Category: Good Days

  • A Book-ish 2022: Looking Back

    A Book-ish 2022: Looking Back

    It’s 2023 and I am excited for the first full year post pandemic (?).

    But before diving into 2023, I wanted to take a look back on 2022 at least, for one aspect of my life – reading.

    If I’m to consider resolutions for last year, the major commitment I made was to reading a special set of books, one a month.

    The full reading list was a specially curated set of books that I deliberately selected for each month and committed myself to completing the mission.

    To be fully transparent, while I did my best to read all the books, there are at least two that I am still finishing up as of this writing. Separately I also overachieved and read additional books not on my original list, so I guess this is just to make up for lost time.

    I want to take a look back however at four of the most impactful of the actual books I read in 2022.  If you were reading along, some of these may have also resonated, you can let me know in the comments.

    As for my books for 2023, I plan to begin that list in February along a special thematic curve… more to come.

    Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

    King Leopold’s Ghost by Adam Hochschild


    I can’t say enough about what this book did to me and how it forever changed my perspective on slavery, colonialism, how imperialism has and continues to impact the lives of so many black people (myself included). It clearly elucidated the decisions, the perpetrators and the outcomes of unbridled power.

    King Leopold loomed large throughout this book and in my mind, hell is too good for him. The book served as the one piece of literature that connected all the dots for me about not just slavery but colonisation and what the African continent truly lost. I had delayed in reading the book for years because I was fearful of the more gritty aspects, but what got me wasn’t the violence, but the calculated efforts made by men from so many far flung places that has had far reaching impacts across so many generations.

    I intend to reread the book at some point, not because I’m a glutton for punishment but because I know there are things I simply haven’t processed and need a reminder.

    Motherland: And Other Stories by Wandeka Gayle


    My reading list from last year contained two short story collections, one by my forever fave, Olive Senior, and Motherland by Wandeka Gayle who I am proud to say I attended undergrad with, many moons ago. By far this was my favourite due to its freshness of perspective and earthy characters who I could identify with in a meaningful way. The circumstances in which some of the characters found themselves, were of course well trodden territory but it was Wandeka’s ability to bring a balance of intensity and heartfelt knowing that made the characters feel real and so easy for the reader to root for. I recommended the book immediately after finishing it and will continue to do so.

    Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” by Zora Neale Hurston

    I remember years ago reading press around the release of Barracoon, not just for its subject but the tale around its actual publication. The book was written by Zora Neale Hurston but the manuscript was never published. The foreword of the book hints at why – it was too visceral a depiction of slavery and the involvement of black people in the enslavement of their own. Black intellectuals of the time feared the narrative, though true, and its implications. The story they feared was a first person re-telling of the trans-Atlantic slave trade from villages and communities all over West Africa, to the state of Alabama in the United States.

    Cudjo Lewis shares his story in the most human recollection possible and in exquisite detail that gives deep insight into life during the slave trade, for someone living on the African continent, in the 1800’s.

    For those who always ask questions about the involvement of Africans in the slave trade, this book provides some nuance and context. It’s heartbreaking however when you consider that his story was repeated millions of time, over the centuries.

    Bonus Read*

    Things I Have Withheld by Kei Miller


    I am always excited to read the words of Kei Miller because he has a special way of telling even the simplest of stories and making them an entire universe. While not a novel I was ready to devour this collection of essays once I got my hands on it early in 2022. I immediately connected with every single one due to his clarity of voice and him simply “telling my whole life with his words.” The honesty and nakedness of his writing in the collection said so many things about being a Jamaican that I could never possibly express. I was able to personally thank him for the book and everything it meant to me.

    I’m excited about the many a journey the books I read last year afforded me and I am planning to continue into this year. I’ll be sharing those plans shortly but in the meantime, let me know about some of your favourite reads from 2022.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • 8 Travel essentials you will want to Own

    8 Travel essentials you will want to Own

    If you’ve seen the news or just general information available online, you would know that travelling in the summer of 2022 is an extreme sport, just read this. With all the chaos, you would assume that the thought of travel would be the farthest thing from the minds of anyone with sense. However the pent up need to just ‘be outside’ due to the panorama, means that folk are rearing and ready to catch flights.

    With this new spotlight on travel and all the things that could possibly go wrong, I recalled a post I made close to five years ago with some general tips on how to make your trips smoother.  I stand by those recommendations but thought that half a decade on, there was need for an updated list of must-have items for travel, think vacay vibes but also practical and essential.

    These are items I have either used previously or they are updates to stuff I already own. Some are completely new but worthy and useful additions that I believe will be beneficial in many situations.

    As a side bar, I do hope you love my choices and will choose to grab some of these items for your next big outing. Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

    Luggage Tags


    I have cycled through many different types of luggage tags over the years, so when it came time to take stock of the ones I already owned, I realized that they were a bit too muted for my liking. And with people having their luggage delayed or lost due to everything that’s now happening with global travel, I want my luggage to standout.

