Category: Lifestyle

  • Make it Count: 2018

    Make it Count: 2018

    As 2016 drew to a close, I made a promise to myself that I was going to make 2017 memorable.

    I was going to make myself so proud!

    At that point, in December last year, it wasn’t fully clear to me what my mission was but I knew that I had to fill the year with moments I could be proud of.

    With just a few days  left in the 2017, I am pumped! There is so much I was able to tick off and accomplish during this year. Even more important, was the foundation I was able to lay for things to come.

    I’m at a place in 2017 where I have already started to assemble some of the pieces that I hope will help me to make the most of 2018 and the opportunities that will arise.

    Let me share some of the strategies that I have developed to make my new year planning strategic and with achievable goals.

    Personal Retreat

    Companies, large and small, as well as business units all have one thing in common. They usually host a strategic annual retreat to figure out their plans for the new year. This retreat also gives the organisation the opportunity to look back at the year that was, to review what worked, what didn’t and how to improve in the future.

    I’ve been to a number of different types of retreats in my professional life and it’s always interesting how ideas and insights flow when participants are able to take a break from the mundanity of everyday ‘work’ and just do something different.

    So, why not stage a retreat for your personal life?

    2018 is ahead of you, and you have plans and goals, therefore, why not hold your own retreat and make strategic plans? After all you are the CEO of your life and the most important shareholder, bar none.

    I thought about this in 2016 and decided to do it.

    I took a day, went to a convenient place, with my laptop and strategised how I was going to make 2017 my year. During my own personal retreat I was conducting research, finding out costs, looking at different goals, setting deadlines and most importantly putting it all in writing.

    Throughout the year, I would occasionally go back into that document to keep track of my goals and identify things I’d achieved as opposed to things I hadn’t yet accomplished.

    You can enhance this by creating a vision board, based on the results of your personal retreat (if that works for you). Not only is this a deliberate approach to identifying and achieving your goals, but it helps to keep you accountable.

    Be Flexible

    In outlining the desires of your heart for the new year, be flexible, especially with your route to achieving those goals you have set. Note flexible is not a byword for lackluster or stagnant, instead consider it permission to be gentle with yourself.

    Acknowledge and count every move that gets you closer to the final goal. Every bit counts and preparing your mind to be flexible throughout the process, will be important.

    Be Realistic

    While being flexible, be realistic about your goals. Are all the elements in place to enable you to achieve them? What are you doing now or have done that will bring you a step closer to making that goal possible?

    Sometimes the route to the goal may not be immediately clear, but that doesn’t mean the goal is unrealistic. For example, if you plan to start selling baked goods on the side to make extra money during 2018, some of the realistic questions you need to ask are:

    1.      Do I have enough baking equipment?

    2.      Have I factored in the cost for ingredients?

    These are specific questions that are at the heart of a realistic plan to achieve that goal.

    Speak it into being

    You may hear self-help gurus say “Declare it!” as they encourage you to speak into the being the dreams and goals you want to accomplish.

    Guess what? It actually works!

    The simple act of vocalising the dream, the vision, the end goal is not only a powerful inducement to get it done, but also allows you to put it out their into the universe.

    I never realized how rewarding this was until earlier in 2017, when I was in the development stages of this blog.  I had given myself a deadline, one that I had to meet. While having a conversation with my older brother, Pete and discussing it, I felt so much more confident and ready to achieve the goal.

    Putting it in very simple terms, saying it out loud, made the whole thing REAL!

    Get Excited

    What are plans if you are not excited about them!

    Get over-the-top excited about everything you have coming in 2018. Be they small or large goals, they are yours!

    Let your excitement and enthusiasm be the propellant that pushes you forward, even during those dull moments when the effort seems pointless.

    Share some of the things you are doing to make the new year a go from the jump!


    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog in the comments section to get notified with each new post and share your content suggestions here.

  • Going plant based tastes good!

    Going plant based tastes good!

    Ever felt like you wanted to take a food break?

    Not a break from eating food, but a break from eating the same, regular stuff that you normally consume.

