Category: Education

  • Conquering your Fear of Public Speaking

    Conquering your Fear of Public Speaking

    If you’ve been a reader of this blog for some time, or if you know me, you would have picked up that I am a Toastmaster and a fan of public speaking.

    Working in communications, specifically radio, gave me practice using my voice, but joining the professional organisation known as Toastmasters International helped me to refine my presentation skills, even more.

    I recently had the opportunity to share some of my personal insights on public speaking on the Creatives on Fire podcast with Nadine Tomlinson – you can listen here.

    We had a fun conversation about public speaking, and I sought to address how persons can better embrace instead of fear these opportunities whenever they arise.

    Listening back to the conversation I realized that there are a few takeaways that have helped me immensely over the years.

    Where it all Began

    I can distinctly remember the first time I realized that just because I am articulate on the radio it didn’t automatically make me a good public speaker.

    It was during a public speaking workshop no less, where participants were being taken through the paces of sharing stories at the lectern. We were all tasked with preparing a brief speech about something of interest to us (if memory serves). I prepared something on paper and was mostly clear on how I was going to present it, however before we presented, our trainers provided insight on public speaking best practice.

    I had my draft speech all wrong and wanted to make changes to ‘improve it’.

    Well, I made my changes as best I could, however I had little to no time to really familiarize myself with the narrative.

    I went up to the lectern and I was completely stumped!

    What made this even worse was the fact that those who went before me were just about flawless in their presentations and even received commendations but I sunk like a deflated balloon.


    I experienced the deadliest cocktail of dread any person who fears public speaking could ever undergo:

    • Standing at a microphone facing a large group of people
    • I wasn’t sure of my material
    • Followed speakers who were really good
    • Embarrassed and blubbering

    That feeling of standing before an expectant audience, knowing that you are doomed but looking back at the blank faces because you know that they do not want to be in your position and they cannot offer any help.

    It was a public speaking disaster.  I took it in stride and promised to learn from that experience.

    When I was invited to join Toastmasters I was mentally prepared for the journey because I had experienced the worst public speaking fail and lived through it. No way was I going to shrink from an opportunity to do better and be great.

    On the journey as a Toastmaster I’ve learned three important things that I touched on in the podcast that I can speak about more here.

    Fear public speaking? You are not Alone

    If you’re like me, there was a time when the thought of getting up and addressing an audience of more than one person scared you to death. There’s a name for that -Glossophobia or fear of public speaking and it is more common than most of us believe. Appreciating that other people share this fear, I think, is the first step in getting over it. In fact, it may be an opportunity to laugh at yourself and truly come to terms with the experience.

    Think about public speaking from the micro level – every time you utter a word to someone else, it is a form of public speaking. You measure your progression by the growing size of audiences you are comfortably able to address over time. The only way you will be able to do this, is to get practice. Start small, start with family, at family gatherings, at church, in class, in your office but don’t take for granted the valuable experience you gain by simply doing it more often. Not only will you get used to public speaking over time, but there’s a high chance that you will learn and also grow.

    Power of the Pause

    I spoke a bit about this during the podcast, how pauses, strategically placed during a speech can elevate your oratorical skills. The next time you happen to hear a well known speaker address an audience, note how many times they make short pauses within the speech.

    Not only does it help them to catch a breath, the pause also engages the audience by allowing them time to think about some of what the speaker is saying. It is not a bad thing, it isn’t awkward when done correctly and as a speaker it also gives you a bit of time to gather your thoughts.

    Be Prepared 

    Finally, one of the most important aspects of public speaking we all seem to forget at some point is the ‘why’ of it all. Why are you standing before your audience and speaking? Of course the nightmare scenario of a request for impromptu speaking is always possible but even then, there is an expectation that you know something.

    In every other instance, the speaker must prepare. Read, memorise, write down, study, whatever you must do to ensure that you are familiar with your subject matter. Preparation helps you to be familiar with the topic, or even the written copy of your speech, but it’s plain common sense.