    I found these BlueCosto luggage tags that come in two sizes, on Amazon and they are perfect. The colours are bright the tags are hefty, inconspicuous and even have a neat privacy cover to protect your address. I also like the metal wire attachment as it seems quite sturdy and durable.

    Passport holder


    I can recall the moment a border control officer in a foreign country, ripped the plastic covering from my passport, unprovoked. It was not sticking out, or inhibiting his ability to check the passport, but I assume he just felt like it was a nuisance.

    Since then, I’ve decided to keep my passport pretty free of any covering that encloses it but I want a holder to store it in that protect it from the sweat of my hand or just general handling. I went looking and landed on this passport holder –  that looks cute and also comes with RFID protection. This basically means that unscrupulous persons can’t use devices to pull the embedded data from my passport. I have recommended this item previously here so if you haven’t gotten it already, do it now.



    I love wearing sandals, the more comfortable the better, so when I realized that there was a series of Birkenstocks (that I could actually afford) I decided to grab one in black. Best purchase ever!!

    The Birkenstock Unisex Arizona Essentials EVA Sandal is comfortable, breathable and just an all -around good option if like me, you hate that other popular footwear ‘staple’ that rhymes with pots.

    They are unisex, come in some pretty interesting colours and as I stated before are very wearable. I’ve have even received a few compliments when I wear mine on the street.

    Cellphone Tripod


    If you’re travelling, then at some point you will probably want to get photos. I shivered when I discovered this tripod, selfie stick combination. It’s made of aluminum, has a max length of 60 inches and comes with a bluetooth enabled remote. It is sleek, lightweight yet sturdy and feels like a baton when all the components are together. What’s even better it comes with a storage bag and is easy to use.

    Portable Door Lock

    Planning on staying in a hotel anytime soon? Then you may want to consider getting this portable door lock. I’ve seen this version recommended over the years and also saw demonstrations in video. So to be on the safe side, it may be useful to get one of these, or two. It is easy to use and is adjustable to more than one door lock size.

    Mini refillable perfume atomizer

    I’ve known folks who have had the following nightmare scenario happen to them – they travelled and had an expensive bottle of cologne in their luggage. They happen to leave it in their hotel room only to return and that bottle of cologne is missing. Also, it seems cologne sometimes goes missing from checked luggage in airports during transit. Let me introduce the mini refillable perfume atomizer that can help you to travel with your favourite colognes in small batches without the risk of misplacing the entire bottle. They are light weight, easy to fill and fit just about anywhere.

    Credit Card RFID Sleeve

    New credit and debit cards that use tap technology for transactions are also at risk for access by unscrupulous persons with RFID readers. Thankfully these nifty Samsonite RFID blocking sleeves  can help you to protect your cards. These are good for travel or just for normal use so add them to your cyber security arsenal.

    Waterproof Cellphone holder

    This is a vacation must have if you a) plan to take lots of photos with your cellphone and b) may end up near large bodies of water. The waterproof phone holder pouch fits a wide variety of cellphones and is guaranteed air tight, water proof and comes with a convenient lanyard which makes for easy transport.

    I’m hoping these items will add some brightness to your travel plans. Let me know in the comments some of your essential travel items.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.


  • Taking Care of What Matters

    Taking Care of What Matters

    It’s taken me a while to write this blog. Since my last post in March of this year, I have drafted several others, which I never got around to publishing. The timing has just never felt right based on everything that was happening.

    And though I know that COVID and everything that the pandemic has wrought is a completely valid excuse, I’m also keeping myself accountable where it matters.

    Early on I realized that there was an underlying and unspoken anxiety that accompanied this pandemic and affected most of us, regardless of whether we actually contracted the virus or not.

    It was just the tension around all the uncertainty that the pandemic brought with it and especially the upheaval it’s caused to the lives of so many people. Being expected to function, like normal and perform at the highest level at work and in life, is not as easy as it seems.


    My own eye opener came just about 7 months after the beginning of this whole thing, when I started to feel generally unwell. No, I hadn’t contracted COVID but all that pent up anxiety and the lethargy it set off within me, finally caught up.

    self care

    For some people, they have been coping by exercise and generally making an effort to be more active. That however, has not been my coping strategy and instead I simply threw myself into work and tried to be as occupied as possible.

    While I remained aware of the underlying anxiety, I never fully owned up to the ripple effects it was causing in other areas of my life which mushroomed over time.

    So when I finally decided to visit my doctor and I received a blood pressure reading that was too high for comfort, I knew that something had to give. The visit also forced me to acknowledge that I had not been sleeping as well as I should. The result of all this was a cascade of small maladies that pretty much meant that I was doing myself a disservice, the opposite of self-care.

    Getting There

    I’m already taking corrective measures which includes taking proactive steps to get better quality sleep, I’ve altered my eating habits, started an exercise routine in the gym and I now make deliberate efforts to actually relax more.

    That said, I have also started to take stock of some of the other aspects of my life that I can control. There are a few things that I have become much more intolerant of during this time.

    Protecting my Peace

    Now more than ever I am fully invested in protecting my peace from people, places, emotions and things that could possibly heighten my stress levels or otherwise make me uncomfortable.

