
Welcome to Kevin O’Bryan!!!

A space where you will find useful information and insights about life from the perspective of a millennial man.

Expect to see content covering lifestyle related issues ranging from work-life balance to food and everything in between.

Kevin O’Bryan.com was conceptualised in 2014, as a passion project to foster my creativity, and provide a space that would cover topics and issues of interest to me. The launch of the blog on August 8, 2017, my birthday, was significant as it was the realization of a dream that continues to unfold.

I bring to bear over a decade of experience as a communications professional. The blogosphere is a new medium for my creative content, one in which I aim to get fully immersed while I learn and grow.

I consider myself multi-faceted and blessed with varying levels of proficiency in a wide range of communications disciplines. A keen interest in the arts, food, literature, business, history and travel, are just some of the undergirding elements that keep me centered.

I hope to  inspire, challenge and inform everyone who interacts with this site. I am always open to suggestions and new content ideas, plus my curious mind is constantly buzzing with new concepts to share. Let’s get excited together, for this journey!

If you’ve made it this far, you can also subscribe to the blog here.

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Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!