    Unfortunately, many people get intimidated because they want to be a great impromptu speaker without any experience at all. It really doesn’t work like that and only through doing, practicing, failing and learning will we ever get better at it. I really hope these insights can be useful if you are struggling with public speaking.  Let me know in the comments how you cope with public speaking jitters.

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

    Subscribe to the blog here  and share your content suggestions here.

  • My Year of Reading

    My Year of Reading

    After the rush of Christmas and all things festive to ring out 2017, I took the first two weeks of 2018 as a time to reflect, observe and feel out the pace of this very momentous year.

    I am being patient with myself and also mindful of the excitement that these first weeks bring.

    After all they are loaded with so much care, so much anticipation and hope. But I am aware that we have 12 months so I need to make my steps strategic

    That said, during this time, I made some very interesting observations, some new and others, necessary reminders.

    Here they are:

    1. Keep a “To-Don’t” List
    2. Don’t fight over things that are behind you
    3. Perfection a.k.a. procrastination is the enemy of progress
    4. Life comes at you quick
    5. Life is fragile
    6. You’re only a single decision away from changing your life forever, at any given moment

    While doing all this ‘observing’, I realized that with all the excitement of 2017, I hadn’t taken a proper vacation!

    It was an exciting year for me: got a mini promotion, then a mega promotion all while starting this blog, being voted my club’s Toastmaster of the year and becoming an adjunct lecturer at my alma mater.

    But all that means nothing if I’m not taking enough time for self-care. Therefore I am making an effort to schedule and take my hold-over vacation days. This means more time for one of my favourite things to do, reading!

    Reading Maketh the Man

    I’m declaring this the year of reading because I really will be reading a lot more than usual. I currently have a bevy of books on my list and I plan to read as many as I can.

    My love of historic and contemporary literature, means that I am trying to balance between the works of Marlon James and Yaa Gyasi as well as historical non-fiction, and some notable self help books.

    Reading is important to me because I believe that being able to get lost in a book is always a good thing. I don’t discriminate either.

    Many people feel that reading self empowerment books are all we need to make our lives better. Who doesn’t want to learn how to win Friends and influence people or the Power of Intention?

    I too would love the benefits of these deep, thought provoking meditations on how to live a better life and be a fully self actualized person. But I also think it’s beneficial to enjoy the stories, real or imagined, that fill our lives and allows us all to think.

    One of the most interesting books I read in 2017 came quite by surprise (Thank you Amazon). I happened upon this book while scrolling through twitter, via an article.

    The article chronicled the story of Gail Lukasik who discovered that her mother was actually part black but chose to pass for white and abandoned her African-American origins.

    She wrote about her experience and her journey to discovering a whole new family in a book titled White Like Her: My Family’s Story of Race and Racial Passing.

    I learned so much reading that book and it was an immense pleasure, because it touched on topics I am very fond of – history, family and race, especially the idea of passing.

    Equally interesting was Kei Miller’s August Town, which was such a rich story set in Jamaica and filled with history.


    2018 is exciting! I have some interesting things planned for the blog in terms of content.

    I’m ready!

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!


    Subscribe to the blog in the comments sections to get notified with each new post and share your content suggestions here.

  • Speaking Life: My Toastmasters Journey… so far

    Speaking Life: My Toastmasters Journey… so far

    People say the darndest things.

    So there I was, in Vancouver, Canada stepping into a taxi, as I headed to a session of the 2017 Toastmasters International Convention.

    When I sat down and got settled, the affable driver asked: “What brings you to Vancouver, brother?”

    I replied: “I’m here for the Toastmasters International Convention” to which he responds…

    “Toastmasters? Are you guys like, cooks who are really good at making toast or something?

    I had a hearty laugh and so should you. I never fail to be surprised by the number of people who simply have no idea what Toastmasters is.