    I’m a bit more sensitive to people in my life who selfishly try to fill my well with their issues while never considering or even seeking to find out about the load I may be carrying. I am a limited resource and therefore, I will not allow others to use me up.

    Self-care is as much about eating well and relaxing as it is about ensuring that the energy that I surround myself with is just right.

    Reading has always been escapism for me, but now even more so because my mind seems to always be ON. Slowly plodding my way through books has been a respite and though sometimes television time steals some of that time, I’m recalibrating the balance needed.

    Patience all around

    Probably the greatest lesson I’ve absorbed this year, is the importance and value of being patient and gentle with myself, more tolerant even. With the world just doing its best to survive in this very weird and troubling time, it does not work in my favour to torture myself about my perceived shortcomings.

    self care

    I did a few online courses and they were helpful but this idea that I needed to use this moment to become something else, betrayed the fact that just by doing my job and so much more, during a difficult time, is in itself an accomplishment.

    I’m happy to be on the mend but the important thing about this shift is that it feels like it’s the big one that I will actually stick with.

    Pray me up.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Wake up and Live! – How I’m living in 2020

    Wake up and Live! – How I’m living in 2020

    Wake Up!

    I woke up one morning and it was the end of 2019 and for the first time in years, I chose not to ring in the new year at a party or event. Instead, I went to bed for a change.

    The year of clear (er) vision, 2020, has been an interesting one so far. I fully counted January as December 2.0 because for me, it was an opportunity to tie up loose ends of the year past. It was in that process that I was able to set some clear goals for the rest of the year and immediately start acting on them.

    I also spent some time looking at the goals I had set for myself in 2019 and for a quick second I was caught up in the idea of how I failed at accomplishing some of those only to realize that on the other side of failure is an opportunity for growth.

    For example, I didn’t complete my must read list of books from last year – boo hoo – but I did make an admirable dent in it. It also seemed that for every deliberate thing that I had set out to do and not fully accomplish, I was able to focus on something else and begin working on that, such as finally opening that stock market account.

    It can be testing telling yourself every day that – ‘I am enough’ – when the world constantly questions that.

    Am I really?

    For real?

    Are you ok?

    And that’s why sometimes I have to sit and really ask myself “Are you ok?”

    That self check-in has given me space to come to terms with how I am really feeling because if it’s one thing I know, not many people are genuinely asking me if I’m ok. For those that do, it is usually heartfelt and a real question, which I appreciate.

    In the new year, I’ve set new goals and I am extremely excited about the challenges and plans I have in store. Specifically, all the new things I am going to learn and put into action. For example, after a little over two years teaching, it’s refreshing being a student again and able to dive into the unknown.

    We’re now almost three months into 2020 and I have a pretty good road map for how I want to make this revolution around the sun a winner for myself in all aspects.

    Taking Care of Me

    There are so many ways I have committed to taking care of myself in the past but one of the primary ways has always been to indulge in whatever my heart desires (mostly), while my pocket could afford. That has proven to be a double edged sword and I now realize more than ever that taking care of myself is more than just a self-care regimen of a good face mask and a pedicure. It also includes conscientiously doing things that won’t cause me unnecessary regret later (hey bad debt). To really take care of myself, means not sabotaging my future with immediate satisfaction that will cost something important in the future, such as my health, wealth, sustenance or sanity. That being said, working on it!

    Focus on solutions

    There is ALOT of stuff that goes wrong every day that risks bogging me down inside my head:

    “Am I being a good friend? Am I being a good son, Am I doing my job well enough?”

    But I’ve taken to focusing on solutions when most of these questions pop up, because in almost every scenario, there is a solution to addressing these internal rumblings. And it usually surrounds choosing the affirmative and moving from there. So where the answer to any of those questions is – “No” the answer is – “I will do better today”. It also means clearing space in my mind and environment for the good to flourish. Good Vibes really make a big difference.

    Keep Moving

    As a follow on to being solutions oriented, it is important to just keep moving. You never get through anything if you don’t continue to move! So just keep going. If it means smelling the roses for a few and taking a breath, do it. What I have learned is that regardless of what I am dealing with, forward motion always takes me into the next chapter, no matter how difficult. Beyond the metaphoric though, I want to keep moving physically as well. I’ve come to realize how important being physical is to my mental and overall health, especially when I was not able to, so now more than ever I’m on a mission to get it done.

    Learning Never Ends

    One of the promises I made to myself this year was to learn as many new things as I could, specifically, things I’ve always wanted to know. And I am pursuing this all for the sake of gaining new knowledge. I have begun and it has been truly rewarding and fulfilling. My mind has opened up to so many new concepts and world’s that I could’ve never imagined before. It also extends to my ability to adapt to the new knowledge and manifesting it in my life. I am able.

