
  • It was just my Imagination?

    It was just my Imagination?

    When I was growing up, I had imaginary friends.

    I became conscious of these ‘friends’ when I was about 7 and for a few years, they were a big deal in my life.

    Now, these imaginary friends were actually the colours I saw dancing behind my eyelids when my eyes were closed. One was Reddie because, Red and another was Blue.

    They provided me some solace, as I grew up in a household being the only child. But most important, my imaginary friends gave me companionship.

    I remember at some point sharing the details of my imaginary friends with my cousins, one hot summer day, down in the country. They looked at me like I had just walked off the moon. They then let me know that having imaginary friends was weird.

    I ignored them of course and carried on, but as time and life went on, my imagination grew to create more formidable imagery, through books.

    All Grown Up

    My imaginary friends were no more, until now…

    For you see, I have discovered a strain of people that are just that, imaginary friends.

    People who we willingly give the titles – friend, acquaintance, brethren, yadda yadda…

    But in reality, they are completely imaginary, inauthentic, apparitions, who are unable to truly be part of your life.

    How can they be with you or for you, when they probably want what you have or may even resent you, just for being alive?

    Social media, in all its ephemeral glory makes them even more prevalent because they’re able to participate in your life, virtually.

    How do they do this you ask?

    By quietly watching and observing your every move. Your every snap, every whatsapp status update and every post to IG and Facebook.

    Because for them, keeping tabs on your every move is their way of keeping you in-check.

    By nature, these imaginary friends may have delusions of grandeur which leads them to having a larger than life imagination that positions them as your ‘competitor’.

    Take a moment right now, and identify those people in your life, who are barely there… The not quite friends but the not quite strangers, the ones who you were cool with but the season has passed.

    Once you know who they are, cut them loose. Free your mind, free your destiny, free up your energy.

    Jamaican people have a saying about friendship – “Good fren betta dan pocket money.”

    But there is another saying that is seldom heard nowadays – “Yuh shake man han, yuh nuh shake him heart.”

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


  • Tremayne Brown is all of us… If we try

    Tremayne Brown is all of us… If we try

    Hurricane Irma has made a HUGE mess.

    The passage of the mega storm through the Caribbean and parts of the southern United States has resulted in billions of dollars in damage and at least 68 people dead.

    Jamaica almost recorded a death related to the storm, even though, we didn’t get a direct hit.

    Video courtesy of the Ministry of Culture Gender, Entertainment and Sport (CGES)

    In recent days the story of how Tremayne Brown, became a hero has continued to blossom, with a new dimension being added with each newspaper headline.

    Tremayne jumped into the rushing waters of a gully in Trench Town, Kingston on Friday, September 8, to save the life of 12 year old Renaldo Reynolds, who was being swept away, to certain death.

    Within the blink of an eye, Tremayne Brown became the hero we all need in times like these. Someone, who is willing to make a snap decision when it matters most, regardless of the risk to his own person.

    His backstory is even more compelling considering that he was deported from the United Kingdom just 6 months prior to his good deed.

    Helping Hands

    But while our eyes and hearts are filled with mirth because of this story, let’s take a moment to think about our Caribbean sisters and brothers, who have suffered dearly in Irma’s wake.

    Irma Damage
    An aerial view of roofless structures in Sint Maarten, the Dutch side . (Reuters/Netherlands Ministry of Defence/Handout)

    A friend from college who lives in St Martin said she “can’t begin to explain the devastation.”

    irma damage
    The runway of Princess Juliana International Airport in Sint Maarten. (Reuters/Netherlands Ministry of Defence/Handout)
    Irma damage
    Damage in St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. (Photos courtesy of the US Air Force)

    How we can help

    I’ve taken it upon myself to compile a list of the known causes and initiatives that have been organised, so far to provide assistance to the Caribbean nations affected.

    Scotia Bank 

    Scotia Bank has already donated $65 million dollars to help victims across the region and will be accepting additional donations.

    The Bank said donations to the Hurricane Irma relief fund can be made to chequing A/C # 803653 at the Scotiabank Centre. Donations can be made online or at any Scotiabank branch.

