You can do Whatever you Like!

Life is short, and there are so many things that we are forced to do daily. Be it for work or some other obligation.

So why not take some time to do something that YOU truly want to do!

Nakeeta, a close friend of mine recently asked me a seemingly innocuous question but it was loaded with so much meaning.

She asked: “Kevin, how do you make time to read?”

And my response was: “I am deliberate about it. It’s difficult but I make a deliberate effort to do it.”


I love to read but the reality is, it’s often a struggle making the time to do it for pleasure, but I do, even in small doses.

In the midst of that conversation, I had an ‘Aha’ moment of my own. It was something I have been doing but not giving enough credence to, all this time.

Make it Count!

I was making a deliberate effort do the things I really wanted to do, reading included.

But it goes beyond just being deliberate because when you think about it, it all comes down to how gentle we are with ourselves.

We spend so much time in the cut and thrust of ‘living’ we forget to really be gentle to the person that we are. The consciousness that is within that reaches out and greets the world with every word we speak and every action we take.

How do we seek to satisfy those needs that we all have as finite beings with limited time?

Nakeeta was the one who introduced me to a swimming class years ago. I joined, learned to swim, and I refuse to leave.

That swim class became symbolic, because it was the one thing, that I was doing with myself, for myself.

Sure, I was also studying for my Masters Degree during the period, but the truth is, educational achievement, while fulfilling is not solely a gift to yourself. It is your gift of knowledge to humanity.

I was learning to swim for me and I loved it.

For that one hour, each week, I am truly one with the water.

Choose for You

While preparing this post, another piece of inspiration came my way in the form of John Urschel.

Embed from Getty Images

John, is a brilliant, former NFL lineman who lived on $25,000 a year while playing in the NFL for three years. He earned a total of $1.6 million dollars during his playing days, but chose to live off just 4% of his earnings.

His financial shrewdness is what initially caught my attention and lead me to read the article that was written about him. But it was something else that left the most indelible impression.

I was impressed by his outlook, especially what motivates him to live his life in the way he does.

According to the article:

He didn’t live on a modest $25,000 a year and drive a used car “because I’m frugal or trying to save for some big purchase,” Urschel said.”It’s because the things I love the most in this world (reading math, doing research, playing chess) are very, very inexpensive.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen is what got me about John Urschel’s story. He chooses to live his life doing the things he loves. It just so happened that the activities that he loves to do, are inexpensive.

How many of us make that decision to focus on doing things with our time that is truly fulfilling and worthwhile?

I was recently reminded of how fragile and fleeting life can be. Therefore my time, my energy, how I choose to live and indulge must all be conscious decisions I make.

One Love.

Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


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3 responses to “You can do Whatever you Like!”

  1. Suzanne Osborne Avatar
    Suzanne Osborne

    Love your blog Kevin. And, I love to read! Always have many books open all over the house! My husband says he can’t figure out how I can move from one to another and know what is going on in any of them. For some reason switching off doesn’t distract me, it helps me to focus more when I move to the next one! Reading is a passion for me and if it is indeed a passion, you promote your passion!
    Love you kid!

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Suzanne! I just think we need to make time for the activities that help us to flourish, always.

  2. thescope365 Avatar

    This was a good read.