    Baked into all of this is a renewed commitment to consistency, something that I have always struggled with (for certain things). I’m awake and I am ready to get it done!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • It’s my Birthday! Let’s get nostalgic

    It’s my Birthday! Let’s get nostalgic

    Birthday Tings

    Today marks two important milestones, my blogs’ second year of active existence and my Birthday!!! It was no accident that my blog was launched on my birthday 2 years ago as I needed a momentous occasion to present it to the world and make it live.

    It’s been two years that have seen some major changes in my life, all for the best and thankfully, I’ve been able to chronicle it all using this space on the internets. My understanding of the blogging process has also matured and my commitment to consistency has remained intact, even if what that looks like has changed, overtime.

    I’m going to use this opportunity to do a quick rundown of some of the interesting insights and revelations I’ve made, through this blog over the past couple of years, by taking a look back at a few of the posts that for whatever reason have been memorable.


    Favourites to date


    Over the past two years I’ve been fortunate to write about a lot of different topics. After all, the way my blog is set up allows me to venture across different topics across various interests. But I have two particular favourite s out of all I’ve written.

    My first ever blog post “35 Lessons in 35 years” remains one of my all-time favourite pieces I’ve written, not just because it was the first but because it also serves as a definitive statement on who I am and what I am about. I don’t think I’ve ever opened up this much to any one, much less to the public, all at once.

    My other favourite is a little blog I published in November 2017 entitled, “You can do Whatever you Like”  which I actual go back and read every now and then as a reminder that life is about doing the things that bring me joy, in whatever realm, no excuses.


    Stuff I Love that you probably missed


    I’ve come to realize that I write as much for myself as I do for readers and sometimes, there are just ideas I find so hilariously intriguing I can’t help but write something about it. This was the case in August 2018, while on vacation, when I was inspired to write this sleeper of a blog “Five songs to NEVER play at a wedding”. To this day I still find the pretext funny as the situations around a wedding and possibly playing the ‘wrong’ song can go in weird places.


    Biggest Surprise


    Probably the biggest surprise in the past two years of writing has been the response to two pieces I wrote about my experience selling my old car and buying a new one in Jamaica. The series is entitled “Things to consider when buying and selling a car in Jamaica” parts 1  and 2.

    The articles consistently turn up in searches in google and drives traffic to the site, so it is clear that people are buying and selling cars and now have a resource to get more information. That makes me happy, because the reason I wrote the blogs was because I couldn’t find any information about the process.

    Statement Piece


    Because I can write about whatever I want, boldness is expected as a standard and there are a lot of avenues I could take to be bold. But I responded to a call to highlight ‘the gay agenda’ that was launched by J-Flag in February 2018. The blog entitled “Bridging the Gap: The Real Agenda” allowed me to simplify and present in my own way the perspective of LGBT Jamaica.

    What connected


    I guess we can all use some encouragement when it comes to our spending habits, specifically around Christmas time. That’s the only explanation I have for how people responded to the blog post published in December 2017 entitled “4 things you should NOT do with your December salary/bonus”.  Readers flocked to the piece which I consider tongue-in-cheek but with a few nuggets of wisdom and I appreciate that.

    As I celebrate my birthday, another trek around the sun, I’m supremely thankful for life and all the opportunities that come with it. I’ve taken this quick look back as I continue to chart my way forward. Thank you for being part of the journey, for reading, commenting, sharing and enjoying. It means a lot.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Moving out and Up

    Moving out and Up

    Just over a year ago I made a big step and finally moved out of my childhood home. I alluded to that change here but only now have I been able to fully digest how significant the move was.

    It is one of the best things I have ever done and continues to teach me new things about myself that living ‘at home’ could never.

    The simple act of moving out also caused seismic shifts in my life in other ways because it dramatically changed the way certain people related to me, some for the better and others for worse.

    Love Matters

    Probably the biggest benefit I have experienced so far, has been a renewal of my relationship with my Mom. Living away from her, has made me more aware of her mortality, in a way that I wasn’t before.

    I used to see my mother everyday while I was still at home but in reality, we rarely spoke, because I made it a point of duty to reside in my own little world, consumed by my own interests.

    Now, everything is different because, when I realized that I won’t be seeing her everyday it became urgent that I at least speak with her as often as I could. No week goes by that I don’t see her and even more than before, we have built-in time that we spend going out and doing things together. That, I can treasure because the degree of separation let me know that valuing her now is more important than ever.

    Designing Reality

    Who knew that designing your own space could be so exciting? Over the past year, I’ve been able to curate a collection of items that match my own taste, temperament and comfort level. Just having that level of control has been a joy in itself and it is true what they say, about pushing your own key.

    Adulting’ is even more profound now, when I realize that I am truly responsible for taking care of myself. The ability to do it well is a privilege and responsibility I cherish. Even in the midst of acquiring, I’m also learning to be minimalist, removing clutter and focusing on the things that matter most.

