that knowledge, with the pent up need so many people have to learn new things and the ease of access created by communications technology.

    But if you’re wondering about the how, I have a few insights. You have most if not all the resources you need to be able to make a significant change.

    Start with what you know

    You know something that is very valuable to someone else and you may not even know it. Whether it is something that you spent years of your life studying in school, a hobby or simply something that you have always been deeply interested in stop taking it for granted. You never know what it is that other people don’t know and there is so much.  One of the good things the pandemic has done is opened the appetites of all of us to learn something new.

    Your knowledge and insight into a particular area may be just what someone else desires to learn about right now and all that’s missing is your willingness to connect and share. Maybe it’s your interest in cooking or marketing or even crafting. Believe that there are people who want to learn what you know and will be willing to engage.

    Never stop learning

    After assessing what you actually know, is there anything else that you could brush up on? Learning never ends so there’s nothing to lose in either learning new skills or refreshing those that you already know. Internet connectivity has democratized learning for many of us, who can now simply enroll into free courses online.

    It’s now easier than ever to acquire news skills and apply them to your life immediately, even if you already believe you are an expert in a particular area. I’ve been fortunate to access a number of marketing and communications related courses over the past year that have proven to be career enhancing. They both reinforced stuff I already knew, while teaching new concepts that are benefitting me now.

    Whatever your interest, it is almost certain that there is a resource that exists to help you refine and increase our knowledge such as Coursera and Udemy.

    Find your Tribe

    Yes, there are communities of people who share your interests and now with this invention called the internet, it is easier than ever to connect with these like minds. Regardless of your interests, you can find thriving even niche, online communities that can help to nurture and help you to engage with persons from across the globe. It can be as simple as searching through hashtags on Twitter to find your tribe or discovering the perfect groups on Facebook or LinkedIn. Either way, adding your voice to ongoing conversations will not only help you to share your perspective, but learn from others.

    via GIPHY

    If the online space is not your ideal landing strip to discover your tribe, then maybe a service club or even a professional organisation such as Toastmasters would be ideal options. If all else fails then begin the process of building your own community, create meaning and purpose around what you are interested in. An immediate inspiration is my friend who decided to start a book club with other friends who wanted to work on their reading habit, a few years down the road and it is now a thriving community of earnest readers.

    Get you some headshots

    Now for the pièce de résistance, the look and feel that will add the perfect finishing touch. Get you some headshots! If you have never had any taken, now is the perfect time to have some taken, because opportunities may be coming your way and you will need to be ready.

    Over the past year, I have either organised or been part of several forums where a headshot is absolutely necessary and having one is the best way to be ready. Why you may ask?

    Well, the growing need for persons, like you, to share their expertise and knowledge in multiple virtual spaces, means that pretty soon you may be asked to share your headshot for one of those forums.

    You should never be asked for a headshot and all you have to share is a selfie from either the passenger or driver seat (no shade).

    You can follow this video for some tips on taking headshots on your own using a good cell phone but if you want, there are photographers available who will be more than happy to take them for you at a cost. They will act as a snapshot of your personality even before people are introduced to you and they can saw so much about your brand values and the overall energy that you are sending out into the world.

    Be Prepared

    The successes we will experience this year will be based on the preparations we make beginning today. Arthur Ashe  said “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Get ready to benefit from the opportunities that will come your way this year, just because of who you are and what you already know.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Taking Care of What Matters

    Taking Care of What Matters

    It’s taken me a while to write this blog. Since my last post in March of this year, I have drafted several others, which I never got around to publishing. The timing has just never felt right based on everything that was happening.

    And though I know that COVID and everything that the pandemic has wrought is a completely valid excuse, I’m also keeping myself accountable where it matters.

    Early on I realized that there was an underlying and unspoken anxiety that accompanied this pandemic and affected most of us, regardless of whether we actually contracted the virus or not.

    It was just the tension around all the uncertainty that the pandemic brought with it and especially the upheaval it’s caused to the lives of so many people. Being expected to function, like normal and perform at the highest level at work and in life, is not as easy as it seems.


    My own eye opener came just about 7 months after the beginning of this whole thing, when I started to feel generally unwell. No, I hadn’t contracted COVID but all that pent up anxiety and the lethargy it set off within me, finally caught up.

    self care

    For some people, they have been coping by exercise and generally making an effort to be more active. That however, has not been my coping strategy and instead I simply threw myself into work and tried to be as occupied as possible.

    While I remained aware of the underlying anxiety, I never fully owned up to the ripple effects it was causing in other areas of my life which mushroomed over time.

    So when I finally decided to visit my doctor and I received a blood pressure reading that was too high for comfort, I knew that something had to give. The visit also forced me to acknowledge that I had not been sleeping as well as I should. The result of all this was a cascade of small maladies that pretty much meant that I was doing myself a disservice, the opposite of self-care.

    Getting There

    I’m already taking corrective measures which includes taking proactive steps to get better quality sleep, I’ve altered my eating habits, started an exercise routine in the gym and I now make deliberate efforts to actually relax more.

    That said, I have also started to take stock of some of the other aspects of my life that I can control. There are a few things that I have become much more intolerant of during this time.

    Protecting my Peace

    Now more than ever I am fully invested in protecting my peace from people, places, emotions and things that could possibly heighten my stress levels or otherwise make me uncomfortable.

    I’m a bit more sensitive to people in my life who selfishly try to fill my well with their issues while never considering or even seeking to find out about the load I may be carrying. I am a limited resource and therefore, I will not allow others to use me up.

    Self-care is as much about eating well and relaxing as it is about ensuring that the energy that I surround myself with is just right.

    Reading has always been escapism for me, but now even more so because my mind seems to always be ON. Slowly plodding my way through books has been a respite and though sometimes television time steals some of that time, I’m recalibrating the balance needed.

    Patience all around

    Probably the greatest lesson I’ve absorbed this year, is the importance and value of being patient and gentle with myself, more tolerant even. With the world just doing its best to survive in this very weird and troubling time, it does not work in my favour to torture myself about my perceived shortcomings.

    self care

    I did a few online courses and they were helpful but this idea that I needed to use this moment to become something else, betrayed the fact that just by doing my job and so much more, during a difficult time, is in itself an accomplishment.

    I’m happy to be on the mend but the important thing about this shift is that it feels like it’s the big one that I will actually stick with.

    Pray me up.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.