Tag: goal setting

  • My 2022 Reading List: For the Joy of Reading

    My 2022 Reading List: For the Joy of Reading

    In 2019, what I will call the before times, I was very hopeful and aspirational and I put together a list of must read books for that year . On the surface, the list looked and sounded good.  I anticipated it would’ve been even easier to get done and complete the reading.

    Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that way and I didn’t complete the reading list. And while I was able to read some additional titles, I just never felt right about not finishing those books. This year I am creating another list, which in addition to my book club selections should make for a rounded reading curriculum.

    This time, I’ve decided to be more direct with my choices and I’ll be choosing books that I am not only eager to read but also following my tried and tested method to ensure that I keep my reading habit, consistent: a mix of genres and formats. In addition, I am reading books I already own. This I hope will keep me interested, motivated and most importantly, reading even when I probably feel like I should be doing anything but. And I’m inviting you to read along with me for the entire year!!

    As a side bar, I do hope you love my book selections and will be inspired enough to choose a fave or two from the list. Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.


    My Sister the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

    I love reading books based in Modern Africa. The colourful and vibrant cultures of the continent can’t help but seep through the pages of books set in Nigeria, Ghana or beyond. This is a book club selection that I felt was serendipitous because I remember reading a preview of this book when it was first released. So I’m looking forward to diving in. This is the only book on my list that I don’t own and will instead be borrowing. Get your copy here.


    King Leopold’s Ghost by Adam Hochschild

    I had previously planned to read this book in 2019 but never worked up the courage to start it, so I intend to make this my February read and truly get into this horrific retelling of the exploits of the King of Belgium in Africa. Get your copy here .


    Discerner of Hearts by Olive Senior

    Olive Senior is one of my ALL-TIME favourite Jamaican authors. Her storytelling reminds me of early mornings in the country, with an enamel cup of mint tea with a lot of sugar. The way she captures experiences, relationships and moments is exquisite. Get your copy here.


    Feeding the Soul (Because It’s My Business) by Tabitha Brown

    I’ve been following Tabitha Brown ever since she debuted on Tik tok in 2020 and I’ve been a fan throughout her rise. I’m looking forward to  reading more about her journey and how she’s been able to build her life, so deliberately while exercising so much faith and patience. Get your copy here.


    The Intuitionist by Colson Whitehead

    Ever since I read The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead, I’ve wanted to read something else he’s done. The great thing about his work is that he jumps across multiple genres, which for me, because you never know what to expect. One thing that remains certain, his talent is unmatched. Get your copy here .


    Motherland by Wandeka Gayle

    I purchased this short story collection by Wandeka Gayle based solely on the fact that we went to college together years ago and I have been privy to her journey for years. Seeing this collection actualized was a joy to behold and I cannot wait to dive in. I should also mention that June is #ReadCaribbeanMonth so wanted to ensure that a book by Caribbean writer was the focus. Get your copy here.


    Robopocalypse: A Novel by Daniel H. Wilson

    I’m a fan of apocalyptic stories and I’ve the work of some of the best, so I admit the title caught me but what made this even better, is the fact that Stephen King himself described this book as “Terrific page-turning fun.” That’s an endorsement I can live with. Get your copy here .


    Psyche by H.G. de Lisser

    For the uninitiated, H.G. de Lisser was a Jamaican journalist and author who died in 1944. He left a number of novels and forever immortalized the tale of Annie Palmer, that we have turned into Jamaican folklore, with his book, The White Witch of Rose Hall.

    I’m not sure his books are still in circulation because sadly, they never made them into the school curriculum across the Caribbean (or if they did, they are no longer used). I got my copy of Psyche at Bookland in New Kingston.


    The Pesthouse by Jim Crace

    I was on a book haul a few years ago and this book literally called to me and based solely on the description of the story, I decided that I will give it a try. Hoping for the best! Get your copy here.


    Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell

    Any book by Malcolm Gladwell is an easy decision for me and I was intrigued by the premise of this title specifically because I am an introvert who finds it a bit difficult to let strangers in. I’m looking forward to the insights. Get your copy here.

    November Book

    11/22/63 by Stephen King

    There’s a funny story about this book. It was released in 2011 and I pre-ordered a hard cover copy and have owned it ever since but for the life of me, I never got around to reading it. I have read many Stephen King books over the years, but this one has been sitting, until now. Also, I decided to make it the November read because of the title. Get your copy here.