    The white rice, fried chicken and other meals that are a staple of modern Jamaican cuisine can eventually become blah.

    I felt this way earlier this year.

    Fact is, I was eating so many different stuff, particularly meat. I LOVE to cook when I get the chance, and for this year, I have spent a lot of time experimenting. Most of this experimentation involved marinades with different meats and poultry, in the oven.

    I opened up my palette to so many new flavours by incorporating different spices and herbs into these dishes. But alas, I got fatigued and I felt that my diet was taking a heavy toll on my physical well being.

    So I gave myself a personal challenge.

    I would spend two weeks during the summer to detox but not in the new age way of juice cleanses and smoothies.

    For me, this detox was a literal break from the foods that I felt had suddenly taken over my diet – meat and animal products.

    Plant based as opposed to labelling myself vegetarian or even vegan (hate the politics of those labels) was what I intended to do for two weeks.

    Eat What you Cook

    Whenever I want to ensure that I eat consistently wholesome food, I do what bodybuilders do, I meal prep, usually on the weekend, for the week ahead.

    For this challenge, that meant going stocking up on some ground provisions like yams and coco (I love coco) and greens, LOTS of greens primarily, callaloo.

    I chose to make the basis of my diet legumes because not only were they accessible but they were also cheap and added vital nutrients in many ways.

    Fruits were also a staple for those times when I needed to snack, especially those that were in season.

    There were some standout foods that I identified from the go that would form part of my diet for this activity. I will tell you more about each below.

    Split peas

    plant based
    Split peas

    I love split peas because they are high in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. For my own purposes they made the basis for good, filling no-meat soup! On the weekend I made a big batch, portioned them out and stored them in the fridge, ensuring that I had soup all week long.


    plant based

    Garbanzo beans or Chickpeas were my saviour throughout the entire exercise and the most pleasant surprise of all! Using a variation of this recipe I made a big batch of chickpea curry that lasted me the entire week. I infused it with coconut milk and seasonings and a nice curry mix. I used the canned variety to save on time, but drained and rinsed them in water to remove any excess salt. While doing research I read up on chickpeas and it is basically a superfood. It is an excellent source of protein and fiber. The best part of chickpeas was the mouth feel because that curry tasted like chicken. The texture was incredible and the peas fused so well with the curry.



    plant based

    Because so much of my main foods during the period fiber rich, I didn’t really get hungry, however if ever I wanted to snack, hummus saved me. Hummus is made from chickpeas and you can buy them flavoured or just plain.

    I chose to buy the plain stuff and flavoured with a bit of cumin to give it an nice Mediterranean flavour. I paired the hummus with cucumbers!

    This was something I picked up from instagram, and it was described as a low calorie snack. Work for me. The quickest way to have me finishing a package of hummus is to give me cucumbers or any other veg to eat it with.

    Red Peas

    plant based
    Red peas

    I couldn’t have done this without planning a meatless stew peas, flavoured of course with coconut milk and a dash of cumin to add some mystique. I also added carrots to the mix to add some colour and texture. Bean stews will always be a Yes for me, because they are easy to make, nutrient filled, and are just a degree of separation from soups, which I love!

    Callaloo and Cabbage

    I love callaloo and cabbage for the same reasons. They are easy to make, easy to digest, and are a good way to get my veggies in outside of a salad, but not in a smoothie. Callaloo was a mainstay throughout my no-meat campaign, followed by cabbage, which I consume a lot of.

    Brown Rice

    plant based
    Brown Rice

    I love brown rice and cook it under normal circumstances. For this activity it was the main staple, non-vegetable carb that I consumed, in measured portions. It gave me energy and was filling so, win win.

    Plant based outcomes

    The week went by swimmingly. I can’t say I missed or craved meat, or milk or cheese. It helped that I never allowed myself to be hungry for too long and always had foods that I wanted with me.

    After seven days of enjoying animal-product-free meals, I officially dropped out of my quest. I attended an event and they had no meatless options, so I indulged.

