35 Lessons in 35 Years

Life lessons

I grew up with this fatal vision that I would not live past age 18.


Because I was unlucky enough to reach that age in the dreaded year 2000, when calamity would strike and the Lord would come back and take his world.

Imagine my surprise then, that 17 years later, I am still here.

A thriving 30-something, ‘Adulting’ and still trying to understand this thing we call life.

“The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.”
― Robert Frost.

Today as I celebrate my 35th year of renewal, I realized it was a good time to reflect and recap some of the life lessons I have learned on my trod.

The whole exercise proved revelatory and for some of these lessons, it took me a while to truly find words to describe them, but here goes.

In no particular order of importance: Life Lessons

  1. Turning 30 wasn’t that big a deal after all, in fact I felt like my true adulthood began in my 30’s!
  2. If you’re lucky, your maturity and wisdom will peak at the right time for you to start putting the two together and change your life.
  3. A mother’s love is indispensable.
  4. The prayers of the matriarchs of your family count for something.
  5. You actually can become friends with your ‘co-workers’, but stay woke.
  6. Stay away from people who prefer Juici over Tastee beef patties. You never need that kind of negativity in your life.
  7. Try to figure out religion and spirituality for yourself, it will be of immense value.
  8. Your gut is always right!
  9. The worst end, to the best relationship will not be your undoing. In fact, it could be your opportunity to level up.
  10. It is ok to take your time to grow up. If you’re lucky, there will be a lot of years of ‘adulting’ to do all those ‘big people’ stuff.
  11. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of you. Self care is the best thing since sliced bread.
  12. People love differently, but don’t let that blind you to what love should feel like, for you.
  13. Reading is FUNDAMENTAL!
  14. Your education becomes more valuable, the older you get. Get that paper, get that training.
  15. Nobody really wants a nice guy.Life Lessons
  16. None of us are born with good judgement. It’s like a muscle that must be exercised in order to grow and become stronger.
  17. Learn to swim.
  18. You love who you love and no matter how the world tries to change that fact, it remains self evident and true.
  19. Assertiveness is a gift.
  20. Being you is often times easier said than done, but it will always be worth it.
  21. Being thankful through all circumstances, good and bad, makes a difference to your outlook on life. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, as long as you’re willing to look.
  22. It is ok to have different ‘tribes’ for different aspects of your life.
  23. There’s a difference between being valuable and being valued. See how this applies to your professional and personal relationships.
  24. The word ‘No’ is a gift.
  25. There’s no shame to your game if you can’t dance, but if you’re so inclined, take a few lessons.
  26. Be willing to walk from any situation or person that makes you feel less than.
  27. At a certain point in your life, you won’t care about the degrees and certificates as much, you will just want to learn about new things.
  28. Accept that disagreements or even arguments are part of the process and shouldn’t define relationships,
  29. It takes time to master the art of making lemonade out of lemons but when you do, your whole outlook on life and circumstances immediately change.
  30. No matter how far you run, at the end of the day, you have to face the man in the mirror. Ensure that he’s ok, before you fully face the world.
  31. You are braver and stronger than you think.
  32. Mentors come in many forms.
  33. The good you do, for others counts for something. They will remember, even if you forget.
  34. You are not your hair (Take this from someone who started losing it before age 25).
  35. They may say that you’re shady, but they can never call you dishonest.Life lessons

Birthdays are a time of great celebration and joy but years ago, my big brother Pete, introduced me to the idea of looking at my birthday, as a New Year celebration.

So along with these lessons I’ve learned and with the launch of this blog, I’d say that my new year is already looking up.

More time to Be inspired, Be informed, Be Glorious!

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38 responses to “35 Lessons in 35 Years”

  1. warren robinson Avatar
    warren robinson

    Great read!

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thanks for reading!

  2. Pete McFarlane-Clarke Avatar
    Pete McFarlane-Clarke

    I love the open and vulnerable sharing. Very forwarding messages!!

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you bro!

  3. Esther Daley Avatar
    Esther Daley

    Awesome! I love your writing style.

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Esther! I’ll keep growing 🙂

  4. Lyndon Avatar

    Happy New Year! Hope you have a great time celebrating. Thank you for sharing those lessons.

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Lyndon!

  5. Anthonio L. Orridge Avatar

    This is awesome. Great read!!

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you!

  6. Racheal Callaghan Avatar
    Racheal Callaghan

    Numbers 6, 22 and 31 are golden! A good read and a good start 🙂

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Racheal! Glad it connected 🙂

  7. Suzanne Osborne Avatar
    Suzanne Osborne

    You keep growing and I will keep watching! Proud of you and proud to know you Kevin!

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Suzanne!! Will do!

  8. Nikki Avatar

    Love it I’m very proud of you cuz

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Cuz 🙂

  9. Trevesa Avatar

    So proud of you! Great lessons! Looking forward to the book 🙂

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Hahaha speaking it into being Trevesa!

  10. Nadine Tomlinson (@naditomlinson) Avatar

    Welcome to the blogosphere, Kev! It’s your birthday but the insight and life lessons you shared make me feel as if I’ve received a gift. Thank you for being so open. I’m so glad you’re here, at this time, thriving and sharing your gifts with us. We need what you have to bring. Continue to grow in wisdom, strength, and creativity. And thanks for the chuckles. 🙂

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      It’s my pleasure Nadine!

  11. kimberly Avatar

    Amazing life lessons. I am so sharing this.

  12. Johann McCullock Avatar
    Johann McCullock

    I’m glad I took the time to read this. Quite a few of these lessons I have already learnt; others I am learning now. Thanks for the reaffirmation.

  13. Kadian Avatar

    Quite insightful Kevin…was able to look within ME through your lessons. Blessings in abundance…keep soaring!!!

  14. Marsha Jarrett Avatar
    Marsha Jarrett

    Kevinnnnn you were always a great writer!!!! I love it esp #6 DWL!!!!!!!

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Marsha! #6 is everything lol

  15. Yahneake Sterling Avatar
    Yahneake Sterling

    Great read Kev! Love it! I’ve learned many of these lessons myself.

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you for reading Yahn!

  16. Yolanda Smith Avatar

    You’ve always been open,great read.Thanks for sharing.

  17. Swe Avatar

    Great way to kick off your blog Kevin. Super inspirational, Hope by time I’m 30 something I’d garner as much wisdom as you have… Can’t wait for the next post.

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thanks man!

      1. Joyett Johnson Avatar
        Joyett Johnson

        Congrats on an awesome read Kevin!

        1. KevinObryan Avatar

          Thank you for Reading!

  18. Gill Avatar

    Good read Kevin. My fave is #6…question..why can’t all patty lovers get along..😂😂stop dividing us sir. Some of us only had Juicy in the St Elizabeth.

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Haha and in Kingston we only had Tastee

  19. leongunning Avatar

    Enough material for at least 35 more blog posts my man! Keep that smile and that style for another 35 more years and then enjoy the benefits for the last bit.

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Leon! Will do.

  20. Shoshana Avatar

    Very insightful! Thanks for sharing Kev!

    1. KevinObryan Avatar

      Thank you Shosh!