    December Book

    Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” by Zora Neale Hurston

    With a year filled with so many varied stories, I felt it was apt to read the account of the life of the last slave shipped to the USA. I had mentally planned to purchase this book some years ago and then it was gifted to me by surprise, so I know I have to read it. Get your copy here.

    Of course, there will be other books in between, some are bonus titles that I need to complete and others that might just pop up. I am bravely making allocation for those and also inviting you all to join me on this journey. Here’s hoping you discover titles that you are interested in reading as well.

    What are some of the books you’re planning to read this year?

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Stay Ready so you Never have to get Ready!

    Stay Ready so you Never have to get Ready!

    This is the final in my New Year refresh series and as I continue, I’m at the point where after all the decluttering, I’m now ready for the ‘fix up’ after the ‘clean up’. It’s February so there’s still time to make those moves and get your 2021 plans underway.


    Just think, in this very moment you are sitting on a goldmine, even as all seems desperate and scarcity appears all that is in our future (probably a bit overly dramatic after the year we’ve had).

    The gold is in everything that you know, everything that you have ever experienced and everything that you take for granted about yourself. All of this knowledge and perspective is a gift that should be shared with the world.

    And now with the way the world is set up it is a bit easier for us to share that knowledge, with the pent up need so many people have to learn new things and the ease of access created by communications technology.

    But if you’re wondering about the how, I have a few insights. You have most if not all the resources you need to be able to make a significant change.

    Start with what you know

    You know something that is very valuable to someone else and you may not even know it. Whether it is something that you spent years of your life studying in school, a hobby or simply something that you have always been deeply interested in stop taking it for granted. You never know what it is that other people don’t know and there is so much.  One of the good things the pandemic has done is opened the appetites of all of us to learn something new.

    Your knowledge and insight into a particular area may be just what someone else desires to learn about right now and all that’s missing is your willingness to connect and share. Maybe it’s your interest in cooking or marketing or even crafting. Believe that there are people who want to learn what you know and will be willing to engage.

    Never stop learning

    After assessing what you actually know, is there anything else that you could brush up on? Learning never ends so there’s nothing to lose in either learning new skills or refreshing those that you already know. Internet connectivity has democratized learning for many of us, who can now simply enroll into free courses online.

    It’s now easier than ever to acquire news skills and apply them to your life immediately, even if you already believe you are an expert in a particular area. I’ve been fortunate to access a number of marketing and communications related courses over the past year that have proven to be career enhancing. They both reinforced stuff I already knew, while teaching new concepts that are benefitting me now.

    Whatever your interest, it is almost certain that there is a resource that exists to help you refine and increase our knowledge such as Coursera and Udemy.

    Find your Tribe

    Yes, there are communities of people who share your interests and now with this invention called the internet, it is easier than ever to connect with these like minds. Regardless of your interests, you can find thriving even niche, online communities that can help to nurture and help you to engage with persons from across the globe. It can be as simple as searching through hashtags on Twitter to find your tribe or discovering the perfect groups on Facebook or LinkedIn. Either way, adding your voice to ongoing conversations will not only help you to share your perspective, but learn from others.

    via GIPHY

    If the online space is not your ideal landing strip to discover your tribe, then maybe a service club or even a professional organisation such as Toastmasters would be ideal options. If all else fails then begin the process of building your own community, create meaning and purpose around what you are interested in. An immediate inspiration is my friend who decided to start a book club with other friends who wanted to work on their reading habit, a few years down the road and it is now a thriving community of earnest readers.

    Get you some headshots

    Now for the pièce de résistance, the look and feel that will add the perfect finishing touch. Get you some headshots! If you have never had any taken, now is the perfect time to have some taken, because opportunities may be coming your way and you will need to be ready.

    Over the past year, I have either organised or been part of several forums where a headshot is absolutely necessary and having one is the best way to be ready. Why you may ask?

    Well, the growing need for persons, like you, to share their expertise and knowledge in multiple virtual spaces, means that pretty soon you may be asked to share your headshot for one of those forums.

    You should never be asked for a headshot and all you have to share is a selfie from either the passenger or driver seat (no shade).