    Salvation Army

    Those who wish to assist the organisation may direct your contributions to The Salvation Army, 3 Waterloo Road, PO Box 378, Kingston 10, Jamaica, WI – Attention: Emergency Disaster Services or direct the funds to the following:

    Name Of Account: The Salvation Army Donation Account (Savings)

    Account Number: 936476

    Bank Name: The Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Ltd

    Bank Address: The Corner of Duke & Port Royal Street, Kingston CSO

    United Way of Jamaica  

    The United Way of Jamaica has launched the Caribbean Disaster Relief Fund. Donations can be made to the following accounts:

    Sagicor Bank – Dominica Drive A/C #5501371949

    Victoria Mutual Building Society – Duke Street A/C#22772867

    National Commercial Bank – Duke Street A/C #061048596

    CIBC First Caribbean International Bank – A/C #119201017

    Checks may be sent to the United Way of Jamaica, 122-126 Tower Street, Kingston

    You can also donate directly to the United Way of Jamaica website where paypal and credit card donations are accepted.


    United Way (Worldwide)

    Various United Way organisations across the Caribbean have also launched programmes to aid victims. Learn more here .


    Rotary District 7020  

    Rotary district 7020 has launched its Hurricane Irma Recovery Fund to support the affected islands, many of which are also part of the district.

    To contribute please wire funds to:

    Name of Account:  Disaster Network of Assistance – Rotarian Action Group, Inc. dba “DNA-RAG”

    Account #: 12 1682 8928

    Swift Code: PNCCUS33

    Physical address of Bank:  PNC Bank, 9033 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, FL  33433

    Contact: PDG Phil Lustig, Vice Chair, Tel: 1 561 212 6554   Email:

    Ensure payee instructions entered for: “District 7020 Hurricane Irma Fund”

     ISupport Jamaica

    An Irma Relief project has been launched on local crowd funding site – Isupport Jamaica, with a goal of raising 100,000 USD.

    It’s my hope that we all can make a difference, in our own small way.

    We all can be a hero and help to mend everything that has been broken, in the lives of so many people across the Caribbean.

    Tremayne Brown’s heroism can become a groundswell for all of us in this time of such great disaster. Be a Hero!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Would love to hear from you so feel free to contact me here.

  • You are a Force of Nature – Own It!

    You are a Force of Nature – Own It!

    I, like many others in the Caribbean, continue to watch spellbound as Hurricane Irma makes her destructive stride across the Caribbean, on her way to the US mainland.

    Earlier this week, I told a friend I felt compelled to use Irma as a metaphor to illustrate a point about how self-limiting we can be at times, even as the world sees us for the force of nature we truly are.

    I won’t continue with the metaphor but the message stands true.

    Self Sabotage

    How many times have you complained about a talent, that you didn’t have or something you thought you just couldn’t do? Or maybe it was a physical feature you thought wasn’t good enough?

    There are two distinct memories I have of doing just that and it took years for me to realize what the bigger lesson was.

    Interestingly enough, both incidents occurred while I was in University completing my first degree. It was a period I considered a second chance to step into adulthood after the ravages of high school (I’m dramatic, I know).


    My dream was to become a a broadcast journalist and I was blessed to receive some of the most nuanced and engaging training from Ms. Monica Johnson. She taught me Voice and Diction and Radio Broadcasting 1.

    Ms. Johnson, to this day is a dear mentor and friend, who back then, made you feel like you were the most special person on the planet, in a room full of other people. Her classes were a must-attend event, because we all knew that not only would we learn something, but also leave feeling a renewed sense of being.

    Talent-wise, I realised early on that I was blessed, but never did I take for granted that I stood to benefit and grow from any instruction and guidance, something I continue to hold true.

    Most people who have to work in broadcasting, or any sphere of self expression where they have to record, especially their speaking voice, will all say, they hated the sound of their own voice, at first.


    via GIPHY

    I am no different, but I would prefer to think I was indifferent to my voice, as opposed to all out hated it.

    It was ok, it could do interesting stuff and other people seemed to like it.

    But I distinctly remember an interlude that occurred after completing a voice exercise during one of Ms. Johnson’s radio classes.

    I had just finished reading a radio ad or some other piece, and Ms Johnson asked me: “How do you feel about that?

    And I remember telling her that “I would like to make my voice a little deeper.”

    What she said next floored me.

    She said “Kevin, you have a very warm voice. I think that was very good.”

    It seemed simple enough but it had a real impact on my self-perception.

    I was so busy wanting a deep (er) voice, I completely missed the fact, that what I may’ve lacked in depth, I had in warmth.

    Jaw Dropper

    The second illuminating experience also occurred during my college years just before I got braces.

    Now, anyone who knew me in high school would probably remember the rambling madness that was my teeth.