    I didn’t do this for weight loss, just to give my digestive tract a break. For what it’s worth, I got that. But I also recorded a 7 pound drop in my weight on the scale. That was quite dramatic, especially as it was unexpected.


    This is by no means prescriptive. It was something I had to do for myself at that time. It has given me a fuller appreciation non-meat food and now I know that I could realistically live without meat.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    How do you feel about a plant based diet? Is it something you would consider? Let me know in the comments.

    Subscribe to the blog in the comments sections to get notified with each new post and share your content suggestions here.

  • 5 Tips to make your next trip overseas smoother!

    5 Tips to make your next trip overseas smoother!

    Guys, I know that you love those Crocs. In fact, I’ve heard that they are quite comfortable. But the next time you consider wearing them on that flight to Miami or New York, please ask yourself this question: “If this plane crashes, do I want my body to be found floating in the ocean, wearing crocs?”


    That’s a stark way to begin but now that I have your attention, let’s consider the lengths we go to be comfortable when we travel and how we could possibly make the experience more seamless.

    I recently had to travel up north, via way too many connecting flights and the experience reinforced some vital elements of travel that many of us pay little attention to. Those contingencies that can make or break our experience, so I’m going to share 5 tips/tricks that you can use to make your next jaunt epic and comfy, sans Crocs!


    Photo by Olu Eletu on Unsplash

    This one’s more for the gents but ladies you can apply this tip as needed with your own outfits.

    For the most part, travel apparel has veered largely into athleisure wear, with an understandable emphasis on comfort. However a black or navy blazer can class up just about any outfit (almost). And why limit it to black or navy just about any colour you like works just as well.  Just ensure it’s well fitting and compliments your overall look.

    From a more practical perspective, I love adding blazers to my travel wardrobe because the added inside pockets are the perfect place to keep those items I need a little closer to my body, specifically my passport, tickets or any other miscellaneous paperwork.

    First Aid Kit


    Picking up an injury, even a minor one, is usually the farthest thing from our minds when we are travelling. But picture this, you are making your way from New York to London overnight, followed by a coach journey into central England and somewhere in the midst of it all, a hang nail decides to make itself relevant in your life. Extremely painful and torturous to even contemplate removing, what do you do? Put a band aid on it!

    Now if only you had a first aid kit handy with band aids and other items, you would be all set. I found myself in this exact predicament and was fortunate to have discovered this neat First Aid to Go kit by Johnson and Johnson at an airport convenience store.

    You could make your own, but these commercial versions are so neat and inconspicuous, it’s little hassle to add a few sachets of panadol or paracetamol and some gas tablets, just in case.


    Hand sanitizer


    It’s always nice to see those pretty little Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer holders hanging from purses and other bags. But question, how often do you really use it?

    Airplanes are a germ playground, even when you’re not seeing the remnants of the snack the previous occupant of your seat was munching on. That’s why having a hand sanitizer for more than just decoration is essential.

    Head into any airport bathroom and observe the number of users who walk out of the stall and head straight for the door, and you will realise that hygiene means different things, to different people. Get the hand sanitizer you like and use it!

    Vitamin C


    I’ve seen advice online about upping your Vitamin C intake just before, during and after a trip, to give your immune system a boost. I actually take 1000mg of Vitamin C everyday and this has helped me tremendously. So it was a no-brainer to continue this dosage while I’m travelling.

    There’s nothing more annoying than picking up a cold or flu virus during, or immediately after a trip.  And while Vitamin C is not a guarantee that you won’t get a cold, the extra assistance in fighting an infection goes a far way.

    Packing Cubes


    Buzzfeed put me on to these packing cubes earlier this year and I finally got to use them recently. They were a life saver!

    The pack of five has 2 large, 2 medium and 1 small cube that can be used as needed to organise all your personal effects. I used three in my largest checked luggage for different types of clothes (pants, shirts, etc).

    Each cube is deep enough to hold a lot of clothing and you can even plan out daily clothing combinations and pack them inside each cube (if that’s your thing, of course).