    You can follow this video for some tips on taking headshots on your own using a good cell phone but if you want, there are photographers available who will be more than happy to take them for you at a cost. They will act as a snapshot of your personality even before people are introduced to you and they can saw so much about your brand values and the overall energy that you are sending out into the world.

    Be Prepared

    The successes we will experience this year will be based on the preparations we make beginning today. Arthur Ashe  said “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Get ready to benefit from the opportunities that will come your way this year, just because of who you are and what you already know.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Wake up and Live! – How I’m living in 2020

    Wake up and Live! – How I’m living in 2020

    Wake Up!

    I woke up one morning and it was the end of 2019 and for the first time in years, I chose not to ring in the new year at a party or event. Instead, I went to bed for a change.

    The year of clear (er) vision, 2020, has been an interesting one so far. I fully counted January as December 2.0 because for me, it was an opportunity to tie up loose ends of the year past. It was in that process that I was able to set some clear goals for the rest of the year and immediately start acting on them.

    I also spent some time looking at the goals I had set for myself in 2019 and for a quick second I was caught up in the idea of how I failed at accomplishing some of those only to realize that on the other side of failure is an opportunity for growth.

    For example, I didn’t complete my must read list of books from last year – boo hoo – but I did make an admirable dent in it. It also seemed that for every deliberate thing that I had set out to do and not fully accomplish, I was able to focus on something else and begin working on that, such as finally opening that stock market account.

    It can be testing telling yourself every day that – ‘I am enough’ – when the world constantly questions that.

    Am I really?

    For real?

    Are you ok?

    And that’s why sometimes I have to sit and really ask myself “Are you ok?”

    That self check-in has given me space to come to terms with how I am really feeling because if it’s one thing I know, not many people are genuinely asking me if I’m ok. For those that do, it is usually heartfelt and a real question, which I appreciate.

    In the new year, I’ve set new goals and I am extremely excited about the challenges and plans I have in store. Specifically, all the new things I am going to learn and put into action. For example, after a little over two years teaching, it’s refreshing being a student again and able to dive into the unknown.

    We’re now almost three months into 2020 and I have a pretty good road map for how I want to make this revolution around the sun a winner for myself in all aspects.

    Taking Care of Me

    There are so many ways I have committed to taking care of myself in the past but one of the primary ways has always been to indulge in whatever my heart desires (mostly), while my pocket could afford. That has proven to be a double edged sword and I now realize more than ever that taking care of myself is more than just a self-care regimen of a good face mask and a pedicure. It also includes conscientiously doing things that won’t cause me unnecessary regret later (hey bad debt). To really take care of myself, means not sabotaging my future with immediate satisfaction that will cost something important in the future, such as my health, wealth, sustenance or sanity. That being said, working on it!

    Focus on solutions

    There is ALOT of stuff that goes wrong every day that risks bogging me down inside my head:

    “Am I being a good friend? Am I being a good son, Am I doing my job well enough?”

    But I’ve taken to focusing on solutions when most of these questions pop up, because in almost every scenario, there is a solution to addressing these internal rumblings. And it usually surrounds choosing the affirmative and moving from there. So where the answer to any of those questions is – “No” the answer is – “I will do better today”. It also means clearing space in my mind and environment for the good to flourish. Good Vibes really make a big difference.

    Keep Moving

    As a follow on to being solutions oriented, it is important to just keep moving. You never get through anything if you don’t continue to move! So just keep going. If it means smelling the roses for a few and taking a breath, do it. What I have learned is that regardless of what I am dealing with, forward motion always takes me into the next chapter, no matter how difficult. Beyond the metaphoric though, I want to keep moving physically as well. I’ve come to realize how important being physical is to my mental and overall health, especially when I was not able to, so now more than ever I’m on a mission to get it done.

    Learning Never Ends

    One of the promises I made to myself this year was to learn as many new things as I could, specifically, things I’ve always wanted to know. And I am pursuing this all for the sake of gaining new knowledge. I have begun and it has been truly rewarding and fulfilling. My mind has opened up to so many new concepts and world’s that I could’ve never imagined before. It also extends to my ability to adapt to the new knowledge and manifesting it in my life. I am able.