    Make Space

    So now that I’m on my own, I have to be mindful of the temptation to just chill and enjoy my own company all the time. I have to push myself to carve out time and activities that take me beyond the four walls of my abode. For some reason, it’s kinda difficult. I’m never lonely, so I really have to drum up the urge to get up and out of my space and do things. I’m getting a better grip of this, but for a while, I felt almost like a hermit. I joked with a friend, when I initially moved that I was nesting, but having nested I’m now more comfortable planning activities and just taking on the road with my friends. Stepping out of my literal comfort zone is as much for entertainment as it is for survival and when I don’t want to step out, I host.

    In My Zone

    The one thing you become acutely aware of when you live alone is yourself. It’s inevitable, because you will be spending a good amount of time on your own. If I was never comfortable really being alone before, then spending the past year living solo has fully converted me. The most invaluable insight though has been an appreciation of not just my own company but coming to terms with the fact that at the end of the day you are responsible for yourself. Surviving and thriving is up to you as an adult, and while there are those who love and support you, it’s your responsibility. Recognising and coming to terms with my own independence has been empowering and continues to push me forward.

    I’m happy that I had good practice taking care of myself otherwise this would’ve been a much longer post.

    How are you making the most of your ‘alone ‘time? Let me know in the comments.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Adventure Time

    Adventure Time

    We be Rolling

    The carefree days of summer are basically over and while the warmth will continue in Jamaica, there is definitely a feeling that we associate with summer days, such as  holidays and the fact that many of us take vacations during these months.

    I’m no different and I experienced one of my most spontaneous adventures in my homeland recently. It was simple, uncomplicated but a memorable day spent with friends that I’ll never forget.

    What was supposed to be a pretty straight forward drive to the country to see two known attractions turned into an epic road trip and an adventure that I will forever cherish.

    On the move

    I aim to be very deliberate about how I interact with Jamaica because I don’t ever want to make the mistake of not realizing what a gem this country is, if and when I am someplace else.

    That said, there are so many unspoiled, nooks and crannies all over Jamaica, you could choose to go on an adventure every weekend and never be bored.

    I see the term ‘self care’ bandied about a lot, and I appreciate the focus on all of us taking better care of ourselves, in every way that matters. Like everything else in life, self care is something that must be deliberately pursued and done, therefore, discovering my country and relaxing is a big part of my regimen.

    So in the name of self care and just going on an adventure, I decided that St Elizabeth would be the location for this jaunt.

    The Mission

    The mission was simple I, along with two of my friends, would leave Kingston for a day of fun and relaxation at a body of water in St Elizabeth, specifically, YS Falls. The idea was to spend the day enjoying the cool waters of YS Falls, which is fed by the YS river.

    Glen (center) and Jaevion (right) are the best roadies ever!

    Getting to St Elizabeth was a breeze, thanks to the highway and our first photo stop was Holland Bamboo, which despite some wear and tear still has an unmistakable allure. The long and busy stretch of road is surprisingly good for photo ops, which we took advantage of. Just be careful when standing in the middle of the road for those awesome shots, because… road safety.

    Holland Bamboo is always a mood!

    We made our way to the road leading to the YS Falls attraction, which at a point is surrounded by rolling green pastures that are home to cows and horses. When we finally arrive at the YS reception center however, we were advised that due to rains the previous day the waters at the falls were muddy and brown.

    Unexpected Turns – It’s an Adventure

    Here began the unexpected day, because this was not part of the plan. We decided to skip YS Falls and head to Little Ochi seafood restaurant in Alligator Pond, Manchester. There was time, so instead of simply turning around, we took a route that I had never been attempted before and went into the hills of St Elizabeth using a curvy country road, leading to Maggotty.

    We drove through Maggotty with hope of finding a body of water, specifically, Breadnut Valley Falls, which is just outside the town.

    Unfortunately, it was closed and not accessible, so we continued on our journey to Little Ochi, which is actually located on the coast of Manchester.  The restaurant is so close to the border with St Elizabeth, it’s often misplaced by some people as part of the parish.

    I never realized that the southerly road to little ochi was so long. It took about 30 minutes to drive down to the restaurant, which sits on the coast, from the foot of Spur Tree Hill.


    The quintessential meal order from Little Ochi – Escoveitch Fish

    Little Ochi on any given day is either a hit or a miss and on this day it was a hit! It wasn’t crowded and the service was quick and pleasant. They had a good selection of nice sized fish to choose from and cooked them up to our delight.

    Parts Unknown

    This is the part of the journey where the real adventure begins. As we were approaching Little Ochi, we came upon an intersection, with a sign that pointed to a road to the left that led to Milk River in Clarendon. So we decided pretty early that we would make our way back to Kingston using that route.

    Now, even though Jamaica is an island, many of us (myself included) prefer to think that the parish of Manchester has no coast. In fact, I’ve just always assumed that the coast of Manchester was inaccessible because it was all cliffs and ridges, well, I learned different.

    Once we were done grubbing at Little Ochi, we made our way along this road that was flanked by   hills to the left and untouched beaches to the right. Pretty soon however, it became clear that this roadway wasn’t one that was frequently used. We figured this out as we noticed ‘macca trees’ that flanked the road on both sides start to get closer the further we went.