    Finally, not only did the cubes free up space inside my bags for other items, but it meant that repacking, once I was ready to leave was easy as I didn’t have to completely empty the bag in the first place.

    There you have it guys, my two cents on making your next trip a bit more comfy, and not a Croc in sight!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Remember if you have any content ideas, feel free to share them with me here.

     Disclaimer: The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have about supplementation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on a website.

  • 35 Lessons in 35 Years

    35 Lessons in 35 Years

    Life lessons

    I grew up with this fatal vision that I would not live past age 18.


    Because I was unlucky enough to reach that age in the dreaded year 2000, when calamity would strike and the Lord would come back and take his world.

    Imagine my surprise then, that 17 years later, I am still here.

    A thriving 30-something, ‘Adulting’ and still trying to understand this thing we call life.

    “The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.”
    ― Robert Frost.

    Today as I celebrate my 35th year of renewal, I realized it was a good time to reflect and recap some of the life lessons I have learned on my trod.

    The whole exercise proved revelatory and for some of these lessons, it took me a while to truly find words to describe them, but here goes.

    In no particular order of importance: Life Lessons

    1. Turning 30 wasn’t that big a deal after all, in fact I felt like my true adulthood began in my 30’s!
    2. If you’re lucky, your maturity and wisdom will peak at the right time for you to start putting the two together and change your life.
    3. A mother’s love is indispensable.
    4. The prayers of the matriarchs of your family count for something.
    5. You actually can become friends with your ‘co-workers’, but stay woke.
    6. Stay away from people who prefer Juici over Tastee beef patties. You never need that kind of negativity in your life.
    7. Try to figure out religion and spirituality for yourself, it will be of immense value.
    8. Your gut is always right!
    9. The worst end, to the best relationship will not be your undoing. In fact, it could be your opportunity to level up.
    10. It is ok to take your time to grow up. If you’re lucky, there will be a lot of years of ‘adulting’ to do all those ‘big people’ stuff.
    11. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of you. Self care is the best thing since sliced bread.
    12. People love differently, but don’t let that blind you to what love should feel like, for you.
    13. Reading is FUNDAMENTAL!
    14. Your education becomes more valuable, the older you get. Get that paper, get that training.
    15. Nobody really wants a nice guy.Life Lessons
    16. None of us are born with good judgement. It’s like a muscle that must be exercised in order to grow and become stronger.
    17. Learn to swim.
    18. You love who you love and no matter how the world tries to change that fact, it remains self evident and true.
    19. Assertiveness is a gift.
    20. Being you is often times easier said than done, but it will always be worth it.
    21. Being thankful through all circumstances, good and bad, makes a difference to your outlook on life. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, as long as you’re willing to look.
    22. It is ok to have different ‘tribes’ for different aspects of your life.
    23. There’s a difference between being valuable and being valued. See how this applies to your professional and personal relationships.
    24. The word ‘No’ is a gift.
    25. There’s no shame to your game if you can’t dance, but if you’re so inclined, take a few lessons.
    26. Be willing to walk from any situation or person that makes you feel less than.
    27. At a certain point in your life, you won’t care about the degrees and certificates as much, you will just want to learn about new things.
    28. Accept that disagreements or even arguments are part of the process and shouldn’t define relationships,
    29. It takes time to master the art of making lemonade out of lemons but when you do, your whole outlook on life and circumstances immediately change.
    30. No matter how far you run, at the end of the day, you have to face the man in the mirror. Ensure that he’s ok, before you fully face the world.
    31. You are braver and stronger than you think.
    32. Mentors come in many forms.
    33. The good you do, for others counts for something. They will remember, even if you forget.
    34. You are not your hair (Take this from someone who started losing it before age 25).
    35. They may say that you’re shady, but they can never call you dishonest.Life lessons

    Birthdays are a time of great celebration and joy but years ago, my big brother Pete, introduced me to the idea of looking at my birthday, as a New Year celebration.

    So along with these lessons I’ve learned and with the launch of this blog, I’d say that my new year is already looking up.

    More time to Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.