    Baked into all of this is a renewed commitment to consistency, something that I have always struggled with (for certain things). I’m awake and I am ready to get it done!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Figuring out Finances – Part 1

    Figuring out Finances – Part 1

    I have had a very complicated relationship with money my entire life. As an adult that relationship has gone through 3 stages – Awareness, Humility and Strategic.

    I became aware of the power of money as a child when I realized that some of us had more than others and could therefore do more. As I grew up this idea of the haves and the ‘have nots’ just became clearer. When I came of age and started earning, I was immediately thrust into debt with my student loans and had to learn pretty early how to weigh financial commitments with everything else.

    The humility came when I realized the powerful hold debt can have on us mentally, especially when we’re overwhelmed by it. It is quite easy to fall into debt and sometimes the reasons for doing so are frivolous. It is quite easy to fall into debt and sometimes the reasons for doing so are frivolous.

    I’ve learnt to be more strategic with not just how I spend and prioritize money, but also with how I deal with debt. Debt and how to deal with it has seemingly become a defining part of my adulthood as well.

    Along the way, I’ve learned some valuable lessons and figured out some good ways to simply make my financial journey, better and I’m going to share some with you.
    Disclaimer: I am NOT a financial advisor, not even close. In addition, I’m sure you may’ve have read some of these tips somewhere else, however, whatever I have added here is based on my own tried and tested experience.

    Find Novel Ways to Save Money

    Many years ago, a friend of mine told me that he doesn’t re-spend coins – Jamaican 5, 10 and 20 dollars. Up until that point, I adopted a similar principle but my coin denominations were much lower – Jamaican $1, 10 and 25 cent coins. After that revelation I started doing the same with my larger coins and for a time, I would cash up to $10,000 worth of coins at the end of the year.

    A recent tweet gave me pause and an opportunity to once again, level up.

    Imani is saving $50 dollar bills. So I’ve already started and I’ll go as far as it takes me. These interesting personal challenges allow us to not only test our resolve to stick to something that’s good for us, but help us to automatically save money. I’m not saying this is for everyone. But if you can manage to keep those $50 bills to yourself, do it and see the lump sum you’ll have at the end of the year.

    Always shop around for lower interest rates on loans

    Sounds easy and it is.

    If you are in a borrowing relationship with a financial institution, always check around for better rates – so whether you have a credit card, auto loan, personal loan – don’t neglect this. In fact, you may have loan options underneath your nose, via your employer, through loan sales or special product offers from financial companies. The goal is always to seek lower rates if you borrow.

    Don’t fear credit cards

    They are not your enemies.

    I jumped into a credit card over a decade ago and I’ve never looked back. I remember when I had just applied I was told that I was making a mistake by getting one. But looking back I am thankful that I learned the hard lessons about using this tool early, so that now, I am able to make more calculated decisions about it. What’s even more fantastic now is the variety of cards that are available.

    A while back I transitioned from having just a simple credit card, to having one that gave me a benefit. No longer would my debt just be debt, I would be rewarded for it as well! LOL. Even better, my interest rate went down.

    But in all seriousness, if you want to get a credit card, plan to take the risks with it that you can afford and read all the fine print. Also, if your provider offers, always take the credit card insurance. You only pay insurance on what you owe.

    Know your cut off dates, payment and billing dates, Annual Percentage Rate (APR), annual fees, if any and all conditions surrounding the use of your card.

    Finally, don’t ever let a credit card provider fool you into taking a credit card with a higher interest rate, regardless of the ‘benefits’ or lack of annual fees.

    They may tell you this “The interest rate doesn’t matter if you pay it off every month” but suppose you choose not to pay it off at the end of a month? Wouldn’t you rather be charged the lowest possible interest rate than a higher one? Think about it.

    Save in foreign currency

    This is just something that has worked for me depending on the type of account I’m using, for a number of reasons:

    Firstly, having a foreign currency account, specifically a US$ product, has proven beneficial because with diligent saving, I always have foreign currency on hand when I need it for travel or particular expenses.

    For medium or long term accounts, especially fixed deposit type products, I have found that over time, it’s better to save in a foreign currency because I get better value on my saving. This is even better if the interest rate isn’t that attractive, you’re able to add value to your savings based on fluctuations in the currency trading markets.

    Buy in Bulk

    I live by a simple rule: Never run out of toilet paper at home! I don’t care where you choose to buy it in bulk, just do it. Buy a year’s supply or 6 months supply just always have toilet paper stocked up.