    I had an open bite and pre-molars making their own rows where ever they chose. The top and bottom rows of my teeth were off-center  and my lip posture  was completely off. Needless to say, there were moments I was self conscious about my teeth and my smile.

    I didn’t think cute or even passable when I considered myself and it didn’t help that I loved to laugh! (still do).

    And while I was self conscious, I had gone through enough name-calling for it to not matter too much by that point. My teeth were a part of who I was and I could live with that.

    So as the story goes… I was sitting with a class mate somewhere on campus and we were talking.

    Somehow the conversation got around to teeth and she said to me… “Kevin you have beautiful teeth.”

    And I responded “Really?!”

    “Yes you do,” she replied. “They are packed but they are still beautiful.”

    That was a jaw dropping moment because before then, the word beauty was NEVER one I associated with my teeth.

    How could anyone see beauty, in my packed, open bite, double rowed mouth?

    I had completely overlooked the fact, that though my teeth were “all over the place,” I had big strong teeth nonetheless.

    I had no dental caries, no cavities, they were all there and a healthy shade of chalk.

    Own it!

    via GIPHY

    These two small, but life altering exchanges have changed my outlook on life, who I think I am and how much of that limiting self-talk I am willing to believe.

    In each case, I was the first to point out all the things that were ‘wrong’ with me. But I neglected to acknowledge and appreciate the things that were good, and appealing. Somehow, loathing the ‘obvious’ was easier.

    I see this everyday in people who are close to me and not so close. They trample upon the aspects of who they are that make them special because they have to acknowledge and attempt to fix what is ‘wrong’.

    But we all should acknowledge and claim what is right and what is good about us!

    I am a Force of Nature

    I am able to achieve, create, grow, prosper and survive with all the gifts that I have been given.

    It is also significant that my eyes were opened to my own ‘gifts’ by other people. Sometimes, that outside perspective reveals aspects of who we are, that on our own, we refuse to acknowledge or accept.

    Don’t ignore the gift that you are.

    Keep searching, remain thankful and find all of what you have to offer the world.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Would love to hear your eye opening stories, feel free to share them with me here.

  • 5 Tips to make your next trip overseas smoother!

    5 Tips to make your next trip overseas smoother!

    Guys, I know that you love those Crocs. In fact, I’ve heard that they are quite comfortable. But the next time you consider wearing them on that flight to Miami or New York, please ask yourself this question: “If this plane crashes, do I want my body to be found floating in the ocean, wearing crocs?”


    That’s a stark way to begin but now that I have your attention, let’s consider the lengths we go to be comfortable when we travel and how we could possibly make the experience more seamless.

    I recently had to travel up north, via way too many connecting flights and the experience reinforced some vital elements of travel that many of us pay little attention to. Those contingencies that can make or break our experience, so I’m going to share 5 tips/tricks that you can use to make your next jaunt epic and comfy, sans Crocs!


    Photo by Olu Eletu on Unsplash

    This one’s more for the gents but ladies you can apply this tip as needed with your own outfits.

    For the most part, travel apparel has veered largely into athleisure wear, with an understandable emphasis on comfort. However a black or navy blazer can class up just about any outfit (almost). And why limit it to black or navy just about any colour you like works just as well.  Just ensure it’s well fitting and compliments your overall look.

    From a more practical perspective, I love adding blazers to my travel wardrobe because the added inside pockets are the perfect place to keep those items I need a little closer to my body, specifically my passport, tickets or any other miscellaneous paperwork.

    First Aid Kit


    Picking up an injury, even a minor one, is usually the farthest thing from our minds when we are travelling. But picture this, you are making your way from New York to London overnight, followed by a coach journey into central England and somewhere in the midst of it all, a hang nail decides to make itself relevant in your life. Extremely painful and torturous to even contemplate removing, what do you do? Put a band aid on it!

    Now if only you had a first aid kit handy with band aids and other items, you would be all set. I found myself in this exact predicament and was fortunate to have discovered this neat First Aid to Go kit by Johnson and Johnson at an airport convenience store.

    You could make your own, but these commercial versions are so neat and inconspicuous, it’s little hassle to add a few sachets of panadol or paracetamol and some gas tablets, just in case.


    Hand sanitizer


    It’s always nice to see those pretty little Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer holders hanging from purses and other bags. But question, how often do you really use it?