    What started out as a relatively wide road, became more and more deserted, winding and smaller the further we went. I actively considered turning back at points until at a particularly narrow section we encountered our first and only other motorist. It was a bit of a challenge allowing him to pass. By this time, we could no longer see the coast because we were surrounding by bush on all sides! We started referring to the span as “The Road that Shouldn’t be There.”

    Gut River

    We were making our way down the winding, uneven and almost completely covered roadway when we came upon a clearing and saw a group of people emerging from bushes on the left side of the road. When we looked to the right, we saw a gate and a sign, welcoming us to the Gut River Beach Village.

    The sign announcing the Gut River Beach Village. Look out for it or you might miss it!

    Before that day I had never really known about this place but the sign said it all, River and Beach, we had found our water. We were also pleasantly surprised to see a number of other vehicles at the location that had brought campers to the site, apparently for the weekend.

    The beach village has seen better days but the natural beauty cannot be denied. The gateway opened into a yard and just beyond it a small stream that is a breakaway from the river cuts a path through the property, with its crystal clear waters.


    This stream gave us a small taste of Gut River

    Beyond that was the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, crashing against the south coast of Manchester.

    Gut River is a revelation! The water is cold but clear and at the roadway where the river emerges, is a deep ‘blue hole’ where water bubbles up from the hills and flows to the ocean – perfect for swimming and diving.


                  The cold, crystal clear waters of the Gut River… so refreshing!

    We were able to spend a good chunk of time enjoying the warm water and the particularly flat beach and black sand before we emerged once again and dipped in the cool waters of Gut River (Gut is a shortened version of the german word for Good, apropos I think).

    When we eventually left and made our way back on the road, the winding continued through what seemed like never ending wilderness until we  reached Canoe Valley, and it’s major attraction the Alligator Hole  River and its accompanying game sanctuary, which is home to manatees and crocodiles.

    Part of the Alligator hole protected area

    That was the last major point of interest before we eventually re-emerged into civilization in Clarendon. We discovered, later that the roadway we used to get to Gut River was called the South Coast Road.

    Doing New Things

    What has made me so smitten with this journey was the fact that I felt like a foreigner in my own homeland. Jamaica is so beautiful and there is so much for us to see and experience, but access is important. The fact that the road to this pristine location on a seemingly remote coastal region of Jamaica is in disrepair, is something to ponder about. Not many people know Gut River or the wonders of this portion of Jamaica’s South Coast.

    I’m glad that I am able to take trips like this and have friends to enjoy it with but I am also cognizant of others who for whatever reason, don’t have the same luxury.

    If you are able, find those places across your homeland that you have left undiscovered and live!

    Share with me some of the hidden gems in Jamaica that you are familiar with in the comments section.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Five songs to NEVER play at a wedding

    Five songs to NEVER play at a wedding

    If you know me personally, you are very aware that I love a good laugh and my sense of humour is always ready to be tickled. With that preamble there should be no surprise about the context of this blog. Different fragments of this idea have been tumbling around in my head for a while, so here goes.

    I was recently, relaxing on a beach where there happened to be a wedding underway. I was in ear shot, so I could hear the ceremony begin with the familiar strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March.

    Once that was over I assumed that the official part of the ceremony had begun. Soon after I heard one of my favourite Stevie Wonder tunes begin to play: ‘Signed, Sealed, Delivered’. I thought to myself, that’s as appropriate a song as any for the DJ to play at that exact moment.

    And after hearing that it occurred to me, suppose the DJ had chosen to play the wrong song(s) on this very special occasion?

    A wedding is such a precious memory for the happy couple but you best believe that there are a few things that can ruin it – drunken guests, exes, quarreling family members and most importantly, questionable  musical selections.

    I have jokingly considered some of the most inappropriate songs to be either played by a DJ, dedicated or used as a toast by a guest or generally be heard anywhere near a wedding ceremony. So in no particular order, here are my top 5 worst songs to play at a wedding and some alternatives, because hey, I got your back #nojoke. Be guided and thank me later.

    Wedding No No: As We Lay – Kelly Price

    I love this song!  Kelly Price’s remake of this Shirley Murdoch original was a new classic when she covered it in 2000. Beautiful arrangement and singing cannot however hide the fact that this song is about a woman pining over another woman’s husband, with whom she has previously spent the night with.

    It’s worth mentioning that a few years ago, Kelly was invited to an event organised by a church to perform some of her hits. However, due to a timing issue her performance was pushed up too close to the beginning of the church’s main convention event. Let’s just say, it made headlines, and they weren’t pretty. What’s even worse, As we Lay was one of the songs that she performed. It sounds good and could probably be perfect for an intimate dance, but not at a wedding, unless you are really trying to be super MESSY.  Save yourself the embarrassment or bruises and go with my suggested alternative: Why I Love You by MAJOR.

    Wedding No No: If Walls Could Talk – Celine Dion

    I remember the first time I encountered this song. It was in 1999 when Celine released her ‘All the Way’ album. I love it for a number of reasons such as the fact that it was produced by Robert ‘Mutt’ Lange, ex-husband of Shania Twain plus, Shania did some of the backup on the track.