    Ya gonna learn today!

    I Got Skills…

    I always thought I was a good communicator and I always figured I was quite articulate. That was, until I was introduced to and later became a Toastmaster.

    Now, when I heard about Toastmasters Clubs, I was weary as I had already spent some years as a member of a service club.

    Nevertheless, as my department at work was the epi-centre of Toastmasters activities I decided to join.

    That was 5 years ago and today I am truly grateful for the experience and opportunities that have blossomed from me becoming a member of this international organisation.

    The Programme

    Toastmasters International was founded in the United States in 1924 by Ralph Smedley and has since grown into a global community of professionals.

    public speaking

    The Toastmasters Educational programme is based on projects that help members to practice and sharpen their public speaking and leadership competencies.

    I’ve done just over 30 prepared speeches in my Toastmasters journey so far, ranging from the basics of introducing myself to full interpretive readings of plays.

    And the further I go, the more latitude I get to choose projects that are tailored to my personal and professional needs.

    Probably the greatest aspect of Toastmasters is the evaluation process which sees, fellow members providing friendly and pointed evaluations of my presentations. These evaluations are guided by outlines that accompany each speech project. Each evaluation is usually delivered in the sandwich technique where positive feedback is given, followed by suggestions, then with positive feedback.

    Aside from prepared speeches, I have also benefitted from impromptu speaking opportunities through Table Topics. These sessions are a formal part of all toastmasters meetings and allows any member to complete a two minute speech on the fly.

    On the leadership track I have blossomed tremendously over the years. I have served in many different roles within my club and at the District level. Those stints have enabled me to put my teambuilding and leadership skills to the test. Today, the experiences are bearing fruit in my professional life.

    Unique Value Proposition

    Toastmaster International has probably one of the greatest unique value propositions of any programme you will encounter.

    Imagine, leadership and public speaking training that is set at your own pace and at a fraction of the cost of more formalized instruction. Thankfully, Jamaica has a network of Toastmasters clubs, most of which are community based and meet almost every day of the week.

    One of the most exciting aspects of the Toastmasters experience is the speech contests, which are held twice a year, at every level. The international speech contest, extends from club competitions, all the way to the global level. The semi-final and final rounds are held at the annual Toastmasters International Convention.

    Public speakinh
    Here I am sharing a moment with Ryan Avery, the 2012 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking at the 2013 TI Convention in Cincinnati.

    Speech contests are an opportunity to either participate or just watch competitive speakers, battle it out on the stage.

    This past summer was my second time attending a Toastmasters International Convention, having  attended the 2013 edition, held in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Canada Place in Downtown Vancouver, British Columbia

    As always, the convention floor is a melting pot of members from all over the world! I have networked with numerous people from various regions across the world. Through our common interests and the shared Toastmasters programme there were never ending conversations.

    public speaking
    Had the pleasure of meeting with the team of Toastmasters from Sri Lanka.

    The cosmopolitan city of Vancouver, provided the perfect backdrop to this year’s event. The city matched the eclectic mix of people and cultures present at the event.

    Speak Easy

    Today, I credit my improved speech flow, recall and vocal dexterity to my time as a Toastmaster!

    When I speak, I am clear that I will be heard and I know how to command an audience’s attention. I can confidently say that I have no fear of public speaking. My ability to articulate off the cuff, has also gotten better.

    public speaking

    As a lifelong learner, every toastmasters meeting and project I prepare for, teaches me something new.

    Probably the greatest transformations I have seen are in some of my fellow toastmasters. Members who have joined clubs and blossomed into confident speakers and leaders. Persons, who before joining were afraid to address a small group of people, have gone on to enter speech contests.

    The Toastmasters experience really works and watching others grow and flourish with their personal goals is truly inspiring.

    public speaking

    Leave a comment and let me know more about the outlets you use to fulfill your life-long learning needs.

    And remember, if you have post suggestions, let me know here

    Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!