    Airplanes are a germ playground, even when you’re not seeing the remnants of the snack the previous occupant of your seat was munching on. That’s why having a hand sanitizer for more than just decoration is essential.

    Head into any airport bathroom and observe the number of users who walk out of the stall and head straight for the door, and you will realise that hygiene means different things, to different people. Get the hand sanitizer you like and use it!

    Vitamin C


    I’ve seen advice online about upping your Vitamin C intake just before, during and after a trip, to give your immune system a boost. I actually take 1000mg of Vitamin C everyday and this has helped me tremendously. So it was a no-brainer to continue this dosage while I’m travelling.

    There’s nothing more annoying than picking up a cold or flu virus during, or immediately after a trip.  And while Vitamin C is not a guarantee that you won’t get a cold, the extra assistance in fighting an infection goes a far way.

    Packing Cubes


    Buzzfeed put me on to these packing cubes earlier this year and I finally got to use them recently. They were a life saver!

    The pack of five has 2 large, 2 medium and 1 small cube that can be used as needed to organise all your personal effects. I used three in my largest checked luggage for different types of clothes (pants, shirts, etc).

    Each cube is deep enough to hold a lot of clothing and you can even plan out daily clothing combinations and pack them inside each cube (if that’s your thing, of course).

    Finally, not only did the cubes free up space inside my bags for other items, but it meant that repacking, once I was ready to leave was easy as I didn’t have to completely empty the bag in the first place.

    There you have it guys, my two cents on making your next trip a bit more comfy, and not a Croc in sight!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Remember if you have any content ideas, feel free to share them with me here.

     Disclaimer: The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have about supplementation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on a website.

  • Just do It: How I finally became a Blogger

    Just do It: How I finally became a Blogger

    What’s it about?

    The first question most people ask when you tell them that you’re planning to develop a blog usually:

    “What is it about?”

    Still fresh to the blogosphere, I’ve already started to field this question from persons when I share that I have a blog.

    For a while, I was challenged to find an answer to the question as I attempted to identify a focus or subject to cover.

    “When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.”― Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man

    But after three years of planning, ruminating and procrastinating, I decided that this space would be an extension and expression of the multi-faceted person that I am.

    So, why be limited to just one area of focus?

    That being said, I still have to answer that question — “What is it about?”

    Kevin O’Bryan is a personal-lifestyle blog.

    Personal, because it allows me to open up like never before, to the whole, wide world.

    Lifestyle, because it will reflect so many aspects of my own life as well as the aspirational and inspirational areas of my interests.

    Accepting the challenge

    It took me a while to fully grasp this concept and it took even longer for me to admit that it was an obstacle. One that I had to jump over to achieve the goal of becoming a blogger.

    Along the way, I had great help getting my thoughts and actions aligned, in order to create what exists today.

    The first person to come to my aid was a friend from college, Quame.

    He saw my plea for help on Facebook for a graphic designer who could create a logo and volunteered his services.

    Unbeknownst to me, he had established a choice agency – Q3 Studio  that specialises in photography and graphic design.

    Considering that Quame resides in Ottawa, Canada, it was incredible that he was as attentive and willing to take the time to work with me to realize a vision, I was still fleshing out, way back in 2014.

    Early on, he let me know, that based on my posts on social media, he would be very interested to see what I would produce as a blogger and that is the reason why he was willing to help.

    I received top class service and was able to review and give feedback on the various iterations of what would eventually become my logo.

    And then it sat, unused but still valuable, for over 3 years.

    Forget the Excuses!

    During that period, I took the time to work on my Master’s Degree, which provided a good excuse, not to pursue my vision, for two years.

    But once I completed my studies at the end of 2015, I was out of excuses and as 2016 drew to a close, I knew it was time to get the ball rolling once again.

    Often times, it’s not the huge hurdles or obstacles in our way that prevent us from finishing what we start. Instead, it’s just tiny pebbles in our path that we percieve to be dream killers.

    One such pebble for me was the task of selecting a look and feel for the blog. So I asked a co-worker to select 10 themes, five free and five that come at a cost.

    From this list I found the perfect theme, which you now experience and once I selected that, I truly had no more excuses.

    The Full Picture

    The next big thing was deciding which photographer I would shoot with to make this whole dream pop, just the way I envisioned.

    My friend Racheal recommended a photographer she knows very well, Jik Reuben and after procrastinating for about a month or more, I finally gave him a call and set up a meeting.

    He was a joy to work with!