    The song is sensual, perfectly arranged and sets the tone for so much romance. So no wonder it is a popular tune at strip joints and go-go clubs in Jamaica, which is funny because it was never a single, so DJs at these clubs must’ve really loved it, thus solidifying its popularity. All that being said, let’s lower the temperature at the wedding a tad bit and leave this off the playlist, at least, during the early part of the reception. Keep it safe and accessible and suggest the DJ play another Celine fave: Because you Loved me.

    Wedding No No: Ordinary People – John Legend

    Alright, weddings are deep and emotionally, they rank pretty high as life events. But is the ceremony the place to dig up all that ‘real’ drama? It is supposed to be a fantasy that will  make not only an indelible impression on guests, but give the married couple something wonderful to remember for years to come (hopefully). That said, reminding that they are ordinary people “who just need to take it slow” is NOT goals’.  Cut to the chase and make an appropriate dedication with John’s other tune: All of me

    I know I’m not the only one – Sam Smith

    So, my admission, I loved Sam Smith’s first album and the songs he wrote and performed so ably during that era. However, his repertoire leaves much to be desired when it comes to visions of matrimonial bliss.  Here-to-fore, it would be highly inappropriate for anyone attending a wedding or otherwise involved to either perform or dedicate this song to the happy couple. I don’t care if you love it. Sadly, it’s slim pickings from Sam, because he hasn’t quite mastered presenting stable relationships in his music just yet. That said, if you must have a Sam Smith song played, choose: Latch (Acoustic). 


    Ready For Love – India Arie

    India Arie has a song for every mood. For the generation who may have missed her emergence and glory days, do a youtube search for “Strength, Courage and Wisdom” (you’re welcome). She has a number of ballads and has always been able to capture some of those vulnerable aspects of relationships and love that, otherwise don’t get featured in popular music (Just check this tune).

    Now, Ready for Love would seem like a perfect complement to any wedding, however check the lyrics and you’ll realize that it speaks to a place on the journey of love that the newlyweds should be past. I would hope that I am more than ready for love on my wedding day, but maybe that’s just me. She has a beautiful alternative in this song: Can I walk with you. 

    Tell me some of your wedding song no-no’s and must haves in the comments section!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • Change Everything!

    Change Everything!

    I’ve been absent but not missing.

    What started out as a one month blogging break eventually turned into a two month sabbatical.

    The break became necessary as I used the time to manage some monumental changes in my life.

    By far the biggest change that took place over the past two months was planning and implementing my move from one living space to another. Leaving the nest is a big deal because it is a meticulous gathering of your entire physical life from one space to the next and it is equal parts emotional and tiring as you strive to jump from one rock to another, while carrying a bunch of stuff you have acquired along the way.

    The whole experience paired with some other observations, have given me an opportunity to focus on change and why it is so vital for myself and all of us to accept.

    I often hear the statement: “The only constant thing in life is change” but right now, I could wax poetic for hours about change and all the wonders of newness!

    “The only constant thing in life is change”

    Change is the fertilizer that keeps me growing and every time I get an opportunity to evolve I take it.


    I have always been willing to accept change, because many times in my life, I had no choice but being willing to accept and acclimatize to change, always meant looking for that silver lining.

    There are many people who perceive me to be happy-go-lucky, positive and optimistic, and for the most part, their perception is correct, however that attitude is grounded in my willingness to always deal with changes as they come.

    People are People

    By far the most challenging changes I usually have to deal with is the shifting sands of loyalty from some of those closest to me, whether friends or family. It is always difficult when the actions of some people in your life cause you to take a closer look at them and how they fit into your life.

    Where most people seem to have a problem is when they have to make a decision to change course in a relationship, because culturally some of us have been taught to hold on until something detrimental happens that proves that the worse has occurred.

    I have adopted a simple principle when it comes to dealing with changes in the nature of my relationships. This includes anything that changes my perception of said relationship and the person – When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.

    “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Oprah Winfrey

    This mantra has allowed me to really see the people who are part of my life, and acknowledge them accordingly. Sometimes, what I considered “change” was not in fact a shift in behaviour, just another opportunity to really see a person as they are.

    I am always thankful for those opportunities and whenever, upon reflection I ponder on why or how someone changed, I always seek to discover what was always right before my eyes.

    Roll, Roll, Roll

    Changes come into our lives in many shapes and forms and are often unexpected. Unplanned changes appear most daunting because the possible outcomes are always in the shadows.

    For example, changing jobs years ago was a joy, because of the possibilities that awaited me, plus an improved salary offer. But the unknown element did more than just scare me, it served to inspire me to not only give my all and really savour the opportunity to learn something completely new.

    From that experience, I’ve learned that the inverse of my fear and anxiety regarding a challenge will be excitement, satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment. It can be no other way! Why go through a challenge and not come out triumphant on the other side?

    Change is Good

    Finally, there comes a time when change becomes necessary, because it takes us to the next phase. It’s impossible to get to that unknown place, without accepting and adapting.