    But this is about more than just toilet paper. I just find it so much more convenient and cost effective to get certain supplies in bulk instead of making purchases month to month. My suggestion on approaching this is to buy basic items in bulk and include more products as you continue to manage your usage. It saves you money and works out in the end.

    There are some more ideas that I will share in my next update, but until then, I hope these are helpful.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog by filling out the pop-up (if you haven’t done so yet) share your content suggestions here.

  • Make it Count: 2018

    Make it Count: 2018

    As 2016 drew to a close, I made a promise to myself that I was going to make 2017 memorable.

    I was going to make myself so proud!

    At that point, in December last year, it wasn’t fully clear to me what my mission was but I knew that I had to fill the year with moments I could be proud of.

    With just a few days  left in the 2017, I am pumped! There is so much I was able to tick off and accomplish during this year. Even more important, was the foundation I was able to lay for things to come.

    I’m at a place in 2017 where I have already started to assemble some of the pieces that I hope will help me to make the most of 2018 and the opportunities that will arise.

    Let me share some of the strategies that I have developed to make my new year planning strategic and with achievable goals.

    Personal Retreat

    Companies, large and small, as well as business units all have one thing in common. They usually host a strategic annual retreat to figure out their plans for the new year. This retreat also gives the organisation the opportunity to look back at the year that was, to review what worked, what didn’t and how to improve in the future.

    I’ve been to a number of different types of retreats in my professional life and it’s always interesting how ideas and insights flow when participants are able to take a break from the mundanity of everyday ‘work’ and just do something different.

    So, why not stage a retreat for your personal life?

    2018 is ahead of you, and you have plans and goals, therefore, why not hold your own retreat and make strategic plans? After all you are the CEO of your life and the most important shareholder, bar none.

    I thought about this in 2016 and decided to do it.

    I took a day, went to a convenient place, with my laptop and strategised how I was going to make 2017 my year. During my own personal retreat I was conducting research, finding out costs, looking at different goals, setting deadlines and most importantly putting it all in writing.

    Throughout the year, I would occasionally go back into that document to keep track of my goals and identify things I’d achieved as opposed to things I hadn’t yet accomplished.

    You can enhance this by creating a vision board, based on the results of your personal retreat (if that works for you). Not only is this a deliberate approach to identifying and achieving your goals, but it helps to keep you accountable.

    Be Flexible

    In outlining the desires of your heart for the new year, be flexible, especially with your route to achieving those goals you have set. Note flexible is not a byword for lackluster or stagnant, instead consider it permission to be gentle with yourself.

    Acknowledge and count every move that gets you closer to the final goal. Every bit counts and preparing your mind to be flexible throughout the process, will be important.

    Be Realistic

    While being flexible, be realistic about your goals. Are all the elements in place to enable you to achieve them? What are you doing now or have done that will bring you a step closer to making that goal possible?

    Sometimes the route to the goal may not be immediately clear, but that doesn’t mean the goal is unrealistic. For example, if you plan to start selling baked goods on the side to make extra money during 2018, some of the realistic questions you need to ask are:

    1.      Do I have enough baking equipment?

    2.      Have I factored in the cost for ingredients?

    These are specific questions that are at the heart of a realistic plan to achieve that goal.

    Speak it into being

    You may hear self-help gurus say “Declare it!” as they encourage you to speak into the being the dreams and goals you want to accomplish.

    Guess what? It actually works!

    The simple act of vocalising the dream, the vision, the end goal is not only a powerful inducement to get it done, but also allows you to put it out their into the universe.

    I never realized how rewarding this was until earlier in 2017, when I was in the development stages of this blog.  I had given myself a deadline, one that I had to meet. While having a conversation with my older brother, Pete and discussing it, I felt so much more confident and ready to achieve the goal.

    Putting it in very simple terms, saying it out loud, made the whole thing REAL!

    Get Excited

    What are plans if you are not excited about them!

    Get over-the-top excited about everything you have coming in 2018. Be they small or large goals, they are yours!

    Let your excitement and enthusiasm be the propellant that pushes you forward, even during those dull moments when the effort seems pointless.

    Share some of the things you are doing to make the new year a go from the jump!


    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog in the comments section to get notified with each new post and share your content suggestions here.