    Not only did he understand my vision, he embraced wholeheartedly the spirit of what I was aiming to achieve. He showed me samples of his impressive portfolio and outlined everything in detail.

    Roll around to shoot day and with the help of my fave chica, Nakeeta, who did my makeup, I was all set and ready to be a star for two hours.

    It took some music and laughs to get me relaxed and after a while, it was almost as if I was one with the camera (in my head).

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    Helping Hands

    The whole experience taught me some valuable lessons about myself and achieving goals. The most important being this – It is ok to ask for help!

    If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. – African Proverb But no matter how much help you ask for and receive, it will be worth nothing, if you do nothing!

    So, whenever the urge comes over me to pull back from a goal, or fear tells me it’s not possible, I have learned to put on a brave face and just do the damn thing anyway!

    It’s gotten me this far.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


  • 35 Lessons in 35 Years

    35 Lessons in 35 Years

    Life lessons

    I grew up with this fatal vision that I would not live past age 18.


    Because I was unlucky enough to reach that age in the dreaded year 2000, when calamity would strike and the Lord would come back and take his world.

    Imagine my surprise then, that 17 years later, I am still here.

    A thriving 30-something, ‘Adulting’ and still trying to understand this thing we call life.

    “The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.”
    ― Robert Frost.

    Today as I celebrate my 35th year of renewal, I realized it was a good time to reflect and recap some of the life lessons I have learned on my trod.

    The whole exercise proved revelatory and for some of these lessons, it took me a while to truly find words to describe them, but here goes.

    In no particular order of importance: Life Lessons

    1. Turning 30 wasn’t that big a deal after all, in fact I felt like my true adulthood began in my 30’s!
    2. If you’re lucky, your maturity and wisdom will peak at the right time for you to start putting the two together and change your life.
    3. A mother’s love is indispensable.
    4. The prayers of the matriarchs of your family count for something.
    5. You actually can become friends with your ‘co-workers’, but stay woke.
    6. Stay away from people who prefer Juici over Tastee beef patties. You never need that kind of negativity in your life.
    7. Try to figure out religion and spirituality for yourself, it will be of immense value.
    8. Your gut is always right!
    9. The worst end, to the best relationship will not be your undoing. In fact, it could be your opportunity to level up.
    10. It is ok to take your time to grow up. If you’re lucky, there will be a lot of years of ‘adulting’ to do all those ‘big people’ stuff.
    11. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of you. Self care is the best thing since sliced bread.
    12. People love differently, but don’t let that blind you to what love should feel like, for you.
    13. Reading is FUNDAMENTAL!
    14. Your education becomes more valuable, the older you get. Get that paper, get that training.
    15. Nobody really wants a nice guy.Life Lessons
    16. None of us are born with good judgement. It’s like a muscle that must be exercised in order to grow and become stronger.
    17. Learn to swim.
    18. You love who you love and no matter how the world tries to change that fact, it remains self evident and true.
    19. Assertiveness is a gift.
    20. Being you is often times easier said than done, but it will always be worth it.
    21. Being thankful through all circumstances, good and bad, makes a difference to your outlook on life. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, as long as you’re willing to look.
    22. It is ok to have different ‘tribes’ for different aspects of your life.
    23. There’s a difference between being valuable and being valued. See how this applies to your professional and personal relationships.
    24. The word ‘No’ is a gift.
    25. There’s no shame to your game if you can’t dance, but if you’re so inclined, take a few lessons.
    26. Be willing to walk from any situation or person that makes you feel less than.
    27. At a certain point in your life, you won’t care about the degrees and certificates as much, you will just want to learn about new things.
    28. Accept that disagreements or even arguments are part of the process and shouldn’t define relationships,
    29. It takes time to master the art of making lemonade out of lemons but when you do, your whole outlook on life and circumstances immediately change.
    30. No matter how far you run, at the end of the day, you have to face the man in the mirror. Ensure that he’s ok, before you fully face the world.
    31. You are braver and stronger than you think.
    32. Mentors come in many forms.
    33. The good you do, for others counts for something. They will remember, even if you forget.
    34. You are not your hair (Take this from someone who started losing it before age 25).
    35. They may say that you’re shady, but they can never call you dishonest.Life lessons

    Birthdays are a time of great celebration and joy but years ago, my big brother Pete, introduced me to the idea of looking at my birthday, as a New Year celebration.

    So along with these lessons I’ve learned and with the launch of this blog, I’d say that my new year is already looking up.

    More time to Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.