    I know many people who are afraid of change because it makes them uncomfortable and disoriented. But in many ways, discomfort usually means that a change is taking place, that more often than not, will be to your benefit.

    Discomfort is often a prelude to growth and that’s important to all of us, but whatever the change, whatever the challenge, just Keep Moving Forward!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog by filling out the pop-up (if you haven’t done so yet) share your content suggestions here.

  • You are a Force of Nature – Own It!

    You are a Force of Nature – Own It!

    I, like many others in the Caribbean, continue to watch spellbound as Hurricane Irma makes her destructive stride across the Caribbean, on her way to the US mainland.

    Earlier this week, I told a friend I felt compelled to use Irma as a metaphor to illustrate a point about how self-limiting we can be at times, even as the world sees us for the force of nature we truly are.

    I won’t continue with the metaphor but the message stands true.

    Self Sabotage

    How many times have you complained about a talent, that you didn’t have or something you thought you just couldn’t do? Or maybe it was a physical feature you thought wasn’t good enough?

    There are two distinct memories I have of doing just that and it took years for me to realize what the bigger lesson was.

    Interestingly enough, both incidents occurred while I was in University completing my first degree. It was a period I considered a second chance to step into adulthood after the ravages of high school (I’m dramatic, I know).


    My dream was to become a a broadcast journalist and I was blessed to receive some of the most nuanced and engaging training from Ms. Monica Johnson. She taught me Voice and Diction and Radio Broadcasting 1.

    Ms. Johnson, to this day is a dear mentor and friend, who back then, made you feel like you were the most special person on the planet, in a room full of other people. Her classes were a must-attend event, because we all knew that not only would we learn something, but also leave feeling a renewed sense of being.

    Talent-wise, I realised early on that I was blessed, but never did I take for granted that I stood to benefit and grow from any instruction and guidance, something I continue to hold true.

    Most people who have to work in broadcasting, or any sphere of self expression where they have to record, especially their speaking voice, will all say, they hated the sound of their own voice, at first.


    via GIPHY

    I am no different, but I would prefer to think I was indifferent to my voice, as opposed to all out hated it.

    It was ok, it could do interesting stuff and other people seemed to like it.

    But I distinctly remember an interlude that occurred after completing a voice exercise during one of Ms. Johnson’s radio classes.

    I had just finished reading a radio ad or some other piece, and Ms Johnson asked me: “How do you feel about that?

    And I remember telling her that “I would like to make my voice a little deeper.”

    What she said next floored me.

    She said “Kevin, you have a very warm voice. I think that was very good.”

    It seemed simple enough but it had a real impact on my self-perception.

    I was so busy wanting a deep (er) voice, I completely missed the fact, that what I may’ve lacked in depth, I had in warmth.

    Jaw Dropper

    The second illuminating experience also occurred during my college years just before I got braces.

    Now, anyone who knew me in high school would probably remember the rambling madness that was my teeth.

    I had an open bite and pre-molars making their own rows where ever they chose. The top and bottom rows of my teeth were off-center  and my lip posture  was completely off. Needless to say, there were moments I was self conscious about my teeth and my smile.

    I didn’t think cute or even passable when I considered myself and it didn’t help that I loved to laugh! (still do).

    And while I was self conscious, I had gone through enough name-calling for it to not matter too much by that point. My teeth were a part of who I was and I could live with that.

    So as the story goes… I was sitting with a class mate somewhere on campus and we were talking.

    Somehow the conversation got around to teeth and she said to me… “Kevin you have beautiful teeth.”

    And I responded “Really?!”

    “Yes you do,” she replied. “They are packed but they are still beautiful.”

    That was a jaw dropping moment because before then, the word beauty was NEVER one I associated with my teeth.

    How could anyone see beauty, in my packed, open bite, double rowed mouth?

    I had completely overlooked the fact, that though my teeth were “all over the place,” I had big strong teeth nonetheless.

    I had no dental caries, no cavities, they were all there and a healthy shade of chalk.

    Own it!

    via GIPHY

    These two small, but life altering exchanges have changed my outlook on life, who I think I am and how much of that limiting self-talk I am willing to believe.

    In each case, I was the first to point out all the things that were ‘wrong’ with me. But I neglected to acknowledge and appreciate the things that were good, and appealing. Somehow, loathing the ‘obvious’ was easier.

    I see this everyday in people who are close to me and not so close. They trample upon the aspects of who they are that make them special because they have to acknowledge and attempt to fix what is ‘wrong’.

    But we all should acknowledge and claim what is right and what is good about us!

    I am a Force of Nature

    I am able to achieve, create, grow, prosper and survive with all the gifts that I have been given.

    It is also significant that my eyes were opened to my own ‘gifts’ by other people. Sometimes, that outside perspective reveals aspects of who we are, that on our own, we refuse to acknowledge or accept.

    Don’t ignore the gift that you are.

    Keep searching, remain thankful and find all of what you have to offer the world.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Would love to hear your eye opening stories, feel free to share them with me here.